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1、二单项选择题 A. B. C. D.1. They my classmates.A. is B. are C.be D.am 2. There a reading-room and many classrooms in our school.A. is B. are C.be D.am 3. What interesting book !A. is B. a C.an D.am 4. I think is an old car.A. it B. they C.he D.its5. This is my desk. is over there.A. You B. Your C.Yours D.y

2、ours6. Look!Tom and Bob football on the playground .A. are playing B. is playing C.playing D. play 7. Why you come a little earlier ?A.do B. dont C. not D. doesnt8.He often TV on Sundays . A.watch B. watches C. watchs D. look 9. he himself there ?A. Do ; enjoy B. Does ; enjoies C. Does ;enjoys D.Doe

3、s;enjoy 10.I dont like chicken fish .A.and B. or C. so D. both11.You have talked much, you havent come to the point .A. but B.so C. and D.because 12.I some English book last year .A. buy B. buyed C.bought D.brought 13. Lets _ . A. go shopping B. went shopping C. goes shopping D. going shopping4. The

4、y want _ the zoo very much. A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to15. How many _ do you want? A. rice B. tomatos C. pieces of bread D. potato16. She _ lunch at home yesterday. A. doesnt B. didnt have C. doesnt have D. hasnt17. Thank you for _ us so much help. A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives

5、18. _ are the books? They are 20 yuan. A. How much B. What C. How many D. How money19. Lets take some _. A. photo B. photoes C. photos D.photoies20. Lily can _ all kinds of things. A. does B. do C. did D. doing3 根据下列要求改写句子。1. She works hard .(改为否定句) 2. I did my homework yesterday afternoon .(改为一般疑问句

6、) 3. Today is Thursday .(划线提问) 4. My coat is black .(划线提问) 5. Can you swim ?(作肯定回答) 6. Have you written a letter ?(作肯定回答) 7. This TV set is 2800 yuan .(划线提问) 湛江市纺织服装职业学校20172018学年第一学期计算机基础期末考试卷1、 基本操作题1. 将考生文件夹下LOBA文件夹中的TUXING文件夹删除。2. 将考生文件夹下ABS文件夹中的LOCK.FOR文件复制到同一文件夹中,文件命名为FUZHI.FOR。3. 为考生文件夹下WALL文

7、件夹中的PBOB.TXT文件建立名为KPBOB的快捷方式,并存放在考生文件夹下。4. 在考生文件夹下XILIE文件夹中创建名为BTNBQ的文件夹,并设置为隐藏属性。5. 搜索考生文件夹下的DONGBEI.DOC文件,然后将其删除。2、 字处理题1. 在考生文件夹下,打开文档WORD1.DOCX,按照要求完成下列操作并以该文件名WORD1.DOCX保存文档。(1) 将标题段文字(“赵州桥”)设置为二号红色黑体、加粗、居中、字符间距加宽4磅、并添加黄色底纹,底纹图案样式为“20%”。(2) 将正文各段文字设置为五号仿宋;各段落左右各缩进2字符、首行各缩进2字符、行距设置为1.25倍行距;将正文第三

8、段分为等宽的两栏、栏间距为1.5字符;栏间加分隔线。正文中所有“赵州桥”一词添加波浪下划线。(3) 设置页面颜色为“茶色,背景2,深色10%”,用考生文件夹下的”赵州桥。Jpg“图片为页面设置图片水印。在页面底端插入“普通数字3”样式页码,设置页码编号格式为“、”。2. 在考生文件夹下,打开文档WORD2.DOCX,按照要求完成下列操作并以该文件名ORD2.DOCX保存文档。(1) 设置表格居中,表格行高0.6厘米;表格中第1、2行文字水平居中,其余各行文字中部右对齐。(2) 在“合计(万台)”列相应单元格中,计算并填入右侧四列的合计数量,将表格后4行内容按“列6”列降序排序;设置外框线为1.5磅红色单实线,内框线为0.75磅蓝色(标准色)单实线。


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