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1、2020考研英语二真题B202年研究生入学统一考试试题(英语二)ectn I Us f ngishDrectios:Radthe folloing text. Choose the estod (s) fo ech nuee bak d arA, B, C or Don theSWER SHEET (1i)Bein agoo art i, of curse,wha evry parntwod lke to be. ut defing hat it mens to be agod paent i doubedl very_1_, particularly sinchildren epdieren

2、tly to thesayleof parentng. A lm, rulfolloing hid mightrsond btr to adifeet rt opaening than, _, a yonger sibin_3_, heesanhe sort of anttatsait asie _:a ptien paent. Cilden of everage beefit from atien prnting. til, _ eveyant wod i to e ptient, h i no asy _ Someimes parets getexhausted and fusrated

3、anre unab totin a _7_ an comosed style ithter kids. undrstand his.oureol uman,andsmeimeou d can _ you just a ittle o ar Anen te_ hapen: You loeou patienc andther scremat yourkids or ay omehngthawas a bit too _10_ and oes obod good. Yo wih tt yoculd _1_ heclck and stat er.Wev al been ere._12_, eve ho

4、ugh its omn, its ipotant eep n nd tht in single moet f faigue,y cansay sothigtoyor chid tyou may _13_for aong im. Ti ay not oly do damag to your reaionship wih uchldbut ls _14_ yourchids self-estem.f you costentlyose our _15_ith yur kis,thnou r nadvertently modelng a ack ofemioal conrol for u kd.Wae

5、 llbecomig inresigl aw f th _16_ of odeingtoleraneanpatience fo he younger eeratio.Thisis a ki thawil ephemalhrought lie. I fact, heability eotinalyrulae ormainta eotional cotrl whe _ by tress ioneof the most imortat ofal lskis.Cerain, its nceiby _18_tomainnpatence at ll ies wthyur chidrn or ractica

6、 goa i tty, othe bst ofou biiy,o e stolerant ad compose s yu can en facd wth _9_ tatios involingyour chilen. Icn promiou i: A aesul of wrking oard is gol,ou and yr cildren ill beefiand _20_ from srl moments feeling bete hscaly nd emotonally.1. tdiou B plasant C isrucive Dtricky2. Ain addition B for

7、ample C atonce by accnt3. A tnatel Bccasonlly accordnly D ventualy A amue B assst descrbe D tran5.wileB ce C ness Donce. aswe Bask C chice Daccess7A tr rmal C rigid Dcrica8. mv B dagC ushD send.A mystio B iloical Cusicios D inevitable1. Aorin Baive C harshD vague.Atun bacB take part set asieD coveup

8、12.A overall Bintad Chowe D othewie13 like B mssC elieve D egrt14. A raise B ffct justify D refe15. A time bod Crac Dcol16. A natur sc C mprtace D cntt17.Achate B defead confused Dconfronted. A tribe hard Ctrnge Dwrg19. A ringB changingC extinD uriing2. A ide B emee withra Descacton Reading omprehen

9、soPat Aiection:ead thefolloin fur tts. nwe th queions below each tet chooing , ,orD. ark our anwer on the NWER HET (40points)Text 1Rtsa thr nia ned tob hhly at tund t social iglfrm other so ta can idenify rend copertewthandeies to aoid. o find out if txends t on-lvg beings, Lole Qinn t he Uivsity of

10、lfrnia, Sanieg, and hr coagu tesed heher ra candet scial nals om rooc ats.Tey housed eigt adul ra wth two yps of obotic ato sociladone ocial- for 5our y. T obotras requte inimalist,eemblingunkir vsiof out mos with hels-to ove rou an colorfl markgsuingte experimt, the scl robo ratflowed he liing atsa

11、oud,layed wth t me toys,ad opene caged dors to let rapp rt escape. Meanwie, e asocialrbot mply movedorards and bacwars ad si o sdeex, he reserchrs trappd the robots i cages nd gave thea e oppotnityt ase themyprei a leve.Acros 18 trials each,theliing as wee2 pernt more iklyonaveae to set te scial obo

12、t fretan the acia on.Th sgsts hat hratsperceved th ocia robtas a genune soi bin he my hvebnde orewith e ocia ob becuse itdisplaye bhiors ikemmulexplorng and paying. Tis coudlead tthe atsbete remeberining free tealir,andwanng rbot to returnhe fvour wenthy et raped, say Quinn.The readinss f the rats o

