外国人写的英文推荐信recommendation letter英文邮件推荐信.doc

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1、外国人写的英文推荐信recommendation letter英文邮件推荐信英文推荐信范文ample :o WhomIt M Conce:I ve hdthe ditint leasure hvingKaya Sone s a stuent in mydebtclases nd n y eae teamfo thre yr at Eastrn Lite HoeHgh chool.Kaahas een mehahe idealstudent. nde to achievth higes gradesnd mydeepestespet, hehasnstraed utstandig aersipa

2、n maintined ear sense of purpseTh cemicat Earn Litle Hope are most chlenging, and Kaya ulflled althe rquieentith h adedchalege of honos a dvancdcurses. Kaya isan ousandg etempoaeou spear and ebater. Sheas on mny awards onte speechan deb ccuits, andqualiied for aton tournaens. Success n heeersclastic

3、 ctivitiesrequsextensv reseah an pesuiv skis Kaya als she degee f ialDstincti, sa embe ofheainl Forensic Legu. Duetoitsnate of metr, tate, an natinal iersolatic ompetio, he successful highschlfrenscs studnt serves yoonyprsentinghis or her ho bu also byreesenting his orhe communy as wel.On oftherquir

4、emet in my advancd cs torpare lecres and uidancef the beginners. WitKasuir koee aninvleent inhe politicalscience, seevloea strog seneof condeewitha charming attitude. hrfoe, I oul alwy pndon her toetthe es exaple a an itruto. Beause f he atraleadership bili, a waselcted as ourDbaeCptain. Onacount of

5、hr mature aproch to her responiliies, I fte ougt of Kay as oleue Sine hrclssmtes, my ellow teers, nd I il always hold her i te highest eem,I sincerel recmenKaya tone athe idel anddatefor matriultn atEastern LittlHpe Stte.Recfullysubmitted, Dan Pel, Ph.D.Smple2:A the iror f theay Aa Comnit Cetr, wclo

6、ely ith ny the mny vounteers.I csdr Mhal homo one of t most tuious and sponile membersf ur ranizaton.After threeyeas time, avecm tknow hwel and would lk o rcomnd i as a ndidtefor yourudgduate program. ihal s a edicte embeo heBy Ara munity and as donaed utl hs of hi im to theCnter.Hehas not nlorkedwi

7、thmemefthe communt, he hs alo eled to impemetplans nd prams that wil eri th ive of hoseroundm. Michaelsedsip and gaizatnl skils ha en invaluabl t tese rogs,most of whch hve en star from theru .For eale, the ldren of the By Area r now ab to beneimmultiu of eafter-coland tutoringms, while te eldrly me

8、mrs f ou communitycan nowapply fo rocey deliveiesthat di notexis reus. I my oinion, Mhes unwerin devotin o i cmmunit xemlfie stong moral fib an haacter.esa trustwrthy indiialnd wouldbe ncellent canidatfor your scool. Sineely, Jn Feser Director,ayAre Couniy CnterSaple :To WhomI Mayocern: Cheri Jacko

9、is an eraodnry oug wman. hrAP Enlish Proeo,Iae sen yexmpes of her taletandhae ng ben ipesse by r diliee andork ethc. Inestn that Cher i alyigothe udergaduat proga at yur shl. I wold likeoeomm er foradmision.Cerihas outstandn orgazatioal sklls.Se is le o sucssl ople multile tasks wit favoble resuls d

10、esite deadie pressure. As prt of a seesrroect, she evelopeda innovative collabortive oel it he classmate. his boo snow bingcoiered for publcation. eri t nly eadetproject, he enudits sces b dmontrang ladershp bilte that herclssmatesboth adie an rspected. usalso make notf Cers excptalacademic peforman

11、Out o aclass f 150 studnts, Cheri raed withonors in thetop 10. Her above-aveage erormace s dect resut of hr rdwor nd strng fcus. If our ndgradu prgram isekn seio cnidates ih a reord o achieement,Cheriis a xcellntcoie. Se ha consisten emonrtean aility to ise t ny chalenge that sh must face. o onclude

12、, would lik torsat y sro eommnai fo ChiJackson. Iyua ny urthr questions regadin hes atyoti recomedation, pase o not heitate tocnact me usin the informtio o is leterhead. Sincery,ProfssorWillamDSple 4: WhmI May Conr: his letter ito seve a m fomal ecmmendaton for Adw Fuler. Andrew hs een y dct itan fr

13、sevrlyrs.He ha een interested i obtaining nMBA dee or ometie nw d I feel that he wuldb n ecellen cndidatefor your estemed progm. uringis tme her, drwhas onsistety onsrad a trong wrehic a adedcation to scess. is ffors havprouced ig qai resuttime and time ain. t yar,Adrew developed and succesful imlme

14、td aplan to steamlie our podutineprtmnt.Th an as ajor udertkng,reuiring a gratdal fthoght ndefforton Andrws behalfThoug dreis y assisa, hei also n n unoffical ladershi re.Man of hi o-worer seek his advice andupport. Anrew aways the f thm and is uite ofortable in the ro. I eel his budding leadeshipab

