必修五 unit1英语导学案及答案.doc

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1、必修五 unit1英语导学案及答案 高 二级英语导学案课题必修5 Unit1 eadi onSnoweftsKinlea学习目标1)语言知识目标 词汇:deatattenxposeceobreakonrolabsorseealaestrictpup等 语法:过去分词作定语和表语2)语言技能目标练习并培养学生的听、说、读和写的能力,侧重培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力3)情感目标培养学生的科学探索精神,培养学生科学人文精神相融合的素养重点难点.学习重点:理解所读课文;把握过去分词的用法2、学习难点:利用所学词汇、句型,围绕主题进行叙述以问题为主线,以情景为载体预习案走进课文: 认真阅读课文,按照时间

2、顺序给下列事件排序。-John Snowbega t st theories.- outbrea of holera hiLon in 1854.- JohnSnow mard e death on amap.-H nnounce tat the waer cie he sse.-on Snoinvsigted two srtswhere the orekwas very severe.-ing Cholea was dat.-He ond that motothe death wer near a waer up.-ehadthe hnderemovdfrom te aer ump. 探究案

3、 Step :Fa Redigcn the te and choose te bst nswerccorn to th text.(1) Wat does the pasag ail talk bout?AJoh Sno as a fmous dctor in LndnBThe reason ha cusd h eadly dsease choleraC.ohnSnw slve te roblem of colera.D.Cholra was ad a seious dedly deae.() Whatwash riinal orce ofiseas of “Kin Chlra”?A clod

4、of danerous gas B.he spreain fvirsamgeople.C.Water i ceai u in Ldon. D.A ive pollted by he irtywat.() Wh id No.21 oad tretin London ae ndths?. ppe just drankthe wter fromhe pump. Bhey druk beer as ll as aerfrothe pump.CThedtasorbthe dngrous air. Dhesffed n germs at l.(4) Whichof hewo this that John

5、Swws inereste in wastrue inally?A.Both. BThe first. CThe secondo. Neih.() Wha o you thinkthe Lone would doih tnuse pumps fte efatin “King olera”?A.They wolddesroy the. B.Te woulrese tem afterceaningChyoul desettem o oo. D.Tey oudgo o t use thmithotleanng.Sep 2: Caref Radig Reade passage caefully an

6、fil i th lanks.Facts aboutJohn SnowJohn Snow was a famous doctor in (1)_ and once attended Queen Victoria as her (2)_He suspected that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their (3)_ before finding out the exact cause of cholera.Through a series of study he found (4)_ was to blame for

7、 the spread of cholera and it was spread by (5)_Facts aboutcholeraCholera was the most deadly disease at that time and (6)_ people died when it broke out.There were (7)_ theories that could explain how cholera killed people before John Snow came to know the truth.Many deaths had been found near (8)_

8、 in Broad Street.检测案一、单词拼写1.Hefinishedisokina_(积极的)y.2Wemusttyto_(分析)theaueotestrik.Hcae_(狂热的)aboutcasicamusic.4.ehas_(完成)hewhojobalay.5.Dont_(暴露)yurnotunoryouwillbeburd学习反思学习评价自我评价:A( )B()C( )D( )组长评价:A()B( )C( )()教师评价:A()B( )( )( )评 语:部分答案: Fat rading (1)(5)DDB reful reaing:(1)Lodn (2)ersoa psicn()meals(4)th pllued wate (5)es(6)many thouso(7)tw()th ate pump


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