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1、七年级第一单元测试卷及答案新课标七年级英语上册第一单元测试题笔试部分一、根据句意和首字母提示填空。(10分)1or familyae is oor,and whats yorf nm?2Can yu fill in ourown IDc ?3Tonywts t ask yu three q .4 !Thats an ngih book.5Ths s a boy. H nam s Bue.You telephone n is42-275.7.here are s dys i eek.8You cnkow the imeby yoratcorc .9.eveg stues ar in e clas

2、room. Thre re no boys0.hats you ?二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(0分)Im a inge and _(I)mes Dl.2.Is_(she)boonw?3.Its nice_(meet)you.4et _(w)earn an re Enlih5.Whas th_(by)nam?6. _(o) nme i Jne.7Sian eiht _(e) fren.8In th smllvilage(村子), the ar ol nie _(famiy) no.9.Hoae _(yur)?10.Can u _(aswr)the uestion.三、单项选择。

3、(10分)( )1.-ts your tlphone numbe? -_ 278-106.AIBICItsDIs it( )2Is thata rer? No, _Ai isB.it.tha sDth isnt( )3.ll the _ hve _ ow menngsA.ae, isBnmes, itCme, teirDas, their( )4.he girl nae is Mari chuartz, s he _ ame Mra.A.lsaiCfirtDmothe( )5Eachofte stdentsundr15 ers ol doen hv_ID aranBteC.anyDa( )Pl

4、aslitenand _ he nce picue.A.nbers B.etsC.lookD.nmber( ).Thatsa girl. er aeis _.AWan XiolingB.Wang iao LingCan xiligD.Wng xiolin( )8_ a lis of the boysname an thgl nas.ATaBkeCWresD( )9Lets _ th nmeaA.nB.rkC.pDdnc( )10.-Thank you veymuch._.ANo ks BThank . C.ottll Thats right四、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(分)(A)句型转换

5、。1Hi neis om.(对划线部分提问) _ hisname?2.ames s fine.(对划线部分提问) _ _ ams?.Im Jenny.(改为同义句) _ _ i Jeny.4.Lina teehoneuber i 05-4279(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ 605-29?5nam, amily,Lucys,Rad.(连词成句) _ _ _ _.(B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6.你能回答他的问题吗? Can ou _ _ _?7让我们结对问和答。 et _ and _ i _8.我的姓氏是史密斯。 _ _Sih.9她的电话号码是多少? _ hr_ _?10这用英语怎么说

6、?_ this_ _?五、补全对话。(10分)i:Hello.() ?i Lei:Hel. y siLe. And whats or a?Jm: () . ice omto.Li Li: (3) .J: (4) ?Li Lei: Its 37165. (5) ?Ji: It s 372610六、完形填空。(10分) () is ucy. Im a (2) . Im (3) . Im () ow. My teacer s (5) .e nae is Wan P. Sh an () teacer.Dvd s my friend. He isEgish.He is outeen. Dd an (7)

7、 in Class 3, Gade1 I am (8) NumbeI n Ro .Hi in th same ow. i Eglish is (9) . He h(有) a parrot.(10) nae is olly.( ).A.nameumberCcassD.row( )Aanwomangirl.boy( )3A.JapnBChinaC.AmeianD.Ameria( )4A.t the school B a scol CntheschoolD.goo( )5.oBmanC.Enlish.won( )6A.apes BEnglishC.hise Dgod( )7A.remC.ise( )

8、8.AinBtC.on( )9A.welB.OKCgooDfne( )10.AItsBItsC.It sDts七、阅读理解(2分)()Julas hins name iu Min, se n ls 6 andtlephne uberi 756-43. Sharothr,hi name i Adam. He a l bo, he has(有) some goofriend t schoolJlia andhbroher like pes vermuch Julis favourte clour is white, butAdm lis bac Back is is faritcolur.The

9、are n China(中国) nw, theirChinese te iMissag. his god acher根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)( )1.Aam as aCinse ame.( )Miss i is a nglish eacher( ).Adis Jlasbrothe.( )4Julia s tal.( )5Julialikes hite Aa lesblack( )Teyre i Chinanow.( )7Julia telephone numris 75-431.( )8lia and Admle apple( )9ulia s some good

10、fried.( )1.Their Cheseteacer is goo参考答案笔式部分(共八大题,90分)一、1.first 2car 3uetions4. Loo His 6.ume 7seve 8. 9.gil 0.adds二、1.my 2r 3.o me 4. 5.boys first 7.i 8fames 9.you 10.swer三、1-5: BDCA 610:DABCC四、(A)1What is .ow i .Mname 4.s; elepne nuber .Lucs amilnae is Read.()answer his uso 7.ask; anse;pars famly/last;nae .Whas; tlephoenmber 1.Was; n Engh五、1.hatisyur nae?2.My ame iim3.Ni to meet yo, too4Whatisyor telehne number?5.nd wht s our telphone umber?六、1-5: CD 10: CAB七、() 15: FFTF 10:TTF


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