Would you like to leave a message教学设计.doc

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1、Unit3 communicationLesson1 Would you like to leave a message? 教案一、课前准备Preparations多媒体课件,录音二、教学目标Teaching aims1、知识目标:(1)正确的读出并拼写生词。 (2)在给定的句型中熟练的使用生词。 (3)能用所学的句型接打电话。2、语言技能目标:能用所学的句型给老师,同学,家人打电话。3、情感态度目标:培养学生友好协作的精神和乐观自信的学习态度。4、学习策略目标:积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流;鼓励自主、合作、探究的学习行为。5、文化意识目标:了解打电话的礼仪知识。三、 教材分析本课是中等职

2、业教育规划教材英语第二册第三单元第一课内容,围绕打电话这一话题展开讨论。重点Teaching key points:认读识记本课词汇,并能在给定的句型中熟练地使用生词。难点:将所学的知识运用到实际生活中,在老师给定的生活情景中自由交流。四、教学策略Teaching & Learning Methods(1)任务型教学途径The Task-based Language Teaching Approach(2)情境教学法The Situational Teaching Approach. ( 3 )交际语言教学Communicative language teaching.(4)整体语言教学法Th

3、e Whole Language Teaching Approach五、教学过程Teaching Steps教学步骤设计意图Step 1 Warm-up. Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. My name isHow do you feel today? Im very glad to be here with all of you.First I will divide you into four groups. Because well have a competition in todays class. Lets se

4、e which group can be the winner.Step 2 Presentation1.watch a video about Mobile fhone.T: What can you see in the video? Yes, we can see the evolution of Mobile Phone. Do you have a Mobile Phone? What is the mobile phone used to do? (make a telephone call)We know making a phone call is an important m

5、ean of communication.(板书) We can communicate with others by the phone. But what other ways can we use to communicate? Now,talk about it.( 学生小组讨论)(talk face to face , chat online , by QQ, by wechat, send an e-mail, write messages, write letters and so on)2.T: Now Id like to show you some pictures, lo

6、ok, this is my son , he is only five years old , but he likes surfing the Internet, he likes playing games on the Internet, do you like surfing the Internet? We can listen to the music, play games, watch movies, chat with friends and we can get information on the net. It makes our life more colorful

7、. Show another picture , say :this is my best friend , she is a businesswoman, she often does ebusiness on the internet. The man is her partner. Picture 3: whats this ? Its a line. When we make a telephone call , we want the other person to have a wait , we say hold the line ,please.通过观看手机的发展史,引起学生的

8、兴趣,同时导入新课教师提出与生活息息相关问题,学生小组讨论解决,激发了学生的积极性创设情景 利用图片,引导学生学习生词。Step 3 have a competition,T: When I show a picture ,I say 1,2,3, the first stand up student can say and spell the words, if the answer is right ,can get a star for his/her team.Step 4 PresentationShow a picture, ask them : what are they doi

9、ng?S: They are talking on the phone. T:How to make a phone call? Can you make a telephone call in English? ( 让学生回忆以前所学知识,自由回答老师问题)Ask a student to stand up and ask : what is your name ? whats your home phone number? Then make a phone call with the student.A: Hello, Is that 85.?B: Yes.A: Can I speak

10、to .?B: Sorry, he isnt at school.A:Would you please take a message and tell her to call me back?B: OK.在教学中运用比赛的方式,激发他们的学习热情,提高学习效率。问一个学生要电话号码,然后打过去,能让学生感受到情景的真实性。Step 5 practice.Show the sentence patterns on the screen. Ask them to practice in pairs.Step 6 listening.Listen and fill in the blanks. Li

11、sten to it again ,try to act out the dialogue.Step 7 Role play. ( 用图片展示不同的情景供学生选择表演展示)Show the students three pictures on the screen, and ask them to make a telephone call in groups based on the picture they have chosen.1: Invite your friends Li Hua to take part in your birthday party on Sunday, but

12、 she isnt at home.How do you speak to her mother?2:You want to invite Mary to go to the movies, but she hasnt got a telephone at home, you ask Rose to take a message.3:You want Li Lei to play basketball with you , but he isnt at home. His sister picks up the phone.学生小组表演展示,教师点评。通过对话练习,听录音 进一步巩固所学知识。 让学生选择情景表演对话,检查学生语言输出的能力,同时又能激发学生兴趣。Step8 summary1. the words 2. the way of making a telephone call.Step4 homework:1) Remember todays new words &2) making a phone call to your friends in English板书设计:would you like to leave a message? Communication communicate Internet Online Message反思:


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