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1、2013年云南财经大学教师招聘笔试试题一、 选择题(不计入总分,仅考查个人性格爱好)大致有一部分教师职业道德的选择题二、 判断题关于教师职业道德和法律基础的题三、 案例分析题1. 有人说教师是“三清”职业,想当教师就是图有寒暑假和轻松。请问你对他的观点作何评价。如果你是高校教师,你如何安排你的寒暑假?2. 博士王某是某高校教师,刚入职就因为住房问题和领导产生了矛盾,后来又因为评职称的时候被三分之二否决,她认为是领导故意整她。心情受到严重影响,导致上课的时候情绪失控,只好停课休息。后来每次在教职工活动的时候,王某见到领导就大吵大闹。请问如果你是王某你认为应当怎样处理和领导的关系?3. “当你40

2、岁时,没有4000万身价(家)不要来见我,也别说是我学生。”4月4日,北师大教授董藩发微博称,高学历者的贫穷意味着耻辱和失败。此言一出,立刻在微博上引起 热议。此言一出,立刻引起巨大争议。多数网民对此持批评态度,认为教师不应用金钱来衡量学生。你对此怎么看?你认为教师职业基本道德包括哪些内容?四、 论述题十八大将生态文明建设提高到五位一体的重要高度。请结合具体案例论述生态文明建设的重要性。五、 写作题请用“西部”“阳光”“春城”“南博会”写一篇不少于300字的短文VI. about retirement. 就退休时间该不该推迟写一篇400-500字的英文短文。VII. 月之冥想MEDITATIO

3、N ON THE MOON英翻中(见后)VIII.中翻英 有限公司的诞生与发展VIIII.阅读理解两篇Passage1 考研阅读,那篇everybody loves a fat risePassage2 关于Mother TeresaThe moon is a stone; but it is a highly numinous stone. Or, to be more precise, it is a stone about which and because of which men and women have numinous feelings. Thus, there is a s

4、oft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe. There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness. There is an amorous moonlight prompting to

5、 love - to love not only for an individual but sometimes even for the whole universe. But the moon shines on the body as well as, through the windows of the eyes, within the mind. It affects the soul directly; but it can affect it also by obscure and circuitous ways - through the blood. Half the hum

6、an race lives in manifest obedience to the lunar rhythm; and there is evidence to show that the physiological and therefore the spiritual life, not only of women, but of men too, mysteriously ebbs and flows with the changes of the moon. There are unreasoned joys, inexplicable miseries, laughers and

7、remorses without a cause. Their sudden and fantastic alternations constitute the ordinary weather of our minds. These moods, of which the more gravely numinous may be hypostasized as gods, the lighter, if we will, as hobgoblins and fairies, are the children of the blood and humours. But the blood an

8、d humours obey, among many other masters, the changing moon. Touching the soul directly through the eyes and, indirectly, along the dark channels of the blood, the moon is doubly a divinity. Even dogs and wolves, to judge at least by their nocturnal howlings, seem to feel in some dim bestial fashion

9、 a kind of numinous emotion about the full moon. Artemis, the goddess of wild things, is identified in the later mythology with Selene.月亮是块石头,但它是块神秘的石头,或更确切,正因为它,世间男女有了神秘之情。因此,柔和的月光传递彼此默契的宁静。神秘的月光激发我们敬畏之情。冷峻的月光诉说灵魂的寂寞与孤立,渺小或肮脏。多情的月光唤起我们的爱不仅爱某个人,甚或爱宇宙众生。但月光照着肌肤,也透过眼窗照进心灵。月光可直接影响灵魂,也可朦胧迂回地影响灵魂通过血液。一半人

