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1、25. Being a movie star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling owing _ a heavy schedule. A . for B. to C. over D. with26. I prefer buying a new flat in Pudong New Area to living in _close to Jingan Temple, as I want to live with my parents in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park. A. it B. that C. one D

2、. the one27.You _ have done all the calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of things. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. neednt30. They will have you _ if you dont pay taxes, because it is everyones duty to pay taxes. A . arrest B. arrested C. to be arrested D. being arrested32._ to get a se

3、at for the concert, he didnt mind standing in a queue all night. A. Determine B. To be determined C. Determined D. Being determined33. It is useless to try to talk to him, as he _.Please wait patiently till he completely comes to. A . has just fainted B. is just fainting C. had just fainted D. has j

4、ust been fainting34. Ms. Miller made an exciting speech on TV, leading to a _discussion over the project. A . heat B. heating C. being heated D. heated35. Frankly speaking, in many countries _ is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people. A . which B. that C. what D. Where39.

5、_you write on a subject ,you join in an ongoing, trans-historical conversation with others who have written about your topic. A. No matter what B. Wherever C. Whenever D. No matter how28.With the great weight _ off her mind, she passed the test successfully.A. takingB. takenC. takeD. to be taken33.I

6、 suppose by the time I come back in ten years time all these old houses _ down.A. will have been pulled B. will be pullingC. will have pulled D. will be pulled 34.Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents _ students got injured or killed while in school.A

7、. why B. when C. in which D. for which37. Handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers, historians say, _ their reliability can be confirmed. A. thoughB. so that C. while D. because28. Well be free tomorrow, so I suggest _to the history museum.A. to visit B. visitingC. we should visit D. a

8、 visit29. The most serious problem _ our teachers is how to send more students to top universities. A. faced B. facing C. to face to D. facing to31. In the early days there were not _as many women migrant as there were males , so many of the men remained bachelors (单身汉) A. almost B. nearly C. hardly

9、 D. likely32. _these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination. A. Even though B. As C. In spite of D. While33. Advertisements have become part of our everyday life and so its import

10、ant that everyone of us _ ourselves about them to avoid being fooled by themA. be educated B. educates C. educate D. is to educate34. Living near the sea ,_A. we enjoy healthy air and beautiful sight. B healthy air and beautiful sight is what we enjoyC. it is healthy air and beautiful sight we enjoy

11、 D so we enjoy healthy air and beautiful sight37. It is not how much money you will give us but that you are present at the ceremony _ really matters.A. which B. it C. what D. that38. Mr Wang made up his mind to devote all he could_ his oral English before going abroad. A. improve B. to improve C. i

12、mproving D. to improving 39. We should do more such exercises in the future,I think,_ those we did yesterday.A. as B. like C. about D. than 25. The large grassland, reaching out far away, seems extremely beautiful _ the blue and clean sky A. among B. between C. against D. in27. The more things a man

13、 is interested in, _.A. the more he will have opportunities of happinessB. the more opportunities of happiness he will have C. the more opportunities of happiness will he have D. much more opportunities of happiness he will have28. I advise you to stay away from Maria. Although she is usually easy-g

14、oing, she _ be quite annoying sometimes. A. can B. need C. must D. should34. After graduation, he went on to do some of the most important scientific research ever _. A. being carried out B. carried out C. to be carried out D. was carried out35. In our daily life, we often come across occasion _ we

15、have to tell white lies to avoid hurting others. A. that B. which C. when D. where25. You will see what great benefit the computers you own can be _ every time we use them.A.atB. ofC. forD. on27. _ all night in such cold weather caused her to suffer from a high fever and terrible cough.A. Bettys wor

16、kingB. Betty to workC. Betty workedD. Betty working28. Our parents and teachers often tell us that we _ be careful enough no matter what we do. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. neednt30. Since 1953 _ people all over the world have succeeded in climbing the Himalayas. A. hundred of B. several hundred

17、s C. several hundreds of D. several hundred31. He _ as a mechanic for 10 years but now he turns businessman investing in the stock market. A. has worked B. had worked C. worked D. was working34. Over the Huangpu River _ four grand bridges in Shanghai so far. A. have been builtB. have built C. has be

18、en builtD. built35. Mankind must have in mind that it will be years, even centuries, _ the environment recovers from the damage he makes to it.A. that B. before C. when D. since26. A minibus carrying 14 students rolled over on a Friday afternoon, two students killed and six _ badly injured.A. anothe

19、rB. the other C. others D. the others30. As we all know, it is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. A. which B. whatC. thisD. that35. _ the coming Olympic Parks architects have in mind is to build the largest urban park in Europe in 150 years.A. WhatB. How C. ThatD. Which36. I failed in t

20、he final examination last term and only then _ the importance of regular and proper revision.A. did I realizeB. I realizedC. had I realizedD. I had realized26. Talking of different cultures, we must admit the fact that people from different cultures have _ in common than we usually realize.A. much B

21、. many C. nothing D. more30. At the current rate, four-fifths of the tremendous project _ to be finished by the end of this year. A. expecting B. expects C. is expected D. will expect 31. Rare species in the world, _ by hundreds every year, must be jointly preserved by all countries, or humans will

22、encounter ecological disaster in the near future. A. disappeared B. disappearing C. disappear D. having disappeared32. English is a course for anyone in university, _ his or her major or previous educational qualifications are. A. whateverB. whether C. howeverD. no matter39. The “magical apple”, whi

