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1、第1课时,Canada Banff National Park,Do you know these places?,China the Great Wall,England Big Ben,Australia Sydney Opera House,Cuba Havana,Canada,Brazil,Talk about your favorite country.,Thailand,Germany n. 德国,New Zealand,India n. 印度,1. together adv. 一起; 共同 e.g. We grew up together. 我们是在一块儿长大的。 Stay cl

2、ose together. 紧紧靠在一起。,2. interest n. 兴趣; 趣味 e.g. I have no interest in politics. 我对政治不感兴趣。 places of interest 景点 e.g. The Great Wall is one of the most famous places of interest in the world. 长城是世界上最著名的名 胜之一。,动词不定式属于非谓语动词的一种形 式, 它有什么特点呢?下面我们一起来探 究一下。 请仔细观察下列例句,然后将“结论”部 分补充完整。 1. Lin Tao wants to buy

3、 a new car. 2. Tom plans to visit China next month.,动词不定式,3. Judy hopes to see the movie with her parents. 4. Kate would like to fly a kite this afternoon. 5. Linda wishes to live in the countryside.,【结论】 通过观察上面的例句, 我们可以看出: 以上例句中的谓语动词后面都接 “to + _ (动词原形 / v.-ing形式)”这一结 构, 英语中把这样的结构称为“动词不定 式”, 这里的to没有

4、词义, 有时也可以省 略。动词不定式是非谓语动词, 在句子 中不能充当谓语, 没有人称和数的变 化。,动词原形,【拓展】 到目前为止, 我们接触过的后接带to的动 词不定式作宾语的搭配有: want to do; need to do; learn to do; plan to do; begin to do; try to do; forget to do; remember to do; like to do; wish to do; would like to do等。 (动词不定式的其他用法还很多, 在今后的 学习中, 我们还会接触到动词不定式更多 的用法。),根据汉语意思完成英语句子

5、。 1.我弟弟昨天学游泳了。 My brother _ yesterday. 2.他们打算一天打扫教室两次。 They _ the classroom twice a day. 3.那个小男孩想买一个新玩具。 The little boy _ a new toy.,learnt / learned to swim,plan to clean,wants to buy,/ / cute suit few news,/ / cool moon blue fruit,/ / bike lie high by,/ / palace busy habit,/ / year yes you,Pronuci

6、ation,根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺 单词。 1. Amy doesnt like math because she has no _(兴趣) in it. 2. _(德国) is one of the European (欧洲的) countries.,interest,Germany,3. Mike _(希望) to fly to the moon (月亮) one day. 4. Rita comes from _(印度). She studies with some other children in Shanghai.,wishes,India,根据句子或对话意思从方框中选

7、出恰当 的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. Spring Festival (春节) is coming. We hope to _ with my family. 2. Sue is _ her family with her classmate.,get together,talking about,3. There are many _ in Shanghai. 4. When do you plan to _ to your city? Next month. 5. The Greens would like to _ China this summer holiday.,places of interest,go back,travel around,Use the following expressions to make some sentences. want to , plan to, wish to , hope to, need to, would like to, forget to,


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