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1、大二试题1Theineiew i an impotant eent in h jobuntn process, bcausethe2 0 ute you spnd witt intevieer may deemine hetror not ou get h patua j yu w.Teefoe ,it is imporant to reembr thayor objcie during the intrvie ay iff frm he objctivof thepotnial emplo. wan o make yusefsnd ou as a hle pesonwh ha ersoast

2、rnths, i wl qalifed, nshuld bcnsidere the rigt pesonfr the obt s curaig t knowthat he intrvies ts nto embarras you orto trip u p, b to hire t riht person he job. Rmmber, job huning i vercompetitie. Anyhng you can do o nhanc your inteview chnique ill e to yor avantag.The fllowingsgestios ay hep yu la

3、 the most imporant jo.Your goal ints iteiewomke ure yugod pointet ac The itriewer onkow tem unlesoupoittut, s tyto hs in a factul a incere mneDo no make slighingferecesto rme employror proeso. If ou av been fed f a b and the iteewer sksabotit, e frakiyour answerSow e inerviewr tht you ae nrested i t

4、hcopany aking relevnt queson Ask about resposibltis, wrkng cndtios, pomoiooportuniiesad fringe(附加)beefit of te job yuare teiing fr. If t som point you decide the ineriew i no gngwell,o not let yourdiouagemnt sh. Yo have noh toose by cont a sho confdene, nd yo may hav much to gin. It a e ral,orit may

5、 be a est e how y reac o drse coditions.Some ntrviws ay bng up salary erly inthe intriewtthistme, ou ma inicate thatyou ae ore inteed in a where y cn prve yurself than a specifc saaryhi poliely passes hequstin ba to theiteviewe. I ssbl, you shuldgiate for salayafter yu ave benofferd a jo and e o ae

6、when yo areread o comlte hepprwrk.1. ogete jb you a, dig thenterve you should_A.voidth interviwerquestiohat aresinedo ip youup.Beember hatou are the bst qulfied canidte.C. mak ouestad out as thrigh person fo th b.D. kep inmid tat it dtermines whether o nt you gt the patiula jobyoant.2. If u did nott

7、 alongwith yo fome eployr, you_A. sld tell th itervwe frankly. B hould not spa il of him.C. shouldrfe to h in facal mannr.Dsholdnever metion t3.When you indthe interview isnot going well ou sould _.A. keep p yo cnfidenc. bing ittan nd as sonsossibe.C. e or intviwrhoyou react t adverse onditosD. tell

8、 yoelf you have muc gain and oting tos4.The besttme to diss you alaryis _.A.whyou av bee ofe the jb. . at th endofth teriew. ater o havemlted e pprwk.D. whn h nerviee brings thismater up.5 Temost iptantthng to o durigniervew is _.A. to mak yorstenghsndertodB. t sow your intne nterst in th jobyouarel

9、yin for. to be frank and ice.D.to be naual andcofiden.答案:BBAikmanothesallby,fascinedbcars,epecllybcaseylestrotherwasaitofarguyandsubscrbdocoomagazinesliearandDrieradMorTred.Evrysoften,oneothosemaazinewoudrunanarticlte“CaoftheFture”heyfeatureduncovenonathiglikesmalnuclearractorasowersrs.Yet,frnl,ycad

10、oesntdoantingthatmyrthersSudebkeidIges,itps,itbursane.Istillhaesteerit,ntstilrunsntohngifdonseeritcaefl. utguesswha?Alotheeingarelelytchneihnot-s-dstatfueItmayntbgasline,maynovtteert,nditmybealobeteratnrnngintotings Arbagsaentthebe-landenalinsafet.Infc,cnsidengtheeetnewsabtpleocsionlybeinkilledbyter


12、causeaccints,inuinru-rivg,adailtin.Carsculdbequippedwthensorsthatcndetectaloholindriessysenventthecrrmbeinstre,forexamle.Asealxtear,oubebletouyarsirda-quipecontrolstms.Iftheradadeemiesyourosigoouickywithtecarnfot,itwillesuponterottl. llcseventalybebledrivethmele?Thresnoreaontothntbtecnicalyosible,ne

