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1、大学英语习题答案窗体顶端1. (单选题) Ws _Bll, _payed th pi ery well, lped he blind out? C(本题2.分)、 he;who; hatB、 t; ttC、 ; who; ho、 h; ha; who. (单选题) I aea t s out the ame sizea te S(itoutAlaska), whh asD(本题2.0分)、 treetmore than manypeopleB、 s ore tha hree ties man ope、more tan a hre time ny peopleD、 orethan hree ti

2、es as ayeople3.(单选题) Nideas oee hae wait a ongtime _B_ .(本题.0分)A、 efoellyaccptd、beforbeig fuly accedC、 til arefull acepedD、 ntil ing fllacceted4(单选题) -e owill take me aheweek.Im really ted-I thik youas we cosultan eperined woer.A(本题2分)、 MaB、 an、 neD、 mut5. (单选题) Your speechenat te meting,_ eeyon is

3、aininto caru sieratn,eans h to us ll(本题20分)A、 wrB、whtC、 asD、 whch. (单选题) _C_tce ayear, whether i a car oa us or uck, is te ul that ver drierus be in tisc.(本题2.0分)A、 Examining、 ExmndC、Bin xamied、 avn benexamied7.(单选题) By he yasharve Lndn,cientits probly_ a cure forbrd flue.(本题2.0分)A、 ill beicovering、

4、are discerinC、wil av iscovredD、 hv dicoverd8 (单选题)- Mo, Icaeany pt in workinhard t the sbjects t schol.- omeon, ar. Yeas fhard wk ill suy _B_ nth ftue our career.(本题2.0分)A、 make ureB、 ay offC、 brig ckD、 pay back9.(单选题)hy notic ta pant o grow ll _C_ ismuch shd(本题.0分)A、 whereB、 ichC、 hretereD、 there10

5、. (单选题)10._ i is to jump n the riv to swim in summe!(本题0分)A、 WafuB、 What funC、 ow fD、 ow unny11 (单选题) 11- IheardBacsreet Bys wudsn aheNeThear- Where idyo _A_?(本题20分)A、 ickthat B、 t ht u、 make tht uD、 taketht u2. (单选题) 2. I e home vy late last night,_D_, eartis mrnng.(本题.分)A、 at te latestB、 on the wl

6、e、 in a wdD、 orater1. (单选题) 13. Life ispor,I meanits a hard copeiive busness. B(本题0分)、in whichB、by iC、 for wcD、 of whch1. (单选题) 1 onering whether papsyou culd remembee name of te lae.-m afrai t meoth omen. A(本题.分)A、 remnds、 pulesC、 isurb、escaps5. (单选题) 15.-Werell te three peope n th car ijred n the

7、accident?N, onlyte tw passegers woot hut. A(本题.0分)A、itwasB、 threwasC、 herwereD、 thee ad1.(阅读理解题)GertionN ils halenig ociystaditionl as aout loe,mariaeand clen esearcer _(1)_that GenNsae more diviultic.They wanttei ow eronl sae andfreedm. hisisesltig _(2)_ many pop choosing o marrylaer,or ot t all. n

8、e mrketngad researh company dicvere th_(3)_attitud among Gen N: Thereno eed to maryif youc leada happan indepenetlif_(4)_ o thos_(5)_ do mary,here waitnutilthee oler. heyreaschoosg tohave hire ter. Many Gen Ns coe _(6)_ he e both pents ork. his hasaethem h enerain wit more spsabl incoe tan any othe.

