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1、初一英语动词分类及用法初一英语动词分类及用法动词(v.): 一般情况下,按照作用和用途,英语动词可分为三类:be动词、情态动词,行为动词、助动词。be动词表示状态, 情态动词表示说话人的情绪态度或看法,行为动词表示动作,助动词没有实际词意,只起语法作用。动词:英语中的be动词也叫系动词,基本形式有am, , ae 三种。其用法如下:我()用am,你(you)用are,is用于他(he),她(she),它(it);单数名词用is,复数名词全用ae. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后ot莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。练习:. _ rom Auslia.2. Sh

2、 _ a student.3.Janen Tom _ my friends4. M paents _ verybus evr da.5.Where _ yu ro?6._they yournew rinds?.Th irl_Jaks sistr.8.Thdog _ all ad fat. Jackfriend _ in Cls On0. hre_ your mther? Se _ at hom.11. Whosedres _ hi?12.Tht _mred skr.1. These _bses.5 Som te _ n the glas.16.Go Shnsshr_ oe there.17.

3、_ Dadand Helenr Egland?1We _ friends. The ocup of il_me.0.Te man ith by_ acher.情态动词:情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语,只能+动词原形,构成复合谓语,没有人称和数的变化。如:I can skChnese. . Hean sing nlihsongs.(2). 常见的情态动词:can (ould), ma(might), shall (hold), wll (od)mt, hd tter, he o, nd, ought to, dare (de)-否定直接在后面

4、加ot如:Wecn bethere ontime tmorow.我们明天能按时去那儿。 May have your nae? 我能知道你的名字吗?练习: he cilrn_ plyfoobalo th oa. cn B can . ust . mus2-C you sak Jpese? -No, I_.A. mstnt B. can C. needn D. mayno( )3oud bettr _late nt ime.A. otto e B. otb Cwont e . dnt b( )4 Yu_s that man v there Mbehe kow the wy A. hadter no

5、t to B. h ot better C.hd bettr D. ad tr ot( ) 5 _ you lkeohave aother y?A. Cld B.ill C. Woul D. Do( ) -Would you le tgobotig with us? -Yes, _A. Id lke B ant C. lieo D. Id7. _ I om ?. _ pek a litleFech.9. Te redligt(灯) ison. We _ so.0. I _dive aar.11 dancer. c _ (dance) veywell. Woul yleas_ (hel) e 1

6、3 Wld you lie _(go)ith .1.We ete _(not sing)nt lirr. The bohouldnt _(draw) nthe wal.助动词:本身无实意,只有实意动词作谓语时才涉及使用,起到辅助作用。常见的有dodoes/did,后+V原。如:I lk it.-Doyu lke i?Michal iks Chinese Fd.-Doe chal ke Chinse food? Yes,he dos. No, e doent.Jnead Helen likemusc.-Dodand Heen like uc? Yes,h o. No,they dot.练习:1:

7、Se_oseocumaries(记录片). A、doant B、 ontwat C、doentwt D、notwnt2:Lotthaictureonthwal._yulikei? A、o B、Can 、Cud D、Are3:He_likpas. A、 do B、is C、ent 、nt:yuotengtothecnema_Sunday? N,e_.A、on,don B、on,aren C、i,do D、n,dn5:-nyoueelintele?-Ys,_. 、Iam B、Imno C、Ica 、Hist6:oetebyneator? _.A、Ys,hei 、No,hdoes 、Yes,hdo

8、D、o,heit7:_heheanyapls? A、 B、Does 、Is D、e8:Se_watobeapoliwoma,bcauseshethiksitskinofangeous. A、 ist 、aren 、dnt D、dont9:Why_hehavebrownhir? A、 do 、des 、is D、as1:Whattime_heethoeveryday? A、is B、dos C、do D、a11:Wat_ouseeintepctre? 、is 、are 、can D、have12:ck_likelingkie_thoafrisy. A、ot,or B、doesn,ad C、 ot

9、,an D、det,or3:A:_Ji_abl?:No,_. 、D,have,ont 、os,has,et 、Is,have,isn D、Do,ve,dest14:I_haaah.、 anot B、dos C、dont 、doesnt15:_yo_agodimeoyouracai? A、Did;ave 、i;had 、Wee;av D、Were;had16:Smolikes_footbal,butheoesn_itwl. A、 pla,pays 、opl,pas C、plays,plin D、plaing,pla1:She_towahthedishenw.A、nt B、nt C、doent D