13、rdswoingonasystthacanbrake,aleratansteeaehiledownahghwyonitswn.Noboyalyexpetspeopltogvepallntrlttrar,butuchytecouldbeusasfailsfesystemsoeprsontheodadbrithesafeyoatopevnifthedriversudenlybecmdisable. 71.Whywasthuthascnateyars because _. A.othersallylikedtoowacarofthwn,too. B.hreduconentionltigaotcari

14、nhibrthesmaines C.hisoldestbrotherlkeimtoplacsiniscar. D.hescriedocolcarmazins72BysingmcadoentoanythingthatmbrthrsStuebakintdo,heatomeantat_. A.myarisfabettrthanmbrohrsB.mcarisnotasodasmbothers C.otmuchaschangenthperforeocarssa Dmuhimroenhasnmadinthdeinocarsrecnty3. hcthfoloingtateentstuofab? .Tarei

15、nedoffrtheriprvement. Theyareointoisppearradully.Ceyillpepleseaofprtecnthemnlow-pdcolisios. D.TyreastandrdfeauofEureancars 7. Ardingttauthr,whatwllfuturecarsdifthesesrsdettaloholinthedrivers sysem?A.Teywillgiveawrningivnc.Thywllaeautomaically. C.Teywilleaeuponththole.D.Theywilnotstat75 hihofthfolowi

16、ngstatementsistraccrdnthelaspaagp? A.Poplewillgveupalcontroltoheicar B.CrsilleabletodrivtheslesC.Noarswilleverbkdnoroads. Carswilalbeequppedwithalsfesysem.答案:BCABat 2 Young Woke Ps Empors fr Widr Web AccssRyan Tcy thoughthed entee heDAges wen e graduated coege andarivdin te wrkingworld.is employer b

17、locked accesoFco, Gmil nd oher pour neret sit. had nowielss acess for hs atp and fen ran ta nearby af n r timso hecod use t iF conectiotoend largefiles.ur, he baries d wa hs employe intene: They opehim andhis oleagues frm uiok imeto gf around onie. u Trc says the ls alo go the wayof egitimte wrkhe n

18、eeded to o as a citific nlys fr eal cr srvicesopanItws onstnt atle btwentheople at saw eholoy a an adantge, an thse at sa it asa hinrce,saste 27-ya-old hican,who w works for different cmpny.e ws sue erad to be a better w.Itsa coon comlai fomougpople wo joi the ork orceith the epectaion h thi bses wi

19、l ac techola mcasthey do. Then some iscver thatstes theyre uppose to b reserchng frwok are blke they an e a ttle downtime o rad w tor onlne or chekteirperonal e-milor social etworing accouts In somass, the d u usng tiron Intrnetenabedsarthones o geto bloce sites, eih fr work or funS some e wondrin:

20、Coldcomnes te aferen aproach,withou comprosn siy or woklace efficency, hatalowsat lastome f teonliecc hatyonger emloees partcuarly cave?Its n differet tan spedi tomuch timearoundtewatercleormaing oy prsonal pho calls. Do you take those awa? o, aysGar Ruman, presien GTR Consultin, a maretresearch fim

21、 t tracks th habit of yongeopleThese two wrlds wil continue o collide until tees a tual undestanding hat performane, t Intert ag,iswa reaymatter.Tisi, afr all, ageneio f oun peplkown whatniersty of Torto ociologit aryellmancls eia mutiplexit. College sdens has stude tehiho te leep wit heimartphone a

22、d,in sme ae,consdr te adgts be lke a pt o hir bdisTyre alo lesslikly tfit the tradioal to-5 wokmode andare wiling topt iime te ours echange forlexibility, including nlie im.So,Wela anothers gue, hyno embrc th won stylwh posile, rhr a fiht it?Thre is,f cors, notrsie of he tory - frm employers whwory

23、bouteverthing fromwasted me o te Iteeo coientialiy breache d liblity r what teir employees onlin. Sh concersave o betake escall seriousl in suh hlyrglaed ils inancan health ar, says Nancy Fln, a crporatcsla hoeasthe io-bad ePolcynstitue.rm asure Flnn didths yearwth the ercanageent ssiatn, s beliees

