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1、Unit 3Is this your pencil?,刘瑞昌 张文辉,Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,section A,Whats this ?Its a/an .,Whats this?,Its a ruler.,Whats that?,Whats this?,Its a pencil.,Whats that?,Whats this?,Whats that?,Its a dictionary.,Its a dictionary.,Whats this?,Whats that?,Its a pencil sharpener.,Its a pencil sharpene

2、r.,Whats this?,Whats that?,Its an eraser.,Its an eraser.,Whats this?,Whats that?,Its a backpack.,Its a backpack.,Is this your backpack? Yes. it is. / No, it isnt,Is that your backpack? Yes. it is. / No, it isnt,his,her,Is his / her ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,Whats this in English? Its an eraser.,Ho

3、w do you spell eraser?,E-R-A-S-E-R.,backpack,ruler,book,dictionary,pen,key,pencil sharpener,pencil,Whats this?Is it a ? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.,Is this your pencil?,Unit 3,Xia Tiantian Minghu Middle School,Section B(1a-3a),New words and phrases:,baseball must watch ask computer ask.for. game find fo

4、und ID card lost notebook call ring some bag at in library a set of Anna John e-mail (email) classroom David,Memory Challenge,记忆挑战,看谁记住最多!,Game,Spell the words Get the things,baseball,watch,IDcard,computer game,notebook,ring,Excuse me.Whats this in English? -Its a/an How do you spell it? . Is this y

5、ours/hers/his? Yes,it is.Its mine/hers/his. No,it isnt.Its hers/his/mine.,backpack,dictionary,No.1 do 1c No.2.Where are they? No.3.What are they doing?,B.In the lost and found case (在失物招领箱里),A.On the playground,Theyre looking for their lost things.,Conversation1 Linda:I lost my watch this morning. T

6、eacher:OK.Is this your watch? Linda:No, it isnt. Thats my watch. Teacher:Here you are. Linda:And thats my ID card. Teacher:OK.Whats your name? Linda:Linda,Conversation2 Mike:Thats my pen. Teacher:This? Mike:Yes.and thats my baseball. Teacher:All right.Whats your name? Mike:Mike Teacher:OK.Heres your

7、 baseball. Mike:Thank you.,看我你就记住我!,看我你就记住我!,Lost,and,Found,watch,John,495-3539,School ID card,Tom,685-6034,Is this your watch? My phone number is 495-3539.Call me. John,Lost: I lost my school ID card. I must find it.Call me at 685-6034.Thanks. Tom,Reading,1. call sb 给某人打电话 call + 某人 + at +电话号码 (打这个

8、号码给某人),2. must (modal.)情态动词,后接动词原形。 in the lost and found case (在失物招领处),Lets learn together,学一学,2,3,4,Found: A set of keys Please call David at 529-6403.,3b .Put these pieces in order to make a message.Write numbers in the boxes.,想一想,一串钥匙,根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启示和寻物启示。,捡到一个笔记本,失者可打电话425-6801找Bob. Found: Is

9、this ? Please Bob 425-6810.,试一试,今丢失双肩背包一个,有拾到者可打电话695-3059与David联系。 Lost: My backpack is lost My name is David. Please call 695-3059.,A notebook,your notebook,call,A,backpack,at,温馨提示,文章主题 通过写寻物启事和招领启事,达到物归 原主的目的。 谋篇布局 写寻物启事和招领启事时,要写清楚物品 是什么、丢失者或捡到者的姓名和联系方式,语言一定要简洁,不得详细描述物体特征,以防冒领。 遣词造句,1.习作中会用到哪些词语呢

10、? e.g, watch,a set of keys, 2.你知道写启事时会用到哪些基本的句型吗? e.g, 1) Is this? 2) Please call.,写一写,writing,Try to write lostfound notices to get your things back.,Culture notes,lostfound 在美国的许多公共场所,如公园,都设有失物招领处(lostfound office),失主可直接与之联系。,失物招领标志,return money found (拾金不昧),快乐阅读,1.读对话,做选择。,homework,1. 我捡到一部照相机,想还

11、给失主,请帮我写一份失物招领启示。 2. 一位外国朋友再逛世园会时,丢失了自己的身份证,请帮他写一则寻物启示。,3.完成短文填空。,homework,Found: Is this your key? Please call Jenny. Tel:610-3729 .,Lost: My cell phone(手机). My name is Peter. Please call 522-8260.,快乐阅读,根据启事判断下列句子的正 (A) 误(B)。 ( )1. This is Jennys key. ( )2. Jennys phone number is 610-3729. ( )3. Peter lost his cell phone. ( )4. Peter found Jennys key. ( )5. 522-8260 is Peters telephone number.,A,B,A,B,A,


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