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1、20122013学年九年级下学期考试英语试题九年级下学期英语模拟试卷第I卷(0分)I.听力测试(共3分)第一节:情景反应 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你听到的句子,从A, B,C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。. Goobe. B See ou. C. Nieo meetyou, to.A.Of course B. ood ida. C.No at l. od. Barm. . Hot.4. hats K. . dont kow C. I agree with ou.5 I illay “no” B No, I o. C e, Iwill .6. A.

2、 Franc . B. Torow. C. pane. 第二节:对话理解。 (每小题15分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A.Ro musi. B. Po musc. C. Countrymsic. 8. ucy. . Mis a. C. Lucy Tan. 9.A. On. B. To. .Tr.1.A. o se te ditionay. B. To findh one of hediionary. C. Teturn the dictioayto i11. A Tller BThinne. CSho

3、rter.12. A. ecause hey antowc V. BBeus theylik theheavy rain. C.ecause the eater ioo ad.19 :短文理解。 (每小题15分,共12分) (A)听两遍,根据你听到的对话内容,从,三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。13. Ths s a call betwen_ and _. A. a hotelassstnt, a taeler B. a father,a mher . a brother, st 14. The uestitayng frm 21t to _. . 2 2d C 2

4、4th 15. To room ill ct e won _. A. 60 an. B 20 ollars C. 50yan 16ane i arrivigt the hotel onte_ of 21st. A. morng afternon C.veng 听两遍。根据你听到的短文内容,从、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. Victoria vsed hailan or day A. our B. fve C. six . On the irstdy, he idn A. iitany placs B.ake any hotos C. see anybo

5、d19. Se thinks ai food was .来源:Zxkom. dliius B. terrbl . justs-so2. e t o te airport .A. b r. B byus C. by axi 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. H s _ outsanin sdn frm _ nverstn Aeria. A. a; aB. a; aC. an;a. an; an22. tudtssoulddikmilk _ breakfastvy day aB. in for D o23

6、. Hi, m. s ths your dg?, isthys _ is at hoe now. A MineB. M.Hs DHer2 Mrs Sh s vry kid_ she oka ltl seius.A. athougB i. so . until 5. lea wait a mnut. ave _ tosay. Aels anythingB. anythiele C. se somtng D. sehing le26. -Whywont ou the mvietoight, etty?- Bcau I _ i twice. A. saw .h sen C. e D. il se2.

7、udongIntenatnal Aiport is oof_irport in the world. A gB. bigge C.igest D. the bigg 28. Our assroo _ eeryday A cea B.leans C. s clenng D. is cleaed 29 Liwll ng m up whense_i anya Aarrives B. wil arrive C.rrive D arrived30 lke sf and gentlmusic ease it_ nice. A. fel Book C.sounds D. tastes1 _ can you

8、ihyour oework,Bn? thirtyminte. HowfarBHow son C. o ongD. How ften 32. Boys, hrere ome apples Coud you h me _?-Sue. A cuit upB. cu p C.t tmuD ut up them -hns Englis is veryoo.I wan to nw _. -For over thre years.A. when e stare to rnEglis B. hendih stato lern EnglishC. how ong hs he earnd EnglishD. ho

9、 ng he has erd Englsh34. _ eople usedth compt foryyers ag, butnowit verpolar. A. A . Fe C litte Little一、 hatsour favorite_?Enlis, fcourse A. sbjct . ht . food D. sports来源:Zxk.Com36. Bob, Imtoo tire. Lts stop _ a res. .tohae B. o make . makingD. hvng 37. -Wl o like soeting t dink? N, thanksI _ a glss

10、o atr st no. A. dink B wl dink. drnig D. dank 38. -My new iPhone as tlenwen I too a bu yesterday. _ AItdoestmater.B.Idlo to C. Imsrrytohea that.D. Thas exciting. 39. Duri Ne Yerholiday, hop were_ till12 tnight. A opened n C se Dclose40. -Mom,mustI leany bdoom right no? -No,ou_. A. st B. musn C. wuld

11、nt .eedt. 完形填空。(每小题分,共2分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。D you know a dse inger named HnGen? Heis a post-8g mn. He waborn February ,1984. He 42 fromHelongjig povince. Han sed to e 3 of South Koean boy band Sup Junior(J) Hei very 4 inoth Kea and China When e as iSouh Korea, eof

