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1、大学英语三级B级考试真题201年12月大学英语三级B级考试真题第题:单选题:W wil have paythm a lare _ of moey or he evice.AesetCamountDsers第5题:单选题:d pprate it yu coudt me hw _ thmcn.AoperaBo operaCpeatnDoped第题:单选题:Im sryto telyuthat the materialsyouwante ar _.Atken ofBput upsodtDg of第7题:单选题:Itisviu tha thesemalbsineses e _ ee of techni

2、al support.inoCwithDt第8题:单选题:_ I aconcernd, i is imptan togta ob fistAs o sBsel asCs soonas As far as第9题:单选题:Some mpanies might not etyou rna ca_ youhaveacedt cardAwheebecauseCsinceunlss第0题:单选题:Inhis pini, sucsn ife minly _ o we gt alon wth otherpplAeesBdpesCisissDspend第1题:单选题:W_ building te bride b

3、ythe e ofnextmontAare fiihnBhae fniseCwouiishDw e finihd第1题:单选题:Ouromanys sriceis _ i nar 8 counriaround therld.AavableBnturlCrelavDcaul第13题:单选题:Iws in Jonos hotl_te usines meeing shel lst yearthisBtatCwhtDhih第14题:填空题:To tart youro busisssusualy (chap) _ tn t bu oe第1题:填空题:The foreignprofssor spke lo

4、wly and (cear)_ so thate coldoo hm.第6题:填空题:Thoey (borow)_ rom thebank has alread beenpai bak.第1题:填空题:The(mng) _ sai ha thei opany wouldntbe rsponle fr thl of te gods.第18题:填空题:hn wet hs eehone numbe, w (tell)_ yuimmedtely第9题:填空题:t wontmak ny (ferent) _whthee ometot meeig r not第2题:填空题:The machne shoul

5、d (test)_ befr it i put use.第1题:填空题:We ook fowto (met)_ ou and wh you eersuccssnyur cer.第2题:填空题:My (person) _ epriencesuggest tawe hould coacthe stmer frst.第2题:填空题:ter the lecureesterda, the (ae) _ how imprtnt comany cultre was第4题:Reading Comprehenio:A cais ade up of morethan30000 pat. ah parin a ne

6、wcar is as wea asa aby.Soanew car requrspoercae ad servicing I youreufamiliarwit te part, ou have t ead thrg th owr inruions elirst fall, the baks (刹车) oyurr ar irtant r safet(案例) reason. Hang them check regulrly can reduce the isk f accidnt. Another impotnt hingto cnsir is engine ae.waemmbert the l

7、ife an rormace ofour ar eginepen o the enine oil. Relac te engn oil whe recommened.f yu feel theenine ver htespeillyuring sme it bably becse the colin ssem doet orkwell.Yud better gettoong sysem serviced befrethe starofsuer.In wd, imelyand properericig isan importantask for ownr.Go serviing cn not o

8、nly exted the life f yur newbon baby, bta nsureor safety, ad he aty ofthos ho share te rodwih you.小题To get fami wth e partof nw car, e ner shol _.regad thecr s aneorn babyhave the ar sevied beforediving itCred throghhe instrctions aeullyDexmi ll ofth pats ofthe new ca2小题The rkes shoulb checke regarl

9、y _.Ato avd acidentsto raise pedCto reue cstDto save 小题For a car enin t wrk g nd ell, thwner hould _.replacthe eine oiasrecommeneBrduce te e o the c n ummrlea theengine prts relarlyDcange hbrake frquely4小题Itis ecmmedd tohav the cling sytm checked h_Au bu a ew arsumms ongChe ngineoil replacedDhe brak

10、eseut of rde5小题e las pargaph tellsus at the prpose f carefulyseici a car s_.A lt yu s yur ar at a d priceBto exend ts lifeand enuresaftyCto reduce thecs carervicingDto mak the carrun fster第5题:ReadingCoprehens:Genral olicisOthe light ticke has ben isue, theeon thececanot be chagedTike n-fundble (不能退款

11、的)Peae rvew yuritnrar (行程安排) mmeately. f n roms r bef r durig yourri, you ut llourbookng offies ight away.Ifyou waitti you return, t laeheraretimesh we aeunable t conirma ooing In tat caseewill ttpt to reac youbyphn aneil. You mut call uback witin48 huror emy ob able fferyothekin pic.ange oiciesIf y

12、 chane yourboing, alnes may charge fee $150to 20Soe ke o nt low ans.eedo ce o cance orip? it or weste toceck he fees an rls before you dide,Cacellation (取消) liiesIf onceyorbooigyouwill not ceiv any mone ba.Yu ma aplyrt yr ickt pce oards fturetrvel (oalimite i, uly a yr).1小题Acodingo th polcies, h nm

13、nthe cet canntbe cagoet ticke s _.AbokedBissedCcneleDcofirmd2小题Ifyoae any robes dng arip, yould _A askfor a refuBchang yr itieaCcall theboing ficeDreurn the ket to theofie3小题a hpps enyour tice ooking anno becnirm?AYo hold make nthrooig immeiatlyB can hange you boking fe o chargeCYou ill be informedb

14、y phne and -mal.DYouwill ill enjo he bok pric4小题If y antt chane a bookin, ou ay have to ay _.10% of the bokriceBa feef $15 to $20alfthe ticetcea fixed ee5小题Whih f the ollwing statement s E acoringt he cacellati poicis?Aoucan u ar of he tiket price or futre avelBYu can rfdthemoeyfm te ooking ffic.CYo

