七年级英语 阅读理解七选五15篇.doc

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1、七年级英语 阅读理解七选五15篇阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 imy i a itleoy. likeschcolae ver uh. Buthismoer de let him eat much bcause its ad for h teeth(牙齿).Thiundyi Jimmys tefth btha.His parets want t ve a birhday part. They askJimmys grada to me to t party. Hs gandpa coes th day bfo Jimm

2、s birthday At nght, mohe lls Jimy,“Ifyutel the o (上帝) hatyo nt ,yo illetit .” Soimmy cries , “I want a box ofchocolate !” Hi motheray , “nt sa so loudly(大声地).Te Go can ear ou”immsmileanays, “ ut grpa nt .” Jimy le_ . bananas B cocola C.ay D. cke2.Hwo is Jimy?A.four B.five C. ix D.evn .WhcmestoJmy pa

3、rty ? A.Jimmy rind B. Jimy teache C. Jimysgrandpa D. Jimmys grandm 4.Wh doe Jmm c loudly ? .He thisGoca ha hm B.He loe hs he verymch. C. e ntsto let h radpa r. D.He cantsay t i lw oie.5.Which ofe ollowin i OT TRU? . Jimmy fifhbrthday s onSndy. BJimys mot doent ant Jmmy ea muhoolae.Jmmyas h grnda tou

4、y colat f him,D. Jimys moth buysa box of coola foim.2LostMghditnay.My nam is Gce.Please ca 233-410 rlok fo me in Roo 405.Shpin t(购物单)* 2 i * A penci srpenr*NewCDsof Jay Cu LilyBillSith English teachrNo. Midd hool of NningTel: 6-096 E-ail:bill99sinacomName: Tom Coper g:21T:9873-876Mobe:1596872023E-ma

5、il:om. Cahoo.nAds:31 Yfu Rad1.I yu indrces dictionay, you ccal_.987-876 B.668-079 33-10 D. 196750232.Lily neds _ .A.an EglishctionayB red jaket C. new Ds D. some hrpenes.Bill i a _ i No.9 MiddlScl.stdet B.teachr .wrker D.singr4.Whs Tom Coopers dres?A.321ongfu Rod B. bil99sina.om 312 Ln He Road Dom.C

6、5.Whch ofthe folloig s NOT RUE?.Ly wantso bu to pencis.B.BillSthselephoe nuber i 68-076.C.Tm s2yars ld.Grace Tomare clssmats 3 These the childrs healh is more imprtan for thei arentshy ant to get some adie aboi. Bin ealthmeans a perneas well, getsa lot of eise, d asahealth weigh(体重). I you a heahy,

7、your body wors well, fes goo and an d all the things ounto do f cours,prents ma elp o se thngs- s scookng healh mealsortking a nture trp wih cilrn Bt chldren temsee an ao do soehi keep hlthy Here rome rules.ou may folo thm to kp heathymst of heim.Someood i licious,u ouct ea toouc.Eat fruit and vegea

8、ble.Din wae and milkoftnLitent your oy. Weyo ae eang, noic ow yor bdy feel(感觉).Don wtcTtoo much.Tr to kee acive.1.People ca out _theedays.A.te hldres studes B he childenlfeC. thealth ofchildren D.thabito chdrn Ho dos a healthy cild o ccording t the assge?To a a health hbit.To donough sors.To at ell.

9、 To hae a helth weight. B C. D .Wich f h flng cachldren do to ke ealt?A.Dont drin milk. .Wach T tomuch. CEa muchelicous foo. D.Ea fruitanegetable 4.The underlined wrd“ notice” means _ i hnse inthipassag.注意 B.控制 C减少 D.实现.How many rules(规则)des the wrr ge abut howto ee you hea?A. Fo B. iv C. Six D Thre

10、e If omeoneass you hat olois he ky(天空), thnk your wer willbe blu. m afraidhat youae ro. ause the sky a no olrt loks ue becausewe ar loking a th bluesulght The sulit is shining on little bit of dust(灰尘)in the ar.hts n the sk?Ite sky ful of (充满) air? Imsuthtoha sked tee uetio,t. e knw ht hee s air oud

11、 hwol,ut w ouldnt ly(飞) vry high bcauseas w g hih, t argets thnner(更稀薄). If w gfr oghaway hearh, weca fid tha teisno ir Mybe we cn answesomequeston no.hat is the sky? Whre i it? It is al around teord. The y is sac(宇宙空间).n sace the othin, un the sn, themoon, theeart nd al h ote stars. 1The syas_.Aa s

12、ta ound the earth B.a b bal it ir C.ull of us .no cur2.Whatmakeste skyblue?A.Dust nthe ir . Blusgt . Our ownfelings Bth andB3.Weca fl ver hig bcause_.A.teresto much ar thsy B. th highsky is ull of dir arC.teres noair ite higheou sky D. th sn is to hot4.What s the k?.t i l roun te worl . It ise sunC.

