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1、动词动词 分词分词 修饰名词修饰名词 变 身 现在分词现在分词 (- -vingving) 过去过去分词分词 (donedone) Kentucky Kentucky Fried Fried ChickenChicken fryfryfriedfried v. v.油炸油炸adj.adj.油炸的油炸的 变身 (done) 被动、完成被动、完成 Break+heartBreak+heart breakbreak 破碎的心破碎的心 brokenbroken a broken hearta broken heart 变身 (done) a abandon+dogbandon+dog 被抛弃的小狗被抛

2、弃的小狗 abandonabandon an an abandoned dogabandoned dog abandonedabandoned 变身 (done) scarescare+man+man 受惊吓的人受惊吓的人 scarescare a scared mana scared man scaredscared 变身 (done) escapeescape+rabbit+rabbit 越狱兔越狱兔 escapeescape 2 escaped rabbits2 escaped rabbits EscapedEscaped 变身 (done) (完成) A used car is muc

3、h cheaper than a new car. 单个的分词做定语,放在所修饰名词之前。 This is a made in china cellphone. This is a cellphone made in china. 分词词组做定语,放在所修饰名词之后。 I like the Wu Houci _. Build,Build, in AD 223in AD 223 I like the Wu Houci built in AD 223. Left:Left:剩下的,余下的。放在所名词修饰后面剩下的,余下的。放在所名词修饰后面 I am the only person left. 我

4、是唯一留下来的人。 This is all the money left. 这是所有剩下的钱了。 过去过去分词作定语分词作定语 位置:单个位置:单个前;词组前;词组后后 意义:完成意义:完成+ +被动被动( (不及物动词无被动意义)不及物动词无被动意义) 形式:形式:donedone 特例特例 落叶 (已经落下) Fallen leaves Fall+leavesFall+leaves 落叶 (正在落下) Falling leaves 现在分词现在分词 (-v -v inging) 过去过去分词分词 (donedone) 完成完成 主动主动+ +进行进行 The rising sunThe r

5、ising sun The risen sunThe risen sun 主动主动+ +进行进行 smilesmile+face+face smilesmile 笑脸笑脸 smilingsmiling a smiling facea smiling face 变身 (-ving) flyfly+flower+flower 飞舞的花朵飞舞的花朵 The painter said the butterfly is a flying flower. Stand underStand under the treethe tree The girl standing under the tree is

6、really charming. 现在现在分词作定语分词作定语 位置:单个位置:单个前;词组前;词组后后 意义:进行意义:进行+ +主动主动 形式:形式:-v -v inging Theres a in the picture.Theres a in the picture. bottle of boiled water blooming flower lightened candle cat reading a book book written by GJM girl left 25.(2012,北京) Imcallingtoenquireabouttheposition_ _inyest

7、erdaysChinaDaily. A.advertisedB.tobeadvertised C.advertisingD.havingadvertised 析:析:theposition-advertise 被动关系被动关系+ +完成完成 34.(2009,江西) Thegovernmentplanstobringinnewlaws_ _parentstotakemoreresponsibilityforth eeducationoftheirchildren. A.forcedB.forcing C.tobeforcedD.havingforced law-force 主动关系主动关系 动词动词 分词分词 修饰名词修饰名词 变 身 现在分词现在分词 (- -vingving) 过去过去分词分词 (donedone) 意义:主动/进行 位置:单个前;词组后 意义:被动/完成 位置:单个前;词组后


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