10、类的生活明显顺从月亮的韵律。有证据表明,不仅女人,还有男人,其生理活动以及精神生活,都会神秘地随月亮变化而潮起潮落。喜悦与痛苦,欢笑与懊悔,无因而起;它们突然而奇特的变换,构成我们心灵的寻常天气。这些情绪,可假设为众神的神秘作用,如果我们愿意,也可看作妖怪和仙女,其实是血液和体液作用的产物。但血液和体液,受很多因素影响,却听命于变化的月亮。月亮,直接透过眼睛或间接随血液的暗道触及灵魂,加倍地是个神。甚至狗和狼,至少通过他们夜晚的嚎叫来判断,在月圆之夜它们似乎也会沉浸在一种超自然的情感中。阿耳特弥斯,月神与狩猎女神,在稍后的神话中被认作塞勒涅,月之女神。Even if we think of t

11、he moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. A stone gone cold. An airless, waterless stone and the prophetic image of our own earth when, some few million years from now, the senescent sun shall have lost its present fostering power. And so on. This passage could e

12、asily be prolonged-a Study in Purple. But I forbear. Let every reader lay on as much of the royal rhetorical colour as he finds to his taste. Anyhow, purple or no purple, there the stone is-stony. You cannot think about it for long without finding, yourself invaded by one or other of several essenti

13、ally numinous sentiments. These sentiments belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups. The name of the first family is Sentiments of Human Insignificance, of the second, Sentiments of Human Greatness. Meditating on that derelict stone afloat there in the abyss, you may feel mo

14、st numinously a worm, abject and futile in the face of wholly incomprehensible immensities. The silence of those infinite spaces frightens me.即使我们只把月亮看成块石头,也将现其石性中潜藏的内在精神。这块石头变冷了,没有空气,也没有水,它预示了几百万年后衰老的太阳失去孕育力量时的地球形象这一段本可轻易延长一项华丽的研究,但我克制住了,就让每位读者尽量涂抹鲜艳的华丽色彩来合其口味吧。无论修辞是否华丽,石头毕竟是石头。若长时冥想它,你会发现一种或几种神秘的情

15、感向你袭来。这些情感属于两种对照互补的类型。第一类型,叫人类的渺小感;第二类型,叫人类的伟大感。冥想那块漂浮在深渊中的弃石,你会最神秘地感觉一只可怜虫,面对完全不可思议之浩瀚的可怜与微不足道。那些无垠空间的沉寂令我恐惧。You may feel as Pascal felt. Or, alternatively, you may feel as M. Paul Valery has said that he feels. The silence of those infinite spaces does not frighten me. For the spectacle of that st

16、ony astronomical moon need not necessarily make you feel like a worm. It may, on the contrary, cause you to rejoice exultantly in your manhood. There floats the stone, the nearest and most familiar symbol of all the astronomical horrors; but the astronomers who discovered those horrors of space and

17、time were men. The universe throws down a challenge to the human spirit; in spite of his insignificance and abjection, man has taken it up. The stone glares down at us out of the black boundlessness, a memento mori. But the fact that we know it for a memento mori justifies us in feeling a certain hu

18、man pride. We have a right to our moods of sober exultation.你可能像帕斯卡那样感觉,或者,不同地,你也可像M保罗瓦雷里已经说的那样感觉。那些无垠空间的沉寂并不令我恐惧。 至于天文学上的石头之月的景观,你不必感觉它渺小如虫。相反地,它可能使你欣喜于你的大丈夫气概。石头漂浮在那里,所有天文学的惊骇中最近的与最熟悉的符号;但发现那些时空惊骇的天文学家也是人。宇宙向人类的精神丢下挑战;不管自己渺小与卑鄙,人类接受了这个挑战。石头从黑暗的无垠俯瞰着我们,一个死的象征。但我们把它看作死亡象征的事实,证明了我们感觉到某种人类的骄傲。我们有权利享受清醒的、狂喜的心情。单纯的课本内容,并不能满足学生的需要,通过补充,达到内容的完善 教育之通病是教用脑的人不用手,不教用手的人用脑,所以一无所能。教育革命的对策是手脑联盟,结果是手与脑的力量都可以大到不可思议。.


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