12、en 45 he eple, Icomefomhin. m very hapecause am hinee!He ftenperformd(表演)d 6 CineeKun u. He ha anyfansin South Korea d Cia Durng te iee s n South Kora, whenthe eartquke apeed, he 47 blood o th po epleIn rderto p thechildren, v a lot of 48 to buidshol.Nohe is bak to hia. and ZhouBihan 49 atheesong(主题

13、歌)tgether for te 16h Guangzhou AsiaGae. The 50 singer is as workgon s nebum(专辑).Sofare has en ery fams dnc nger.41. . of B. in at 42. A. goes B mesC is made . is aay 3. A ember . manC studet D. woman4. A. loely B popu C. brin D.intersing4A poke Bd C.told D.sw46. A. or Bn . b bh4. A. bougt B. thought

14、C. gaveD.bought48. A.books . clote C ood . money9 A.sangBdncedC. otD. dd50 A.18-yearoldB. 18years-odC. 28-y-l . 28yasold.阅读理解。(每题2分, 共3分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A DRIVER LICENE Msic lub NA: Lina Geen ember:ete Bl I : 02 34 678 Valid Until De. 3h ,02 X: emale I: 223739 YES: Brown

15、 : 820-34573ARESS: #4 CnterStrt, w York51Fom thisdivers lices(驾照), wC know the girl _.A. mB. numer C.ey colorD. nmber52. ewomanlives_.A. Lndon. BeijinC.Paris D. Nw Yr来源:k.m3.The second piture is _. a drivesliense B. a clb car C a ilm tckt D. pn ikeBClothesar ery imprtant in or li. Different people a

16、r difren cthes. owletlsten to me peope i Frncalking aou te.Hello, mBetty. Istarted oking is yar, s ab oe new cohe morefnthn beoeI think wht I loklikesreal ipotant to me,so I sent mu oneyon lo le t ar brightolors nd alwaydressup hen I ooartiesI oten uy all kin fclothes andtr to fllow he lates ashiHi,

17、 ImJac. I dnt have muh t sacloe. ey arentthe thin Iminterestd in.I nowlitleabou thwayof dresing. smr, I always wear a T-srt omething elseMnames lice. uldlk to say that cohesut ecofortable aee eay to pu o.Soetimes I buy clohes msm strt mrkets tey ar ce ter. Icanehloo of myclothe qite otn u sme forson

18、 them oruse dfferent buttons, jst fr a hange. heylook good all the te. I gosopin fo lthe aot nca mh I seeomethin cmoabl an fashionable n fitme wel, I would go fr it and then54.How nypel are tkingabut clothes?A. ree. Fiv.CForD. Two.55. What does thendrin wor it entee “Thy arent the thg I intereed in.

19、” eer to(指的是)?A SmerB.Sopig ClorsD. Clohe5 Whycaett gete cth moe oftehn fre?. Bece he lies to foo thlatt fahion. euse sh starte woringhis year. Bease dessi s imtnt to her. D. Becs she ikes brgh colo.57. hc i T fm the assag?A.Betty ybuys cote in brigt olors.B. Alic lie coortb lotes andgeser clotesoft

20、e. The y, Jck shows te mst ineest n lohes. ack kno a ot at fashiona he las wes diffrt oes.hatis yor avort color?Accordngtouve, as e s8%of opewuld co reas thiaotolr. The usualwinnes ue.Infact, editealyie th cloospeope ik.I hmn other eanig It tas o dagr,citment. Itmeans STOP! ds hcooof ld,whichw dot s

21、ee unil somethingbad hpps. Is evnbeensow withstkes( r inksischo).来源:Z+xx+k.ComRed alsocan be seen in Enlish anguage-oten n an unhapy time.We see re when e are angryan trn red h weshy. I a pero or ompays inhe red, hye spent moe moeythan teyhveHoer,ets seethe gd sidef he cor e!Do yo thk port tems that

22、 wer the lor red re mo likel o win ames? lo, now ha peo aycose redwen thyby a sportcr.Eehng hs twides. tsall have a little ore ed n our es ad thword wil be a ette pl.58. Ho any eple ould se reds thei fore olor acoding th suvey? A A fw 8% opope . Morethan 8% ofpeope. C. Lesshan8% f eople. D. ot a few