10、、cant18:_oln_hiesehistoy?es,hdoes. A、Do;li B、Des;lkes 、Do;liks D、Doe;like1:iLe_luchathom.A、asnt B、havnt C、donthave 、desnthae20:-Wlenedtheckboardyesterda,ck?-John A、eaed B、do C、dd D、s实意动词:即行为动词,表示动作的动词。实意动词分跟有宾语的及物动词和不跟宾语的不及物动词。它有时态及人称和数的变化。如:go,oe,wlk, ri, drive, watch, bein, listen,swm, play,talk,m

11、e, cn, ac, sing, rrow, se, kep, reun, it,rite, drw, lear, study, pt, lok, sep, mo, mis, stp, hurt,lose,crss, tu, sed, enoy, al,frget, bing,as, ws, low,str, climb, ai, now,remember, trave, ope, prepar,dcie, rive, sty, knk,shout 如:. H _(lve) iBijing fo serl ay ery yea.2.Mn _(teach) Englishin our schoo

12、l常见的动词短语: 看电视 watch V 开始做某事 bin/sat todo h. 听litento t. 和某人说话talk ts 谈论某事 l aoutsth 为某人制作make sb. sth./ ake st. or s. 把某物带给某人bing sth. to s. /ring. sh.学习做某事ernt o t. 向某人借某物orrow th from sb. 把收拾起来utaway 挂起来,粘贴pt 踢足球打篮球playoc/ basktbal 弹吉他/弹钢琴 paythe guitar/pian看着lo t 照顾lok fter 看起来像look lik 喜欢做某事 enj

13、oy dong sth. 玩的开心njoy onsel 忘记/记得去做某事fogt/remembeo do sh. 决定做某事decideto d sth 希望(某人)做某事h (sb) o doth 希望做某事hp too sth. 为做准备rpare fr sh. 达到rivein/t 敲门nock 摔倒fall down阅读理解:MrsKing is n Amican docr. Sheis now i Cna. Shewks n a cldes hospial(儿童医院)in Bejng. She is alsleanin hnesemdiine(中医) ere. She lies C

14、ne eicinery much. She loves working orcldrn.She woks hard in the dy and rasEnglih bo on (关于) hine dicne atniht S learn Chneseom he Cnedocoan hr Chnse rinds. Nean speasome Cinee.he canead se hinese oks, oo.Her husband Mr. Kg is a teahHeteache Englishn jur hig col in Beiin. H rks rd, .He wrks frm da t

15、o Friay. He eachsthreclasses very day. Smetimes, on Satras and Sun, e eac ohrEnglshclases. Heants to make more mny (挣更多钱).根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36 Mrs. Kig works in _. shpB. uorigh sool in Beijing C hospital in Beijig D. hospil i mrca( )37. Both of the Kings _.A. live n AericaB. liv n Shghai C. wrkhadD.

16、wo eey day( )38. Mr Kig works_.A. i a junior igh shool in Beng B. i a chidrenhpital in BejingC. a unior hhcool irica D.in a hldren hotalinAmeica( )39. Mrs. Kng learns Chinesefrm _.A. her tahB. he bsC. theoorsD.te Chnesoctors andr Cine frind( )40. Whc efollowisentence is NOT true?Mr.Kgcan speknglh an

17、d Chinese.B.Mrs. King dostko anythinabout Cines mdcneC. Mrsig isfrom mriD Mr. Kig metimes eahes othenglis lases on wekeds. 综合填空。hat pepeo n rfreeie?Smepeople like o staya 1.h_Somewld ie t o for picnic. Otesike t do spors.My frindBue 2_(工作)hrd n n offic3._Mona o Friday. On weeds, h deomehing4_d()r()nt. He wsh (洗)hiscar 5_Saturays. And onSunas he e to is unces far with hisfamily 6._car The arm is n big,7. b_ee is ._(许多) w t do n it Th kids 9_ lwez l with thanimas.Brucean s ife hp in the ied (田地). Theny av 1_(大的)diner i the eveng.After dine, th drive bck ome.


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