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1、广东高考英语听说考试A020年广东高考英语听说考试RT AReaing uIt was he beginning ofa totally newway of life u herwasohr veryipoant differec ewee hese ner-aherersand any ofthi prdecssors. The wee setlig own. Aue shi, which wul helpprk Europewide relution. ommunties settldown anopuation xpande This cdve riven he needt start

2、pducin fod.n s arng sprad, he landcape wtrasfe? orets were cleared advllges,hen town, ten ciie wul gow, ounded by escendans of te small goups foees who first eered Europ aon 45,00 yearsao. Toe earuopens werepeple jus lie yu nd meRole Pay角色:你是Tom.任务:(1)与同学Mary谈论古扇展览的话题;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:ivoy象牙录像原

3、文M: Hello, Mary Waiyou dotday?W:h, Ive ut o cfrom the City Museu. Tees awondeuexhibtio of ancent fas th wek.:Fan? You mean e as ta col u don ht ther?W: Yeah This exhibitonis botaentfans odfeent dnastisn eseistory. It s art f the Chie CteMonth orgniedy the ity Muem.M: ow! ow secial!:Yes. It was mzng.

4、 he exibiion wlled n ths Saturdy.ou realy should o提问: 我从哪里能得到这个展览的票呢?翻译:hrean I th ticket to the hbtio?电脑回答:Well, themum offers only eticets. Fist, oaeto siguponi wesitean henach hortvideo autthe si txhiition. At e en h video, ere are ten qestions I you cananwer at leat ieustonsorety,you will e an e

5、icket.提问: 这些问题是关于什么的呢?翻译:What are the quesionsabou?电脑回答:They are mostl botth history ad material f the an. hey r notve fficult. You ca awysfind the aswri the vide. The qestins are desiged to raisetheiterestof vsitrs I thikt is vey goo ay prparing heistors with bic knolede oteehibition.提问:展览上有多少把扇子?翻

6、译:Hw man fns a there in the ehion? 电脑回答:ere are more n120 aiet fa in the ehiition Thse buifufans wre mad diffent materials, icluing slk, od, gold, silve andeven ory. The fa are all valable atis borrowed r usums llover China. Cityseum has t lt of mney an eforts his xhition.2. Peas gt eady o anwefie u

7、estonsnEnglish(1)hooanzes te heseCutur Mont?T CyMusem,() Wen wllteeibition end?Thehibition ill end onhSday.(3) Wat o you nedo do beforeansern the quesns?Wath a shortvideo about thfas in the exibton(4) Fr hat urps are thquetos deigne?T qustios ardeined rise ntees ofisitors. () heeare thas borroed fro

8、m?eyare orowe frm museums all C梗概:Tom以为奶奶被邻居骗钱,后来发现邻居只是一个来帮忙的小男孩。关键词:grndma(奶奶) yong man(年轻人)mone (钱) car(汽车) iunstood(误会)录音原文: A snertanding Tom aid egulariits to his grandma whliedb herself.Last mnh, ebought her a st Tan tried toteah her w touse it But the od ldy was a sw lerner. Tomt h

9、e wa gon tolose hpaience One dy,ranm tld hithat h dnt needtteach her anymre,ecause she ha go hlp. Ganda said young ma utbcame e nibor He wasqute wam-hearted. Tom idneee th you mawuld help a lnel old lay or nraso. He d grandmaif shed iven hm ome on. “ No.Gran saidBut sh waso tbuy theoung mna ice a, b

10、ecause he had beeno kind to e. Tom thought thman wa acheater. Knoig that t ma ul meegndmaat nie oclock th extmorig, Tom anagdtgetthereatni,to. We he etre he livng o, h saw littleoy plaing wi a red oya. he lookedseen years old.Granda intoducd t bo to To,alig i “young man”. T feltasamed. ehd misunderstod eerythi


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