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1、外研 九年级上册 Unit2 TheGrandCanyonwas notjustbig. Wordsandexpressions below shine sign silent silver sky grey prep.在下面;在 以下 v.照耀 n.迹象;标志;招牌 adj.寂静的 adj.银灰色的;银制的 n.天;天空 adj.灰色的;(天气)阴沉的 Wordsandexpressions gothrough beside reply clear fallaway 穿过 prep. 在旁边; 在附近 v. 回答;答复 v.(烟雾等)开始 消失 突然向下倾斜 Wordsandexpressi

2、ons stream nearly ontopof canyon remain by n. 小河;小溪 adv. 几乎;差不多 在上面;盖住 n. 峡谷 v. 逗留;留下 prep. 在旁边;靠近 SomewonderfulviewsoftheGrand Canyon. SomefactsabouttheGrandCanyon. * location: Arizona, USA * 446 km long 16 km wide (average) 1,600 m deep (average) * one of the seven wonders of the natural world * T

3、he Colorado River runs through the Grand Canyon. * The rock found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is around 2 billion years old. Now lets enjoy a video about its fantastic view. 1.Togetinformationfromthe readingmaterialabouttheGrand Canyon 2.2.Tolearnsomekeywordsand usefulexpressions 3.Toknowthewa

4、yofwritingwhat youseeandyoufeelwhentravelling Objectives: Patterns: Suddenly,therainstoppedandthe cloudscleared. TheGrandCanyonwasnotjustbig. Itwashuge. Words: shinesilversignbeside streamclearreplyremain Phrases: lookover/across/downgetoutof fallawayatthebottomof 接龙 幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同 学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。 每人

5、一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒 内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此 答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。 below fantastic high natural sign silver long shine deep silent Work in pairs. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you. 1 P4 Forexample: Changjiang River is the longest river in China. Its about 6,300 km long. It

6、s one of the most famous natural wonders in the World. And belowdeepfantastichighlong naturalshinesignsilentsilver Listen to the passage and answer the following questions: 1. Whats the great wonder of the natural world the writer travelled to see? 2. What was the writers feeling when he saw the ful

7、l view of the wonder? TheGrandCanyon. Itwasnotjustbig.Itwashuge. Task1 Read the passage and complete the table.2 P4 The Grand Canyon How deep How wide How long one mile about fifteen miles more than 200 miles Task2 Read the passage again and choose the correct answer. 3 P5 1.Wheredoesthepassagemostp

8、robably comefrom? a)Amagazine.b)Agrammarbook. c)Adictionary.d)Astorybook. 2.Whywastherenothingtosee? a)Becausetherewasnothing. b)Becauseitwastoodark. c)Becauseitwasraining. d)Becauseitwasintheevening. Task3 3.Whichdirectionwasthewriterfacing whilehewaslookingovertheGrand Canyon? a)Southb)Northc)East

9、d)West 4.Whatisthewriterspurposeinwriting thispassage? a)Togivefactsaboutthenaturalworld. b)Tosayhowhefeelsaboutthenatural world. c)Totellaninterestingstoryaboutthe GrandCanyon. d)ToattractpeopletovisittheGrand Canyon. 4 P5 Complete the passage with the words in the box. belowmileremainreplysign sil

10、entskystreamthrough Inthedark,thereisno(1)_ofthe GrandCanyon,anditis(2)_.Butifyou (3)_bytheGrandCanyonasthe(4) _getsbrighterandlookdownaboutone (5)_,youcanseetheColoradoRiver(6) _you.Itlookslikeasilver(7)_as itpasses(8)_therocksatthebottomof thecanyon.Ifsomeoneasksyouwhetherthe GrandCanyonisthegreat

11、estwonderofthe naturalworld,itmaybeeasyto(9)_. sign silent remain sky mile belowstream through reply Task4 Ifyouputthetwotallestbuildings intheworldontopofeachother atthebottomofCanyon,theystill wouldnotreachthetop. 若世界上两座最高的建筑叠放在峡谷底 部,他们仍顶不到头。 把 放在 底 部 一个在另一个上面 的,一个挨一个的 1.Igotoutofthecar,wentthroug