23、as 8% f peope 59.Whatspeople aorite olr codngtthe survey? . Gen. B. lue. C. ite. .Blck.60.Which stemts TUE bout d?. Te sprts teas who warrd are asily eatenby tother ems. 来源:学科网B. Sh iin he emeans she s usd up moneand ha borrowed sme.C. Se red and un d hae the sae meaning wichmens shy.Wheny se sm ss

24、inred, yu mus gnearthem. 1. The wrter wantstolus _. A. to hoose coor b B. to topusng things ired C tothink tsinboth sd D t coos eveythig n edDid yo s sno in your hmetown ast wnter? Di yu fel it a arer haneoe? “There hae been 1 arm wirs in hin ice 1986,” s scentists. hy ls said hat in the past 100 ea

25、rs, asthe globl(全球的) tmertues wet up by 0.7, th tpeature in ot Ci has imbd i only50 yrsChina neetake quik tionto ct carnixid(二氧化碳)emision(排放), ecs its he a raonfo loal wrmig. e gd nws isthat China has ee theimprtanceo goig green. Ciaste gol f cutting enegyusy %n ltn emissonby10% i the 11th Fie-Yar p

26、la.n yu slow obawamng?Sr! Herersomiees f dvc to elpo sae the eathWear sed cthes. earng ourbters, or sistrs or ads old T-shit me ou savethe energy.Chane yorlight b(灯泡). Use enersvin lgh bulbs Tke thebus I an sve otof oil eery year ayno to plsc(塑料) as. Thene me yor prentsgo themarket, asthm to usprba

27、or basetsOpen a winow Dontue the ai contone(空调), ad letme frir in. hen yuhae tous eonditioner, set the temperu higer i the smme an lower in he wtrtosav ergy.ts time or al f usto dosomting to sav the earth.6.he mai reason rbal warmingis _ the o .abon ioxide . paper ags D. eleision andcoputers. Teundr

28、lneord “nergy” inthesecd pargrapmea“_”. A. 活力 B. 干劲 C. 精力 D 能源64. Ho mnyiecsf dvc re here n hispasage? A Three B.our C ive D. ix6. Which f the following is te? A. It a p t weryou das od T-shirt. B.Usngiroitners may b wofenergy. . Taking a bus wass ot of ol every year. D Usig plasicbagscan aeenerg .第

29、II卷(5分)阅卷人得分V. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分) 阅读下文并回答问题。 istelehone cads wee madein 1976 inItaly . Fiv ear ater he fir Brish card wasmad, andow you canbuy cards n mrthana hund cnrie. Pople ualsat colectingards ecase the are smll and light and youdo notned muchspace for tem. ts aloa chap obby or beginnr ,lug for

30、som epe i bece aserous buiness n aris,for xamle, there is a mart wee o ca only buytelephe rds, and sme crds coupto 4000. Th frt Jpanescarhas valu ofaut 00.Mt peopl nly ee crds ithpresli ee in their colectrs magazns.6. How man coue cnmke elephne cardsnow?7 hatis tepice fte frst apas telepe crd now?.

31、Werethe firstcads mdei 176 ?阅卷人得分.完成句子。根据题后要求完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。(每空1分,共分)69Weenjoy acig ith tat crz ne song angnam Stle(江南风).(改为否定句) We _dag withthtcray wonngnam ty70. My s wilb btter and betr because I stud haerad harder(对划线部分提问) _ _ your ubjects bebter abttr?71 No nly I utalso hels elpinandma dohuseor

32、k.(同义句转换)_ he andI _ helpingrandma d houseork.72. 因为天气的原因我们不得不推迟计划。(汉译英) ave t _ _ the lan ecauseo he eaer阅卷人得分.口语应用。(每小题1分,共分) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号填入题前括号内。A.Hodyoulikei ?. f couse. C. Gad t meet ou. D. Is hish fist timo hve eenin Cogqng ?E.I hentbn to hogqin borF. And wre ae yo frm ,Zhang Yu ? G ut the taffichee too evy.: Excse e. Cn yu tell methe wa to Jefnbei, Lin un ?


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