23、ch we wish not to be the last one _ us, has inspired the imagination and passion of millions of people. A. fascinate B. fascinating C. fascinated D. to fascinate 40. It was not until the eleventh century, when a young lady brought a fork to Italy _.A. and the custom reached EuropeB. that the custom

24、reached EuropeC. where did the custom reach EuropeD. did the custom reach Europe25. The bridge connecting the two islands is _ construction and is expected to be completed in October. A. onB. inC. withD. under26. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _ by m

25、eans of speech. A. the otherB. anotherC. an otherD. other29. I have promised that my daughter _ get a new electronic dictionary on her next birthday. A. shouldB. mustC. shallD. would31. Did you remember to give Tom the key to the bike? Yes. I gave it to him _ I saw him. A. as long asB. onceC. the mo

26、mentD. while36. I dont see much chance _ the girl injured in the train accident will recover completely so as to walk all on her own. A. whichB. thatC. ifD. until37. The town, _ thousands of travelers visit every year, is known for its stone bridge and beautiful rivers. A. whichB. thatC. whereD. /38

27、. _ at the top of the Oriental Tower, people below will look very small. A. StandB. StandingC. To standD. If you stand39. Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind _ by their grandparents. A. to be raisedB. raisedC. being raisedD. raising27.

28、What every student really needs is fair treatment and attention from the teacher, _?A. doesnt heB. does heC. isnt itD. is it30.The closeness of Standford to San Francisco, a city two miles to the north, _ the university a decidedly worldly attraction.A. was givingB. givesC. gaveD. had given31. Up ti

29、ll now, the passengers who had close contact with the three sick people _ in hospital under medical observation. A. put B. have put C. had been put D. have been put32. The queen bee appears _ well in the comb built by the diligent worker bees.A. to nurseB. to be nursedC. to have nursedD. being nurse

30、d33. The US Food and Drug Administration, _ the safety of food and drugs, has defended American people in hundreds of food and drug crises.A. to monitorB. monitoredC. monitoringD. having monitored35. _ feeling the global Apple fans had when word came that the legendary(传奇的) former CEO Steve Jobs pas

31、sed away!A. How sorrowfulB. How a sorrowfulC. What sorrowfulD. What a sorrowful25. It is _ any doctors power to confine the drug-resistant germ, so many people are infected.A. within B. beyondC. byD. with26. The threats to the health of astronauts in space are very different from _ on earth. A. ones

32、B. thatC. itD. those 28. The fact that fun is not equal to happiness may be the opposite of _ many people actually understand.A. whyB. thatC. which D. what30. I can tell you were in such a hurry. You _ your costly dinner jacket inside out.A. had wornB. woreC. wearD. are wearing34. He had to be calle

33、d two or three times _ he would switch off the computer to his dinner. A. untilB. before C. whenD. as37. No sooner _ than the wedding ceremony was announced to begin. A. had the limousine arrived B. did the limousine arrive C. had the limousine arrive D. arrived the limousine 40. Researchers are now

34、 conducting hibernation experiments and can use chemicals to put living cells into sleep-like state _ they dont age. A. for whichB. thatC. whereD. which25. Should people pursue their own happiness the expense of others?A. by B. through C. for D. at27. According to some scientists, global warming the

35、 survival of the whole human race.A. threaten B. threatens C. are threatened D. is threatened28. A new laptop costs about of a second-hand one.A. the price of three times B. three times the priceC. as much as the three times price D. three times than the price29. A very sharp increase some Fed offic

36、ials to push for higher rates to restrain inflation.A. need have persuaded B. might have persuadedC. must have been persuaded D. might have been persuaded35. You should allow two weeks for your visa application .A. to process B. to be processed C. processed D. to be processing36. I kept getting myst

37、erious phone calls the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.A. where B. which C. when D. that25. It is believed that those who attend lessons _ great concentration are more likely to be top ones. A. on B. in C. with D. over26. There are many spelling mistakes in this exercise book, so it is _

38、but satisfactory. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something27. Retirement is obviously a very complex adjustment period and _ you start planning for it, the better. A. earlier B. earliest C. the earliest D. the earlier28. Although most dreams apparently happen unconsciously, dream activities

39、 _ by outside influence. A. may be provided B. must be provided C. should be provided D. will be provided32. Sometimes giving a gift is better than spoken communications, since the message it _ can break through barriers of language. A. offered B. offers C. will offer D. has offered36. By _ classes,

40、 the college students are wasting their parents money and failing to treasure the opportunity to acquire knowledge. A. being avoided B. to avoid C. avoiding D. avoided39. Undoubtedly speaking, Jobs digital products are of great benefit to _ applies them at work. A. whoever B. whatever C. who D. what

41、40. Clearly there is much to be desired _ it comes to the quality of teachers and their teaching methods. A. when B. since C. until D. although25.You answered every question properly, and you were totally qualified _ this job.A. forB. ofC. toD. with30.Your job is to make my work easier, _ it more di

42、fficult.A. not make B. not to makeC. not to makingD. not making35.It was evening _ we reached the little town of Winchester.A. till B. thatC. sinceD. before37.If your typical text costs $100 for a new edition, used _ $75, an e-book $55, and a rental $45. A. costs B. costC. will costD. have cost39.Are you worried ab


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