9、 And akteshae lst _(7)_ of thifact. Tsedays,_(8)_ from cllphonest cdit cards is marketddiretltoardGeneaion NAs oup,tynthusiasically welomeraidly anging tehnolog.n hey agerlybuya us th newest roduts.Unforunal,GeNs lso hae a gat ilingness o uy n cedit. Tey worry _()aut goig (10)_ dethan pevous enertio

10、() (单选题) (本题2.0分)CA、 sadB、 saC、 sateD、 sate(2). (单选题) (本题2.分)AA、 iB、 toC、 orD、fm(3) (单选题) (本题.0分)CA、folwdB、olosC、 folowigD、fol(4). (单选题) (本题.0分)CA、onl、leC、 alneD、 along(5).(单选题) (本题0分)A、 tatB、 whichC、whoD、 who(). (单选题) (本题2.分)AA、 fromB、 iC、 outD、 of(7). (单选题) (本题0分)BA、iwB、 iht、 viionD、 ia(8). (单选题)

11、(本题2.分)DA、 nytingB、 nothingC、somthingD、 eehing(9). (单选题) (本题.0分)、 moeB、muchC、 lessD、 lttle(1). (单选题) (本题.0分)B、 toB、 nC、 onD、 o17.(阅读理解题)Stellite re n prant patof ouorny ive. Fo examle, teinoration for wthe forecst is sent by atelite.ome satlit havecamerawic take otograps teErt to soho cls e ong Sate

12、lies are aso e t onect u intenaoa pneclls. Copute onntionso the rd ide Web dInert aso usesatellis Manof urTV prgrms oe o us thrugh sellites. Airplane pits als somemesse satelite tohp them thir eact oation e se aellites toend telvision picures from ne part of th ord to anoter. Thy asually 5,880 kiome

13、trs ae h equaor.Sometimes e cane a satelie n the sk nd i ees to tay intheame lac. his is ecae it is moving arod t ord t 11,000 ilotran ourexctly the saes that the earh taes. ateltemstobit th ah wth itsatnnae (天线) cig th EathSomeie,i mo aa from s orbi, so tere are littl rocets o it wiharusd to putthe

14、 satie back in the right postin. ssull apns about eery five orsix dys. pceisno emty! Every wek,morea oresatllites re sen intosae o obiteth. A satellit sally workor about 0-12 yer. Satelites which are broen a somtimesreair bystonaut o omeimes boughtbac to rhtobe repaied. ften, vryldr boe stelitesare

15、ef i sato orbit the Ear foav log tm. Thi isvery srou becaue smstelites use uclar poer (核动力) n thy can crash ino ech oer.(). (单选题) Which of he folowig is NOT don by satellites ccordg to he ssage?(本题.0分)D、Sendinginformaion or waterfrecat.B、 Taing htographs f thEarh.C、Sening TV piue.D、Providng foodfor

16、ilae iots(2). (单选题) Whts te see te Eth ratesa?(本题.0分)CA、 3,0 kilomete hou、 335,880 ilomters pe hour.C、1,000kilometer prhu.D、 111,000 klometesper ho.(3). (单选题) Wat es th drin word “This” i paragrph 3ref to?(本题4.0分)A、 atellite.B、 A ttle rocke.C、 satellite seems tostay in the sam place nhe sk、 hsatelli

17、te ustocket in theigh pstio.(). (单选题) ow would the vey od an broken stlites bdelt with?(本题.0分)A、 Thy will repaie by atrnauB、 They il be left i sae t rit theEarth f a vryln ime.、 Thwillbe roght back t Eat o b repared.D、 ey il bemade to cra intoeachther.(5). (单选题) Whasthe prer title f thipage?(本题.0分)A

18、A、 The BC about SatelltsB、 Satelltes Using Nucler owerC、 he Speedof StellitesD、 H o Deal With Saeltes When Thy ae Old andBroken?18.(问答题) 如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。(本题7.5分)答:Today,moreadorepeolehaveaccessttheInernetghwhihtelookorhiformaionteyeed.9 (问答题) 他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强。(本题7.5分)答:epmisd ohep us to

19、 uy he house, bu wih a ltl rluance. (问答题)既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。(本题7.5分)答:No tht w hav eat tis course/ subject,e shuld goover more o t 2. (问答题) 不管是有意识还是无意识,我们往往会根据对方的眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度对他们作出判断。(本题7.5分)答:Whethe cnscousyor nconsciousy, weted to underthe others eyes,fcil epressions,bodyoeents and atitudes fothem to akeudgmets交卷保存窗体底端帮助


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