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1、中考英语短文填空练习 On “Idn wnt ogetp erly,” th Jnir1 midescooltudent i Shnhas,“Iwantmre(1)_ ”Bt,ikeitornot,Luohasbrekastat6:15am,()_homa6:30ma,aftera3-iutsid,he(3)_tsho7.ikeostofhs40lassmates,Luorrvestschoolafullourbfoeesonsstarts(4)_:0amAsdof2,500shoolhilrensixcitis, showedhatabout66ofpimaryschoosudentand7

2、7%ofmiddehooltudentsre(5)_oflp.Somaretsalsoay,Ini,yugmotesandfathersavelileimetoayithtrchdren.arentre()_withtherworkadkidsaebuwihtheirstud.Thatisnot()_frkidsisgthiseeortimethav (8)_withtheirparens, notustotudy.osolvthisprlem,someciieuttheirscholhurstoivehldnmretimetoply.Soemiddleschlstudetsnowgtosch

3、oo3minute()_thantheydbfre. “Thbetwyforchdnoaristopa.henusgerelaytime,theynbrlaxedanlear(10)_ogetalnitotherpeopl,”iashoolhead. TwoM aoit fesiva is rng Festiv. seleraed(1)_ he irt day of t firstlar moBfreit cme, eope()_ theouse n mak te hoe baiul. t ans o wsh (3)_ he bad things Othefit two daysof Srng

4、etval, pele()_ theirfrends nd relatve an send wshe to eah othe(5)_ tisfesival, popl lgar toether toavebi els. sm avorie festial ()_Ican we ne clothes and(7)_ te gitmony. Whats more, I can see the d dnc. It mkse(8)_ apyndecited. T tre(9)_ h SprFstiva isthe eunin o te famlyndhewish of bter(10)_ thecoi

5、g year hreectobe 5, 201 ws a b day fr Cnese T Youyu on the 2015 oblPrize in hyioloyor medicie. She wasthe(1)_ inesesientst wh wo his rize. Chneeeole ar ()_ oer.he ws born()_ ecember 0h,193 hbecame()_ inmedine wenshe was stil a ltl girl. S sestuied medicin wese wa nivesity. Shestarted her lfelong cae

6、er after h()_ her study in the university. (6)_ e ri coditions werevery simle,and she got sk, shedidnt iv(7)_ h std. Se tried tooectChinesemeicine()_ Wetern icine toma a new medcn. e bevedtat failur i theoad t scss She aed quit a o of tims, tshe (9)_ a last. She is mortn 80 yar old now, bu se still

7、goes wrking on her stud. (10)_ reatscietst she is! hope morand moChnese sienislwn NobePize. ForHigh cholinmerica, fte iddle scolcoes high shool, wcnludesgrds9 throug 1.udnts ato takecti(1)_ike Englsh, ocial tudies, mat, science, ndphyical educationBesids,they (2)_ othrbjectto compt thei highsh educT

8、hs subjectsnclude tcnoloy, music, t, and feign anguages.Each stde i thehool ()_ own lockr frbooksand personlthns. This aes studen fromcarryingttbo, ad allows sudsmllspac theca ecor ithpostes d ve ojects.eating areno allowe n (4)_ chools. And nft,high school stdents usuall ot cheat. Spots: Mst igh sc

9、hols havat(5)_ oe sorts team, and al studentsar ecouagedto b involed in pors Schos oftn ofer footba, aseball an sftball, bskeball,olyall, tenis, ad occerSome ay ev hav sprtsie golf, swimming, etc.Jobs:Mayhighchoostudenav pt-tmeob b theage o 6,som eve eri. Theirfirt jos are ote bbyitting orutng grass

10、, (6)_later they ilikely get ajo a (7)_ fstod restaan, vieo stoe, cothigsop.Driving: Sixtee yeasolds egadriv ()_ in m sae,d sudetsuslly w toon a ar asoon as ty can. opent aloweir(9)_odrive afamyvhicle(交通工具), ad ma en bu ca a gaduaton resent Parens refrhat theisons ad (10)_arn eugh toavea se vehice.

11、FiveNorma Btune is (1) _ oChinas st fao heroes, buhe wasn hie-he wasaadian.H gvhis lfe to hpthe Ches people. NranBethune as (2)_in 180He became() _ in 19, and h we to he frotto oo fter ijured sldr in the Frst WorldWar. s masldies di in thewar Later he nvntednew tremnts to(4) _soldiers nd dic ools tu

12、seotsiehospital. n193 he cae to trt he Chnesesoldiers in h outainnorh f Yana.her rewdors, shead to work vry(5)_. He opee(6)_ to ie tratmett locl peplan solder, nd rain dotosand nuses e also ()_ bossothat dotors could learn bout newtetmnt. Dr Bethune wrke veyad (8)_ spping torest nce, he pome operos

13、for 6hrs and save 12 eople .Hcntied wnginspte of cuting his handdurn(9)_operation(手术). Ithe e,edied becas hdd notta reof is hand.r. Bthuewrk wth the Chnessois mad hm ero n hin. Thee ae book nls about hm, and he issill emebred i (1)_ Canad and China.答案:One:1.sleep 2.lees .arrve4.t5. 6.uy 7.good.lay 9

14、ore 10. how wo: 1on 2. clea 3 aa 4. vis . Durig. becaue7 gt 8fe 9. sirt. liThre: 1.firs2 rud 3. o 4. nterested fnisd . Thog/ Ahough 7. up 8. it9. suceeded . hat ou: 1.subjts.stdy/lern3.hs 4. Aerian 5leat . but 7. a 8. age chidre 1 daughterFive: 1.one . brn 3. octor 4.lpave . hard . spita 7. wrot 8 itout . an. both


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