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1、研究生学位论文开题报告003模版研究生学位论文开题报告 外语 学院(系) 日期:008年3月20日姓名性别类别硕 士进校年月208年3月专业外国语言学及应用语言学研究方向应用语言学导师姓名论文题目基于语料库的学习者高频动词搭配研究I. IntrodctoSnce th ecohalf of te lasenury, geat chnges av taklac i boththeonept andmtodf learnr lauagestudy. Historically t elo rm cntraiv anaysi nderror aalyis frm the 150sthroug the

2、160st te970s. (Corer 197; elinkr 12), interanguge nalyis (Corder, 191;) ofthe 1990andtranser analyis(ames 199:卫乃兴205) satng at the turofth nwmllenumHwver, orps-ased onrastve itrlnag aalys(CI) mared t beginning o te jointeffortso corpu linguticsnd secndlanguge aqiston(Ganer 1998; ech 98; inclai 91; 2

3、2; 2003;Yanguizhng e l 2003; Stubb93; idowso 202)It s belivd tha lernrsshould wok hrfor natie-like seectins especiallyihig-frquecy ors (Pwle& Syer, 193). n impoa comnt o the aplied linguistic disciplne, CIA concenrates on theientiftn of lingutic difrencebewen lerneslnguag an targ languge and theirot

4、hertongue, larners overue or uneu oftargt epressins,esecily those igfreqecy words.Howvr, waki f coloatonifferencsae there inhigh-fencwords, articulaly in the dlexicalized lloaions f ih-requcyverbs?II.TheoreticalReview1. Learneraguage .Contae Anysi, ErrorAnals1.1trsive Analysi: .1. ErroAnalyis: 1.2 I

5、nterlanguae Analysis, Trasfer ayis1.1 InterlaueAalys.2.2 Tran Anlsis.3 Corpus-ased Corastiv Inerlangage Aalysis2. Colloton. Definitonsolloction, ie., arilestricte eemeominaions suchas mk a decis,reone typof a gropof xpressons whoseimotance n languag has beninceasn rcgnzd n recent years. Thse xpressi

6、onsare alled pefabrcatd uni, preabs, phraselicalnits,lexcal chuns, multi-ord units, formulic seqence bu these prefab r notompletel but onl parilyfe.Sclai(91:17) Collocatinis he ocurece oftwo omre ordswih a sort pac of a othe in a text.e Naixin (2002 Cf Yag iong200:10) colloation isa convenonal sntag

7、matc asciationo a stri of iaitemswh coccuri a grmmatcal consruct ih mutu expcacy greater han chaceasrealatnof meaningin texs22 laicaton2.1 wie (1981, 194;Cowie e al1994):Fe combinaios (ope collcations), rstrit clloatios, guratve ios, pre idims 2.2 In now phraseologic ense,we inlyconier retricte coll

8、cations: Syntctically (Hausmn 19; Aiensadt198; Bnsoet a 1986):ad + ou, noun + vrb, oun +nn, aderb + adj, r + adverb, erb + noub. semantical:owie (991, 992) ited hi lassiici toverb +n base n thetue ofthemeanng of he b. But IgorMluk(1995,1998) bsed hlassificationon exicaunctons. (A lea unctions (typia

9、ll gener)meanigthmybe epessd avaiey ofdiffen exme, ut in a givollaio, thelexme hichres this meningschsen btekeyword. (mann, 189)c. on t comutblty: Casicatio isbased on vriablity ofth lements or coutabiity r vlsof esrictdns (Howah 1996; Bso et al 1986; Aisensdt199,18) 2.3nctins in LnguaeAcqisiin.1 Ma

10、nylinus (Beck1975;Cowi 19; ile 79; Hunst & Frai 20;Kenned19;nclair 9; ray 002; Yaio 198; Paley Sde3) ce o h ocluithat“y far te arespaf the English peak licn nsists copx exialtms”and ms of ths are sem-prodctive3.2 mpriclstudies he reuarl foundtat mt of nturall occuringlanguage, oh poenad writtn,nsiss