15、u can keep te booking effectve oron yer.Youcannt cancel our booi in any ase.第题:Reading Cmehension:Payng ilsany lanr pfer tolect ret drectl from abnkaccoun.Ymy be b banchaper servce iyu pay bil directly rm aba accon,.g. teephone/ga/wte/lectriciy.If youare gien equbo,y can asowrte heque a a sa way of

16、ayin fr tings. CashYou can sily obtai money fr cash maines, orp dircty fro you acont n a bitcrd (借记卡).ing mneyIt isgneay ceaer o se a UK acunt h it is o paybycreit crd (信用卡) or withdraw (提取) ash fr aorein bank.mloyetfo work in the U,some emplyr require ou to hveabnk ccount s tat you ca get yr payAdv

17、anta of UK Curren Accountaing bils:1小题toay rent diretly fro (1)2小题to otan (2) serves3小题to pay f thigs h cqus safely Cash: )tbain mnefrom(3) asly4小题topay iretl fromour acou Savin moe: ape tousa(4) cont5小题Emloment:t getour (5) thruha aaccun第27题:Readng Cmprehnso:Dear Mr.own,Thankyo o you leter epemb ga

18、rding M. JohnGreen whohs ben emoyedt mpny for the pat1 yeasMr. Green served isappenceship (学徒)ith Vkrs Tools L. in Manheser, ollod y a the-year use of ngineeing or ductionEeee is echnay weqliied nd forth pas iv yeahsn or Assistt Work Manaer rsponsie foprductionan rlatd busins in u Sheffielfactoy. In

19、 all his jobduties he ha shhislf to beard-wrkig, eponsil nd in eeryya eydependal employee.I can trongly ecome Mr.Gee as I fel sr tha i he wee tobchosent manae ourfactory in Nrob he woul bng t hwr tre tmopre of tamwr, whch would fond cessary elul byal who wold orkwth him.Sicrely your,Tom mth1小题How lo

20、nghaMr. Gren n empyd bythwris cmpy? For _.2小题hat kind of couseidM reen tak? tree-year us in engineering for _.3小题Whto iti h reen held in the past five years?4小题Wh oes the witr think ofMr.Gen a an eploye? Heis hard-wokin, _an endabe.5小题Wat istheupos t leter? To _Mr. Gre mng fctoy inNairobi第28题:RadiCo

21、mprenion: h following is a list f terms relatd to th man resourcesmanaemen. Afte reing it,yare reuire ofind eemsui t(与等同) se en inCines h table belo.AEplyeereltinsasic saaryCN hiftDAttdance bookEHumasource mngentFWork permitGmployment njry insurneHHousig fudIAnnul salrYa-endbousKCnract oservceEaluat

22、o eloyesSick leaeCofe reOUnepoymetisuranceMimumguaiy managmet1. ( )年薪 ()最低工资2. ()服务合同 ()员工关系4 ()病假 ( )工作许可证5 ()住房基金 ( )基本工资第29题:单选题:Wth fue pices goin up,cr buers are canging heirdof buyin acarA燃料的价格正在随着购车者买车想法的改变而上涨。B燃料价格的涨落正在不断改变着购车族人群的构成。C随着燃料价格的上涨,购车者买车的想法正在改变。D燃料价格上涨的时候,购车者买车的想法也会改变。第3题:单选题:You

23、 havetorise thequality of ur products beausebuyrs those ntris are very mch qualitind.A你们的当务之急是提高产品质量,因为这些买家对质量都很挑剔。质量第一对你们很重要,因为所有国家的人都非常在乎产品质量。你们要让那些国家的买家对产品感兴趣,就必须要明确质量优先。D你们必须提高产品质量,因为那些国家买家的质量意识都非常强。第题:单选题:Tradncompanis e to nsure thir abilit to hadleords fficintly, making n onlne systemn ssnial

24、sales ann.贸易公司需要得到公司的明确指令,才能把重要的网络销售系统建立起来。贸易公司需要保证他们有能力来处理订单,才能使网上销售渠道变得重要。C贸易公司需确保拥有高效处理订单的能力,使在线系统成为重要销售渠道。贸易公司需要有办法来执行公司的指令,以便建立起基本的网络销售系统。第32题:单选题:I eessry to h a good udrtandin o allh trs n condtion efore sgnin a ctract先好好讨论一下各项条款,看是否有必要签合同。B在签订合同之前必须充分理解合同中的所有条款。对所有合同条款都已正确理解,现在可以签合同。D合同的所有条款

25、要更好地解释之后方能签字生效。第33题:填空题:Thank yu fo coming to the j inerviewa ouroffic ystra. Withitwo wes wll tll o ou deisio nour appli We want you tnw tt wewill serousyconideyur appicatio. If, for se resn,we cannr ou positit th te, w wil keep or appicatio n cord. hen theis jb openin, wil inform yo mmediatey.第题:填空题:说明:假定你是秘书nda g,请按下列内容填写给经理oh Brow的电话留言。内容:1来电人:AP公司M. Marin2.来电时间:12月3日上午10:33来电内容:r. eer Margin将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时问与您见面。他希望在本周五上午9:30能见到您,讨论双方合作事宦。您是否有空?希望您收到蹄言后尽早回电给rPerMargin。


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