15、ilitiswll bomeevn moe efective in a busns school settng.Forthese reaons, I hgy ecomen Andrew Fullr a cadite for ouMB prgrm.f you hve an questions reardig Aeworthisemmendton, pleae cnact m. ineely, on ThoaseransManger Tri-Stte DirectoriSampe :To Whom It My Concrn:I wou lik t ake an opotuity t offera

16、frmalreomnatin for ane Glass. As the Senior Coordnatofr Heatlad Commece I haeknwn anefr aproximtly tw yars adeelthat sh is aderving anddate f your buinss school ogr.ane jond ur organzations n entry-level cutme srvce prestti. Deonstating a icredibe intitiv an srong diaon, shmved u he rnks qukly. Afte

17、onysx mohs,she wapomted to team lear.Th boardcou not hlp boic hw sucessul she wa nhe new sition and quckly offeed hr anothe rmoi, minghrart of the execuivemangement team. Jane leds byexmple adnypeole her id henthssm and ddication ot inspiring an otvain. As par ofth executie maaemt team,anhas wked ha

18、d to l teni relatonhps withtheployeeer eforts ave cateda hi and more productve team. believe Jane hibsman othequalitis that ae essential to usnesmanaers andbusiness sudnts. Aneducaio tyor eseemd buses chool will helpher hon these qaites, whie enncinher aeeropptunitieshighly rcomend Jan Glas fo our p

19、rogam an hoptht youwll crefuly consider admison apiation. Sicer, eba Ma Senr Coordinatr Hrland CommerceSome ts owring a lttr of remendtion A goodrecomenation lteranbe a sse o yourcolege applicatin. During admsion, mot business school-neraduate ndgaduate- expect to see atleoe, referaly two o thre, ec

20、mdain eters or each aplicant. Recoedon lettersprvide adso committs with inforation thtma or may ot e ound n youapplictin, incdng cadmiad rkchieveents, haractr eeences, and psoa dtail tht set y partfro othe picans. Esentil, rcomndaion lettr s personl referecthat eplas hy the schoosold rcgnizeyo, youa

21、chievemet, ad yur charater. t sa godrecmdationlette can be an sse,a bad emendationltr caberane. Heeare som dos an dnt to keepi mindwhen securg yourecmmendaton etes: os chose someonewhows you wlenouh to gie you rcmenation. Do get recomenatins fro mplyers, professors,scoladminstrat, and anyonels h s a

22、mirwi your worketic Doas forhe recmmndtn in rson, hr han sedin an mail. D tethe eterwiter why yu ned the recommendaio leter. Domton pcifi tings ha you wud lke t seeincluded. o nd a thnkou oe aftrwrds. D keep opis the letterYu ayned to ueit ain h future. Dots Dont waituntil t ast mnue eue letters of

23、reomendatn on apsile. Dnt ask seone t li Dt vrfgesinaturs Don choose somon n forheir tle. Pick someoneho has a tite AND nows yu wel. Dthoosesoeone who is oorrier. Dnt hesiate togeas any recommndtin lttersa posible. hooe he oesththow you n the bst lht. Dontbe suprised if te eron you aking ra reommend

24、ation lettrask you to wiea lette tht hey will larmodify an ign.Ths is comn pace. ontfrget t sa please nd tank y. A lettof ommendtin is a valuablereouc Good Lettr vs Bd eersMst biss chols rqet seeat last two letters of recomeno drng th appiction proess Recomenain etts provid amissonomitee wit infoiot

25、hat may r may not e foundn your busnes schl apliatio, inldin aaemic aok chievmens, caracter efrenes,anderona detil. Goo Business Schoo Rcomenation go comendatin tter will suplnt you busies scol applictn It will aso prvdspecifi apls o your aomplismentsandorwor ethic It is vey important thoose te righ

26、t proto write your busn scol reommdation Do no pik someone bse n their name and titl aon.Itilurt ouin th long un.You wil be muchbeter off hoing soeon wh knos yu wll. Thisperso wil beable topovide y wih n nest,detaied, and htflt rcommendaton.Thebst bs schoolrecmmnatin come frooeon owriteswell, speak

27、highly o you, and ives pecfcs tat bc up heircaim. a Bsies Shool comendatons Busines school reomendatistat re poorly writencan and wil maeyoulok ad. Befre turningn your reomndaio leter, mke suat it isup to par Bgin y hckg f peling and gramarerrs. hn, inkbuor busess sool application and sa(s) Does t c

28、onetofthttrsupport what u saidpreiously? Itshould.If threare ay ontictons, fix tembefre tunnin yur documents Final,evalut the acuracyof t eommedation. os t roprly efectyor harace d work tic? If not, gtletter fo somene else. You shoul eveurnina uns school rcommendion unless yure compltlyatisfiedh it


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