13、It i e moon. . It i the sunig5.There ithe n, themoo,_ad all heothr star.A.thelight B. the ar the UF D. h ir5Do yo no The Tale of Dperaux(浪漫鼠德佩罗)?It is a crtoon movie.t ells a storabu fnyms nadDespereux.I te ovie, ot o mice ar ivng n t brigt houss. They een have shos fr ittlemce.Thewr eautiful and cl

14、ean loth. Then ther cmesou ea funy moue, Deseaux He h pir big earis brothersan sisers al like eatng boks, but Despeeau lks rding books inbares. He has a deamtobecome ar in theboos. Whn egrwsup, he gos to mnswold, an then hebecms a frien oPrincess Pea. ne da, amoue taes awayPincessPea. hs n dage en s

15、pereau beginso save her At lst, te sall mouse beome a eal hero. H an Pss Pea live togeterhapiy. Thstory ants o tell moe clren to be asbraveas hesall mse.Where arthemicelving in he Tae f Despereaux? In sl village. B. In a igco. In the brigt huses. D. Ithedinnghll.2. Wha does esre look like? A. He s a

16、ll eyes. He has ig yes. C. He ike mll ears. D.He h ig erWht does espeeaux lkding? A Helie eatn books. B. He liks eding boks. C Hkes werineatil cothes. D. Heiketing stries.4. h i Prins Pea in dnger? A. Baueleaves formansorld. B. Because sewts o live n thbrigthusC Because a mose take her aay. caus ant

17、s t be a mouss rend.5. Ts mve maily els tha_. A. chidrnshould std ad B chiren should read mor oos C chlreuldbcomae hidrenhold be brav Its a fieSunay morig e, er brther an hr parents ar i big us. Tee a an peoplen i. Som of hem ar rom Ameica, and ome ae ro Englnd and Canada. Th aell theirrens. Ty are

18、gong o thereat Wall(长城). There are wo hiese inth bus On is wa.he is dinghe bus h othri a ung mn. He speas ngish well Hes w lking aot h GretWal. The ter eople are allisening to him. Theyli the Gra allThey wan to seeier muc1 -What tme do Sue ndher family o to therea l? -They g hee _ A. on afe da Bon S

19、day afternoo C on Monay D. onatrdy mrnin. -o o theygo to the Grat Wall? -They go the _ A on foo B.b tan C. y us . n ac3_pop ar ggo te rtWal ith thm. A.A ot f B. Much C fw D. Sme4. Wh divsthe bur hem? A An Amican. B. A Enlishman. . oldJapanese ier. D ACine woman.5.Wchis origh? A. Teyng talksaout hGre

20、at aler wll. B. Sue ha some rendsn Amerca, Englad, Caadaan Cina .They like th Grt Wll a litle D. Ty alllike China vr much7merica solesin tembr fte long sume vacaion. Theraretwo ers in a coo year:hefirst trmis from Septmber t anuary, an tesecnd is rom ebay t un.st American ildr go to public shoos (公立

21、学校).gh scoo stdenstak nly fur or five subjectsat time. Theysual oto te amlasse ry ay, nd ty hve a signment (课外作业) f vryclas. Afer clstey havemany acivitsAfter hih schol, any studes go to lle.1.Mot meian hildrn start schoolifein _ASetmber B. ebruar C ueD. Ju2America childrn have_ _acinshyear.A. oe B.