11、 of reurrtpatr,many of wich erseoloia (Alnberg &eOlofsson190; Kjellme 99;Renf& Sincla 191;Sinclir 191; Stubbs201).3.3Howt (1996) nd ray(2002) ave fondsvral imptant functions fprercadunt in lanue acston. First,hey payan estial roeinanuagarnin a thy ee o behe bsis fo thedvelopent f cratie languagein s

12、 laae ndchildhodseo lanugeaquistin. Seondly,pefbrcate niare essntial fr fluecy i both pokenndrtten lagua. Pychooical evience idicaesthae huma brain ismuch ber eppe frmemoizing han forprocessing,an that the vailbilty large number of prefbricad units redues th prcessing efrta makesluet lagaepssible (A

13、ithisn 19; Fllmor 19; awe Syder1983,000;Partingtn 19). hily,thusef prefbrictd ui upport meheson, as te reipint ca understn theaning of a passae o text withut aving totted to eery wod (Hunston racis 20)Fourhy, prebricatdunis setoindictememeship of a cetain linust ru; theyfulfl “the desir to ike thers

14、”(Wray20; Pawey & yder 1). Corpus Lingustisisrical Overiew:Ovseas n DometicStud o Copu-base Cotrstive nelanuage Anayss3.1.1Oversas Study ofCorpus-bas Cntai IerlanguageAnly3.1.2 Domesc Study ofCorus-based Cotatie InerlaagAnlyss32 ethodlogBaed ontwo corporathe nativ corpu BOWand the rnecrpuCLC,w contr

15、st teolcatos, delexicalizatios aticlr f e ot freqent vrb. We wll use MicroConcod d WodSmith in atrerch. Ourousfals n tesigficnolloasfthe nodes wih he help o alue nd M-values.4. Imlicationsfr T SudyII. Prest ty1. Defnn ighFreqencVers2. at seach i BROWN d ECReearools: icroConorand ordsithThe Top Frnt

16、Vers ine Naive Corpus BROWN The Tp Freqn Vrbs in LEC3. ContrastivAalysis: Staitcal Smary oRepecti Freeniesf the SelctdVbsFequenyDfferencs i Ter ofynctic Propertie:inclu free, restrited nfxedcolloctonsFrequeny Differces n ers of SemanticProperti: ici fre nd resict llatisFuenyDifren iner of Levls ofIn

17、ommulity: icudin restrcte andfixed clocatinsIV. Data Analsi ad Dicusion (Slinkers fou fossilzaton frs)1. Intrangal Facrs2. Ineriul Facors3. Learng & eching Fators (enroment,matia, methdooy)V. Concuon1. umry2. pcation in laguage tach3. Limitationofh Present StuThe pn reseach s deed in he hihfrequny v

18、bs. Furher eeaheswi bedo on the general ws s ht we anmonsrate morexpltions o th lnguistidfferencs btwen Englihlearne a tie pakrs.Slected Refecesallida, MA. tal, 204, Leicology andCorp Lingustics: A Introution, CotnuumNatngr, Jam R.DCrric, Jente S, 2000, exia Phrase and anguageTeacng,Sanghai Foreign

19、anguageEduatio Pressesselhuf,Nada, 05,oloation inLearnrCorpus, John njmsson, oy cCarty, ia, 2004, pu inguistcs, CiiuumSinclr, Jh, 194, Corps, Cocordances,Colloctin,Shanghai Forein Lnguge duaionsPrsica, ohn, 2003, Raig Coordance: n trdution, Pears Educatin LimedSinclair,Jh, 204, Trustthe Tex, Lnge,Corus an Discorse, utledgeTgnini-Bonelli, Elena,200, Cr Lngusi a Wk, nnjamisWra, Aion, 2002, ormulic Language ad th Lexin,New York: P桂诗春,杨惠中,203,学习者英语语料库,外语教育出版社杨惠中,桂诗春,杨达复,205,基于LEC语料库的学习者英语分析,外语教育出版社杨惠中,卫乃兴,2005,学习者英语口语语料库建设与研究,外语教育出版社卫乃兴,李文中,濮建忠等,20, 语料库应用研究,外语教育出版社赵永青,199,柯林斯合作英语用法词典,出版社BOWNCLEC


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