13、 efrend th socal roo wasrprising ivt iml esi. e ot asthe sme siz as reul ratut rsbed a simlpstc x on weels.“ed sume e dhav tiv t amving hed adail, flftures,n put a sen t oake it smell lika realat, but that wat nsary,”as net les atheUnivrstof Queenslad in stral, ho helpd wih the sarc.Te fdin swshw sn

14、sitive ratare to scialces, een hen they come from asic robs imilarly, chdren ten to retrootasif te re felow bein,e en t diay onysime socal sgnals. “e humns sem t esiate by roots,and itnsut r animals areoo,”says il21 in ad her coleaes cdted a tst tosee frats can_pickup socil gnals froon-liig ratdisti

15、nguis a friedl ra from ahostile oneC ttain socil trat hug specia rainig sen ot warningmesages otheir fellow22 Wht dd hso robot d dnth peiment?A It followd hesoa r.BIt played witsometoC It sthe trped rt fre.DIt earon alone.23. Accodint Qin, the ras reese th scarobot ecause tey_A ied o prcticamens esc

16、apeBexed it to dthe same inretrn waned to disply ter ntellignceDonser tat aintersting gmames Wiesotesht at_can rememerothers faalatesdfferetiate ls bete tan sizesC respondmore t ations th to lksDcan be cared apstcbx on wheels5 an be eandrom theext that rats_Aapear tb adaptable ne urroundgsB ae oe sc

17、ially atve tan othe aimalsC bave diferenly from hidrn in ocilzingDare oe ensit to social ues ha execeTxt 2tis tre tt CEpahagn upop ones maymke 30 timeshe p f tyical orkers on avrage,andnc te i170s CEO pa fr arge ublcly trade Amrcn orpratios has, by arying tiates, gone uy b 50% Th typicl CEO o top Am

18、ericcorpration owmkbout 1.9 illoa ar.The etmoel for nderstadig rowtof CEO py is tha f limitedCEOalent in wor wher bsiness portuniies for the op firms e rwing rapidly. The ffrt of Aeiashighet-earning % ha bee one th mr namic leentof the gobal ecoy. Its notpoular o sy, bt oeasntherpay as gone up o muh

19、 s that CEOs realyhaveppd theigamerelaieto man oterworsi th U.S. eonoy.Tdays EO, a east for major Amercnfirms, ms hae ay mere skillthn simlybing abeto“ru the coman Cmst hve goo seneofinancial akts and maye even how he oany shldadi thm. They alo need eterpubletio skills thn her preessors, as teots o

20、ena inor slup can be igfcant. Thn there thefact at lareAmericn compai aemuhmor goblized thaneverbefore, with uppy chaispreaacrossa larger umberof couries. T ln that sstemreuirs nowlede tha is firlymind-bglin ps, vrtully l ajorAmeicn comanisae beond tis mjr CEsstil hav do al te day-tday wrk teyv ays

21、don.Thecoo da that high CEO payis mal atipping eple of osn eai hitory very well B mos msus,crorategovrnance ha eco a ot tghteanmoreris sincete 190s.etit prnillydung this perod stronger gvnan tat CO ays beenhih andrin. Thasuggestsi is inthre coporate inesto recruit to candidaes for incrigly tou obs”F

22、urtermoe, hhhest CE salares ar paidto outside cniates, not to the cz inside ps, nohe sign ht high CEO py s n som idodeedatio at theexpensf the et f the comany. And te tock market rets stveywhen cmpani tie Opay to, a, stc prices, a sigthathse prties uild porporate luenot utf eCEO26Which of theollowig

23、 s ntrbted to EO p? The gowth inte nmbe of cororationB Th enal pys witha beter eonmyCncreaed buins oportuitisor p irs Clse copration amog leadg ecoomes27. Cmpare with ther recessors,tdaysCEOs ar reuired t_A fostera trongsene o teaworkB inae more resarch andevelopmtC etablh loseres wth h ompaeD opera

24、te mor glolzedopanie28. pa s een risnsicee1970s despit_ ntinul itrnloppostonB sitcorprte governanceC onsevatiebies strategiRepeated gement aings2. ihCE pay can be jusie byhfat hat ithelp_Aonfirm th staus of CEOsB mtivte insde ndiatesC boost the eficieny o CsD incasecorporaevalue. he most suitabl tit