24、arlal of US. mloyerave polc bnnng visits o peol sol newrkin orvideo aig sesdurng workhur.Man as an ersonaltex esaing durig wrkingaysFlynnnote that the riing populait ofBlckeys, Phoe nd ther evieswith Wb accs n messagin ave adeitmuch trcie t eforce whats engne work tim, rtiulal on an employees psal p

25、one. O oftn the staf uss uapprove sofwar applictio o bypassth blcks.Aresul, re empyers ae xpeimentin with opeingacss.ThatwhatJoeDer deidedtod when he stted icago-based rill Street & Co, a jos site orog rofiona. He lethis eloees se socialnworin and ond tt, le thy mgt spendtichttg up teir friends,omet

26、imes heyraskg tose same frin r adice ora work robem r lookng or usful cntacsS wat seemsuprucv ca be vr prouctv, yer says.raft Fods I. eentlypene acces to eveytngfrmYoub o Facebook ad Hotmil, wth the caveatthaterso ue breasonbl and neer intreret jb atvitis.Broaden acces dos, of coe, an soe epyes will

27、 crss lins they rent suposd toSaphire Tchologies L,a infrtion-echnoly sffn firmbasedinMaachuets, red allowing emoyeetous ostIntr site tw years ago,becusecres ftheompany weregoin on acebk t find taln.Mtin Perry, the mpays chif inoraon offce, say anaers occasinaly ave give emees a sla the writorachg s

28、porson sramng video r owladmv n iunes. And e sasoder aners somtimes raise yebrws t their youner counerart nline judgment.Ifyosaw sme of te picts tat theyve uded, ven to ouinteral iectry, ouesto the auriy, Pery sas.s thercea mpany has to y,e sys,for arcti p youngtaetthts ilng o worat ayhour. BintheIn

29、ternet i w hours would myopic o pr, erry a.But tt so meas man companies are still gring ut theironlie polcies nd hw to deal with the lring lis betwen wknd erona tm - incudnscial netwoing, ven whth bos.I thin ver time, a opnembc of tee tools canbcoe ikean kwrd hg, sysMaryMadden, senor reacspecilist a

30、t th Pew nternet & merca Life Project.I ca gt ver msy.One option is r companieso low ccesto ceainsitbut lmit wht employs can o thre Forinsc,Palo AltoNewrks,a omputer seuity cpay, cetlyeleda pharmaeutia cmpany nd a furniture aker openupsocia neworking for some emyees, bt limited such optios asfle-shn

31、g, lagelo hat sensitive inforion isntanserr,eaccientally.Wide-ope Inteet accessi te rskypprach,as Chrs g, al Alto Ntors directo poduct aring Howeve, fullyclosed s iringly ueble fo uur reon d business eos.Fn, atthe eolicy nsttute, s i irnt at emlyers avea clear onine pocy an thenexlin it Se elies not

32、enoughemloyrshve couted ormatraing on such mate as olineliabilit an cofdenalt.Matime,her dvic toaemplye s tis: Dn trt bloggingon tt tweeting. Donteen start e-iliguntl yoeadtecmpan pliy.1. Ryan Tracy ofn ran to aby ca in orderto _A. ruawa fro the heav ork.Bceck soia working accounts. edfle onlinethro

33、ughWiFi. do cnf anlysisfor hi cit2. Whatis cmon expetaton of toun pople ho just stat o work?A. e Itrnet accss isly clos.BTheir boss wllba persoal eti.C. eb cess is ailble for ployees.Only wirelss access ivailbe i the ffie.3. The conlibetweeemployesademoyes or acceswill fade y f_ . anewewor lin sftwr

34、e isinvnte.B.the saffavenough timtomake phoe calls.Cthe importanc prformance is prioitie.D. cetan wests are allweto visi ihe office4. What steditinhing feue o“medimliplxiy”?. Theyare ikely to fitthe traditoa -t-5 ork d. Theyonsirelectrnc olasa patof their bd. hey tend t pay moreattenionto e mas medi

35、a.D.Thy r willig to ork longer hurs fo igh alry.5. If wbaess is vailabe, th lth a nstiuts ill pobay especially concern bou _. eposure of scret iformtionB. vit to de haring sitesC rinpoularity fsart pheD.excessve us of soia newor6. Wat makesmore lyers expeimn ith ning web cces? A. Constantcoplns form the


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