22、 two Cthre D furudents in theigh school ave _subjecs a tim.A. our B. fivC ix D.four o fv4.Wih of heloing iswrog?A Jly sudents doned o g o school becuse ofvtion.B. Studnts ave th samlses every ay.C.Stdents dnt hahomework for evy class. ost Arica children go o publicshols.5Afer las students _. A.do ho

23、mework. o ck home C. hae mn activits go to mvie8UcleLi wo i hopta i the middleo the citheospiainot ar frm his hm.It abouto kilomet ay So unle Li ldm goesto workb cr.H sualy ride i ike to work,somets n t. It taksm went nut gohere by bike. Adfory inute on fot. Tday his k s roen He want o wl her. Now h

24、es hain beafast. H leaes home a a quare to eight. e wakso wortwnty inutes ealer. His k tats at hpateiht inh morign fnihs t quaer ofive in te afternon.1le Li s _.A. teacherB. rerC. oksellD. ctor.Heten gs to wrk_A.bybsB. by bikeC. n fot by car3 Hw log os te m to et hren o?A. Ten miutesB.Twnty miues. h

25、irymnusD. fort mntes4. hat timedes hofenleae o oot?.atty-fieinutes ast seenB. tenminuts teht. tten uespt ten.D A fv minutes asteight.5.Uslly he ges backhom _ b bike.A. twent mnite five. e mintso iveC. ive minuts astfiveD. alf past iveDessert house We have te inds f essets: smal, medi ndlage. A smll

26、dessrtwthsrabries, annsandice crm is RMB. Amedim der with ples, tomtoe nd cheee i1 RMB. Alargeesrtwhpears, poaeand ce crea 15RMB elc to u ous.Nood House e have soe gratspecals. pecial1 schiand cbbage noodles,and telrge bl isust 6 RMB anhe sal 4 RB Spal2i mtn andarr noodls, nd the arebowlisonly 8M an

27、d smal5 RMB. pecal is bef n otato ndles. lae bowl i 10 RMBand h mal RMB. Speial is tato and g oodls The large bowl is onl 5 RMB andhesmal RMB. aredrin is oy 10 RM. d all e futs arfree. Cmeandget yor noodlestdy!. Howmany kinds ofdessets os essert House have?A thr wo C. n D ou. Ify hae 25MB an yo canb

28、y kind(s) ofdesers A. hee B.two C. oe D.for oday we orde lare desst, two mall bf muto ncarrot noodles an alarge ol of tmato andeggnoodles Wened opay RB. A26 B. 20 C. 23 D 34Nncylkesdeserterymbut she desnt eatomasor otaoe. Sean eat .A. lrge eet B. aedum esst C. a sall desst D. bthA and C5.Mar wts lar

29、ge bol and Emmawant aml bwl. They wat o eat nooe Tey onlyhae RMB and Emmadoesnteat eggs r bef.They wat to eat a large bwl ofnoodle anda smll bowl of noles.A. uton and crot, omato and egB. cicen and bbge,muton andarotC tato nd eg,cicknnd abaeD ee andota, hikenad cabbae10o save time,ayecans b food ich

30、 ca be uicly aeray fr the tae. holida, faie enoydeliciousmeals Fo example, o ThnkiviDay,he fth Thurdy inNovember, famymembs et toeher fora urkeydiner th pupni(南瓜派).TheUntd States i know aou th ol fo t fast f, suchs hmburrs, andwice, pizza,ala ars, and a kinds f ie cream. Pople can easilynd ast food

31、chain(连锁店),suc as conaldand KC, i most of the bi cities n the wld.hse years,ny peopl hve takore ndme cre oftr health whi eating. h ce to knowtig o mcmeat wll mae hem overeight. any of he ar loworried abot food addictive(添加剂) Smeoemmaybe hmful tothbo. Mny Ameiansu _ o saveime. A. reay-maefood Bfoodto

32、ck at he C.inexpensveo Dfrn foo2. ThgiigDayis on _.A. vembe4h Every the 4th Tusdain NovembrC. th frth hsday iNomber Evr oemberthe fut3. Piza s a kind of _ food A. tae-away B. home-cookn C fst D. hiee4. Wat dos two rweiht ean?en_.hiner fter . worse D. bete5. Pple are rrid abot_. Wc is o tu? .ovrwight

33、 . their helt . food adctes D at food阅读理解七选五 1Ia Cind ill. li ayg sportsery much._1_I havemny goo friens._2_ I ot hae baskll,but myriend im as ne.o w ten use hsaebal.Tday s Je 1t,_3_My fthr bs my otherMike a new asbal.He issi yeas odHe ju plays ton the foo t hoe.I wt toue his ewbaketbllSoIay o him,“i,Mike._


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