英语:Unit 10 Amusement Park模拟试题(北京课改版八年级上).doc

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1、Unit 10 Amusement Park【模拟试题】(答题时间:90分钟)I. 根据句意和首字母补全单词:1. What do you t_ of the Summer Palace? *2. People p_ into Peking University Gymnastics. *3. Why did the Olympic Games a_ so many people? *4. I dont want to go there. Because I have ever been to the a_ park. *5. Its really an unforgettable e_! I

2、t helps me relax. II. 用所给词的适当形式填空:*1. Have you ever _ (do) roller skating? Yes, I have. *2. Have you done an horse _ (ride)? *3. _you ever _(be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I have. I _ (go) there last year. 4. Did you enjoy _ (stay) up late? Yes, I did. *5. Linda thought _ (cook) Chinese food was interesting

3、. III. 根据中英提示完成下列各句:1. 你觉得故宫怎么样? _the Palace Museum. *2. 你去过海南吗? _ Hainan? *3. 她听到这个消息时,情不自禁地哭了。 When she heard the news, she _. *4. 熬夜对我们没有好处。 _ for us _. *5. 老师教育我们不要放弃希望。 The teacher _ the hope. IV. 单项选择:*1. _you _here before? Yes, only once. A. Have, been to B. Have, been C. Have, gone to D. Hav

4、e, gone *2. _ the game? Its so exciting and wonderful. A. What do you like about B. How do you like about C. What do you think of D. How do you like of 3. Children all enjoy _ diving games at the Olympic Games. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched *4. There are _ people in the park. A. so muc

5、h B. such many C. so many D. such much *5. Which one is _? This car or that one. This car. A. expensive B. more expensive C. much expensive D. most expensive 6. All of the students are crazy _ table tennis games. A. of B. to C. about D. on *7. Its very difficult _ the fire on such a windy day. A. pu

6、t out B. putting out C. puting out D. to put out *8. You are late! Wang Tao _ Peking University. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has went to D. goes to*9. _you ever _ your child to any amusement park before? Yes, I have. A. Did, take B. Will, take C. Have, taken D. Are, taking *10. When _ you _ the

7、 dictionary? Last week. A. have, bought B. did, buy C. do, buy D. had, bought *11. The wind _. You can go out for a walk. A. stops B. is stopping C. stopped D. has stopped *12. Where is Judy? She _ the Palace Museum. A. has been to B. had been to C. has gone to D. had gone to *13. She found _ diffic

8、ult _ sleep on the plane. A. it, to get B. that, to get C. it, getting D. that, getting *14. He is _ to carry the heavy bag. A. strong enough B. enough strong C. weak enough D. enough weak 15. Weddy has once ran for class president, _she failed. A. so B. and C. or D. but *V. 完形填空:My son Joey was bor

9、n with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was _1_ in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he had a problem when you saw him _2_.Children in our neighborhood always ran around _3_ t

10、heir play, and Joey would jump and run and play, _4_. We never told him that he probably wouldnt be _5_ to run like the other children. So he didnt know.In _6_ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, _7_ only the top seven runners w

11、ould be chosen to run for the _8_. We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know.He ran four to five miles every day - even when he had a fever. I was _9_, so I went to _10_ him after school. I found him running _11_. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two m

12、ore miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept _12_.Two weeks later, the names of the team _13_ were called. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had _14_ the team. He was in seventh grade - the other six team members were all eight-graders. We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt kn

13、ow. He just _15_ it.( )1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid( )2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk( )3. A. after B. before C. during D. till( )4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet( )5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid( )6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth( )7. A. so B. if C. then D. because( )

14、8. A. neighborhood B. family C. school D. grade( )9. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. worried( )10. A. think about B. hear from C. agree with D. look for( )11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already( )12. A. riding B. walking C. playing D. running( )13. A. jumpers B. runners C. doctors D. teachers(

15、)14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found( )15. A. did B. had C. left D. tookVI. 阅读理解。ATV Programmes, Monday, June 12, 2000 (CCTV)Channel 118:00 TV Classroom: Computer18:30 Popular Music 19:00 News 19:30 Weather Report 19:40 Todays Focus(焦点)20:05 7-part TV serial(连续剧): Motherly Sister-in-law (1)(嫂娘)21:00

16、 Special: China in Last One Hundred Years 22:30 China Sports Report 23:00 On TV Tomorrow Channel 217:30 Foreign Light Music 18:10 Childrens Programme: Haier Brothers(81)19:05 World- famous Cities: Sydney 19:28 Zhengda Programme (2000-18)20:55 Animal World 21:15 20-part TV serial: How the Steel Was T