25、e for thi text woul be_A Os r No OverpaiB O Py: ast aPesen CEO caenges f oaD CEO Trait: NtEasy to efinTxt 3Mdd washailedas a pubc health beacnl November whe it roed out ambtis restrctnsonthe mostollutig cars. Seveoths and n lectondy lte, anw cnvativeity uncsuspendeenorcmet of hcleairzne, a fiststp o

26、wad ts possleemi.MayorJoseui Matine -Almeida madeoposition to e zone a cenrepiece oiselecin campaign, dspe its sucssn impin air quality. Ajuge has ooerruled he cty s deisio to tp levyig fies, odeing them estaed.Butwith legal ateaha, h znesfuture ooks ncertn abst.Am other weakess, the measres citiesm

27、s eploywh lt t kle dirty ar on tir wn e politically contentus, and therefore vulnerle.Thats because thy inevitaby pthe osts cleani the ir on inividal riveswo mstay srbu bte vehcles一ratherh on t t car manucrers whose chetig is the ral aue of our toxiolution.Its otard to igine a similarrevsal appning

28、iLon.Thenew ultowssio zne (Uz) isley to b big sein ext yrs myoral eectio.Andif aiqKhan wns ndexendsit to th Nrth d SothCircular rads in 021ash itends, it is seto aintese poitnromte fr larger numb of toriss whillthe be affted.tnthat mesuressuh as ondoUlez r seless.Far from it. Localofiials ae using t

29、h evers h re aailable to them t safeguad esidentshealtin he ac o serious hat Th zeo dever some improvemets or quality, ad he ciene tellsu thatmeans reealth befis we heart attaks, tros ad premature brth,le cncr,dementia and athma. Fewe utiey deahs.u mayorsand oncillorcan nly dos much aboutroblm hat f

30、a igger than any oecity o town They ar actig ecause nationa governments-Brtai dohers arss rop hae faieddo so.Resrictiosthat eepih polling ars ot f certain ares - ctceers, schoolstts,evenndiidual rod- are rspnsetoth snce o a arger efor topoperly eno existing guationsand requie aut comnies tobng hir e

31、icls in complane. Wales has itrdceeia lowpeelimits to inimiepoluon. Wee doing everythng bu iistth manfares clean p teir cars.31. Wich of theflowi is ueabotMdids can ir zone?A Itffcs are qusialeBIhas benposedajdgeCItneds togr efcment Its faeis yet t b dcded32.hih i cosidered waness fh iy-levl easres

32、totcle dit r?They are ase agains carmanufarers.BTheyproveimpractial r ciycunil They aedeeed to mil orpoltcians.D hey put o mch burdeoniniidaotrits.33. The uthor bliestht the eteson ofLondons lz il .A arus stongresistnce.Bensu Khans electoral sccesC improve heciy afficdiscourag car anufaturing.4Who o

33、esthe utor thinkshoulhave adese t prblem?A Loa resintysC Cuncilors. atinl goerments.35. It can be inferrefrm hest pargrphthat uto copaes.il raise low-emission car prdutionBshud e forced to follow regltionsC willgre th esign ofhei ehile should be put unr publicsuerisiot4No thtmembers oGeeatonZ r grua

34、ting ollegetis srig te most ommonl-aceptedefintion sy thsgeneatin w brn ter 19,give tae aya-te attentio has been risin seai rent weeks. Gen Zs ar abutto hit thestreetslookng for wo i a labr mrket tats tigtrthan tbein deades.And emloyrselnig ohiin about 7 percnorenwraduates orjinthe U.S. his yar hanl

35、st, accrdingt a survy coced by he Naional sciation oColegesand Emloers.Everdywan now how peolewho l oo inhai hose eptyoiceubleslliffr fro hse who am bfore them.Ietitld is te t mmo adjectie, fairy or not,apie to milenils (hoseonbetn181n1995), theahwr frGenertion e pratical and tious. cringo h caer counselorsandexpert wo studte,Gnration sre clear-eyed, eonomic pamatist epte graduig no best coo in hepat 50 ars, Ge Zs knwwhat n ecnomic rin wrek looklike. Theyee ipressioble ki


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