12、hagate and 我下了车,穿过一个门 gothrough有三个意思比较常见: a.通过、穿过 b.仔细查看、检查 c.经历或遭受(不好的事情) 仔细观察以下例句,推断gothrough在本 句中的意思。 1.Theheavyrainhas gone throughmy overcoat. 2.Youdbettergo throughyour handbagagain.Ithinkthekeymust beinit. 3.Thetwobrotherswent throughahard timeastheirparentshaddiedinan accident. 通过、穿过 经历或遭受(不

13、好的事情) 仔细查看、检查 2.本课出现了四个使用look短语的句子. Ilookedoverthem,butitwassilentand therewasnosignofit. 我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静, 还是看不见它。 Iwaslookingacrossoneofthewonders ofthenaturalworldtheGrand Canyon. 我在眺望自然界奇观之一的大峡谷。 IlookeddowntotheColoradoRiver 我俯瞰科罗拉多河 Finally,Ilookedtomyleftandtomy right 最后,我向左右遥远 lookover从上方看过去

14、 lookacross眺望;向对面看 lookdown向下看 looktoonesleft/right朝某人的左侧 /右侧看 Observe the following sentences and try to find the differences between them. It was about fifteen miles away, maybe more. The canyon went far away for more than 200 miles. The Grand Canyon was not just big. It was huge. Is the Grand Can

15、yon the greatest wonder of the natural world? facts opinion Someadjectivestellyoufacts,suchas wide, deep, high andtall;some adjectivestellyoutheopinionofthe author,likewonderful, huge and great. Learntousethemtotalkaboutfacts andgiveyouropinion. 5 P5 Complete the table with facts about a natural or

16、man-made wonder of the world. Name Location Interesting facts Name Location Interesting facts 1) It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 2) It is the longest man-made wonder in the world. 3) The main wall is around 2,145 miles (3460km) long. 4) The most visited section of the Great Wall

17、 is in Badaling, close to Beijing. 5) It has often been compared to a dragon. 6) A popular legend about the Great Wall is the story of Meng Jiangnv. 7) Reportedly, it cost the lives of more than one million people. the Great Wall of China in the north of China One possible answer: 6 P5 Imagineyouhav

18、ejustvisitedoneof thenaturalorman-madewonders. Writesentencesanddescribeyour experience. Saywhenyouvisitedit. I just visited the Great Wall last month. Saywhereitis. It is in the north of China. Describeitssize. It is Saywhatinterestingfactsyouknow. It is famous for Saywhathappenedwhenyouvisitedit.

19、It was raining when we were Sayhowyoufelt. I thought it was the most wonderful sight. Nowwriteapassage.Usethesentences youhavewrittentohelpyou. 1.lookover/across/down 2.atthebottomof 3.gothrough 4.ontopof 5.Asilverstreamnearlyonemile belowme. 6.TheGrandCanyonwasnotjust big.Itwashuge. 本课时主要短语和句型 总结回顾

20、 Now 2 mins to test your spelling. 1.English-Chinese canyonsignsilverpath streambesidenearlybelow 2.Chinese-English 回答;答复(烟雾等)开始消失 照耀逗留;留下穿过天空 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best. Quiz .在方框中选择适当的词填空。 hugerisebelowfacegetoutof 1.ThenIsawaman_thecar andwalkintothebank. 2.Ihear

21、thatheruncleisveryrichand livesina_house. get out of huge 3.IliveonthefourthfloorandMary livesonthethirdfloor,onefloor _me. 4.IfeelsoproudeverytimeIseethe nationalflag_slowly. 5.Hisoffice_south.Itgets hotveryfastduringhotdays,evenin spring. hugerisebelowfacegetoutof below rise faces .从方框内选择适当的介词填空。

22、behind,in,across,over,along 1.Waithere!Illcomeback_10 minutes. 2.Hetakeshisdogforawalk_ therivereveryday. 3.Thelittlegirlwassoshythatshehid _hermotherimmediately. 4.TianQiangisagoodswimmer.Hecan swim_theriveralone. 5.Thelittlegirllooked_thefenceat us. across along behind in over .根据汉语意思及英语提示写句子。 1.山

23、底有一座孤零零的房子。(atthe bottomof) _ _ 2.钢琴轻易地通过了那道门。(go through) _ 3.你知道这条峡谷有多宽吗?(howwide) _ There is a lonely house at the bottom of the mountain. The piano went through the door easily. Do you know how wide the canyon is? Homework 1.Reviewtheuseoftensesyouve learnedbefore. 2.Searchformoreinformation aboutStonehenge.


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