17、empered (20)(钢铁是怎样炼成的)22:30 Special Sports: Football Match(England- France)00:20 On TV Tomorrow根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. If you want to know something about the history of China, you may watch TV at _. A. 19:00 on Channel 1 B. 21:00 on Channel 1 C. 19:38 on Channel 2 D. 22:00 on Channel 2 2. If youre going t

18、o travel in Hangzhou tomorrow, youd better pay attention to the programme _. A. Weather Report B. World- famous Cities C. News D. Foreign Light Music 3. You like ball games very much. You have so much time to watch a sport match. Which of the following programmes will you choose first? A. China Spor

19、ts Report B. Animal World C. Special Sports D. Childrens programmes 4. If you want to know the end of Paveo(保尔), please watch _. A. Motherly Sister-in-law B. China in Last One Hundred Years C. Haier Brothers D. How the Steel Was Tempered 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Computer is the teacher

20、on TV Classroom. B. The programme Todays Focus is about traffic accidents. C. We can enjoy ourselves in Zhengda Programme. D. The programmes on Channel 2 will stop at 23:00. *BLight travels very fast. It moves 300,000 kilometers a second. Light reaches us from the moon in less than a second and a ha

21、lf. The moon is about 382,000 kilometers away from us. Light from the sun reaches in 8.5 minutes. The sun is about 149,640,000 kilometers from the earth. The other stars are farther away than the sun. Light from the nearest of the other stars reaches us in about four years. Light from some stars tak

22、es hundreds of years to reach us. So when we look at a star, we do not see its present condition. We see it as it was long ago, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years ago. The sun is in a great group of stars. There are about 100,000,000,000 stars in the group. We call this group the galaxy. Outside

23、 the galaxy there is empty space, but thousands of millions of kilometers away there is another galaxy. Light from this galaxy reaches us after about 2 million years. There are millions of these galaxies, and they appear to be rushing farther away from us. The astronomers at Mount Palomar, Mount Wil

24、son and other observatories can see some of them well, but they cant see one as it is now. The light takes millions of years to arrive here, so they see a distant galaxy as it used to be. The light left it millions of years ago. It traveled across space and then went into an astronomers telescope. P

25、erhaps no men were living when it started out. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Which is farther from us, the sun or the moon? _2. What do we call the sun group? _3. Is there another galaxy in the universe? _4. Why cant we see one galaxy as it is now? _5. Were there any people living when the light started out? _*C

26、Light and shadow(影子)are friends. They usually go together. We receive light every day. At the same time, we produce shadow. Light cannot shine through you. Your body stops it from passing. There is a dark spot(点)on the ground next to you. The light cannot reach the dark spot. This is your shadow. At

27、 noon the sun shines over your head. Your body stops very little light from reaching the ground. So your shadow is quite short. But in early morning or late afternoon the sun is low in the sky. Its light moves over more of your body. Then your shadow is quite long. Your body keeps a lot of light fro

28、m reaching the ground. We love light, especially sunlight. Without sunlight, life on earth is impossible(不可能). Most of us like to stand in the shadow of a tree in summer, but some people are afraid of their own shadow at night. They do not want to walk in a dark street. They do not want to see the s

29、hadow, either. But still light and shadow usually go together.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. The sentence “Light and shadow are friends.” means “_” A. The shadow produces light. B. The light usually follows the shadow. C. They usually come together at noon. D. When we get light, we can see shadow. They are always

30、 together. 2. Light cannot shine through you, because _. A. it is too weak B. your body stops it from traveling on C. your body is tall and strong D. there is a dark spot on the ground next to you 3. Your bodys shadow is long, because _. A. the sun is low in the sky in the early morning or late afte

31、rnoon B. the sun is over your head C. your body stops very little light from reaching the ground D. the sunlight is very strong at noon 4. It is _ in the shadow of a tree in summer, so many people like to stay there. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. There will

32、 be no shadow without light. B. Shadow is produced when something stops the light from passing. C. We produce light when we receive it. D. Man, animals and plants have to live on sunlight. 【试题答案】I. 1. think 2. poured 3. attracted 4. amusement 5. experienceII. 1. done 2. riding 3. Have been went 4. s

33、taying 5. cooking III. 1. What do you think of 2. Have you ever been to 3. couldnt help crying 4. It is bad to stay up late 5. teaches us not to give up IV. 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B11. D 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. DV. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. AVI. A1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. CB 1. The sun is. 2. The galaxies. 3. Yes, there is. 4. Because it is far from us. 5. Maybe not./ Perhaps not. C 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C


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