教育专区 小学教育 语文 一年级语文.doc

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1、教育专区 小学教育 语文 一年级语文七年级下学期单元检测题(四)(Unit 16供期中考试用 )Ca _ Name _ No _s_一、选择填空题 在下面每小题所给的四个答案中有一个能够完成本题的正确答案,请把其代号填入左边括号内:(分)()1. - _ is yor pen l rom? - He AustraliaA. WhereB.What How.Wh()2. - Whe oese _? e ives in Sydny.A.lsB. living. liveD s iig()3.PeoplfomCanad _Enlish and Frenh.A. saB talkC tll.spak(

2、)4. -Wreisoronto? - It n_.A. AstaliB. FranceC. CanaD. England()lease wt and _ me aout urself.A. spakB. tellCasktalk(). Thre _abank and to pay pones nea ere.A.asB. hC aeD. is()7 Thsupermarket is_ e ost ffie and te lary.A nextB. crossC. beteeDinfo()8. Tesupemarke r_. Manypeol are selln and buyig thing

3、s. qit lea. rty busy()9. The loin fro fricis _ his dinnr.A ookn tBcooking. waiing for. longfor()10. She wat o_ a reporeeaue she liks _ to pele.A. d,to alkB.e, lkn.se,sayingD.wait, to ee()11The e _ eciig nd we feevry hpp.reB aveC isD s()12.d Engs tbe _ inrstin f al subjects.A veB. the moreC too. the

4、mos()3. Tank yu or _me t wayt the post fice.tellng. to tellC. kigDt ask()1. Do you wan to _ us?A play.aC.lsnD. work fr()1. - Aryou _ wend? - Yes, am.A. huryB. relaxnC. reld. sprisd二、完形填空:(10分)mToIm astudnt n a iddlesch. Im a to meeto hre. First (首先) lt ay 6 about m amily.Thee re five ope in my 17 :

5、my fathr, my mher,my sister, bother ndMyfheris a 18 wrker. y motheisa eachr 19 Enlish.My siser i ehteen my rothrisxten. m forn. We 20 rin the same iddle chol. We all stuy haM home saWet Hll. Threi abigrvrner our 2 . in it there sa hill. ere one big tre and me small 2 aroud our houe, t big tree is pe

6、a tree andthesmalltree arale trees, 3 herearnt any ears o apple o tem. 24 photof my os.Inthe pot, yo cn seethreecats are i my edom, one i white, 5 two are black an hite. e like them very ch().A. anytingB sohing. thigD. evrone()1 A schoolB houseC. cassroomD amly()8. A iB. smallC. ongD. l(). of. nC fo

7、r on()0.A tw. frC.hreeD fve()21. A bedrooB huse. rooD.om()2. treesB.rivers. houssD hols()3. but. andsD or()2 Hes.HeresC. ItD. Thee()2.A. othrB. ny heothrD soe三、阅读理解:(30分) haveto e tdts in ourcas. They r Cindadat. They lok the se. thy ar twinCindy is Ameian.h i hrten. Herfathe an motherre bothtacrs.

8、Sh ikes geennd ble. She is fte in blue ptShe ofte lys th guitar after school.She sgoda a an Engish Shesays mt is er favrite ecas ititreting.ate is English. Shei twve.Her parents are no achers.er faher isa dcto n he mther is woker teikes yelow and oreS cant playteguitar.Bt elys vollebal very el He av

9、orit subject is Chnese.She sy se wants tolearnaouChine itory. Kate likes docmenaries very much.()26. indy i _. 12ears odB.AmerianC English Kes iter()7. Kate is_.A 2 yersld. an AmcanC. an Enlih inys iste()2. Cind _. likeyelow d oangB. li hieeery muhC cn lay voyballellD. lisbue pantsveymuch()29. ate f

10、avorite_ ar dcuenarie.A portC.subjctsC. clorsD moies()30 Ifo ae ill (生病), youc go to see_.A. iny fthrC Cindys mothe. KatsfatrD. Katesthericar loks ou ofhis ino.herisa oy t the oher sideof thestre.he y takes sm hamburgrs t o a bag andbgins ating hm.Tere is vy tn (瘦弱的) og i the street, o. The b says t

11、oi, “Comee, go dog, Il giv ou o hambugers.” Th og i hugr and goesttheboy, bt th boy ds no giv ita hamburg. kicks (踢)hog. e og rus aa (逃跑), an the boy aghs(大笑).Richad cms out ofhisoue andss t he b,“Goo bo, comeere, I giveyu soe cons (硬币).”Teoyappy andjumps i joy(高兴得跳起来), “Gat!”Wn thebo come nea, Rich

12、d oesntgvem any con, e its (打) the o withi stick (拐杖).T boy res (哭) and sy, “Why you hme? I ont kou for amn.”“No, ” hard sa, “T dog des not as yo fo ny hambuers, but you ic it.”()31Richrd ook at theboy _ h windo.A inB.throughC toD. wth()2.Which is NOT right?A Thedg is thiB. The o is hungrC. The do i

13、s hunr. boy is eatin some hambes()33.The o runs away bcause_.A Theboy kicks t.Th by givesit o hrgerC. h o lhs itkics t ()34.hy do he oyco Richard?A. e wants ihardto ht B. ewans to ie icha sme hambuers. wantsome coisD e likes icard veryuch()35. M.Rird ives te bo _. some co a sticC.alsson dogWhen you

14、are i Egd, yust (必须)be very careful (小心) in he treetseause the rafic (交通) drives (行驶) on the lftBefor ou cros a sret, you mustlook totherght frst,nd thenthleft.In e morning and inthevening when people goto orme back fromok, t stets are ey sy. Tfithe mst dngrus.hen youo by b in ngland,yhve tobecarefu

15、, too ys reeer: thetaic goson he left.Have a lok first, o (否则) may (可能)o the wong (错)a.Inany English cis,her are bgbusesthto floors (双层) You cn sit on th econd florFrom teou cn see the city verell. Its very intretg.()36.Trafic i Egan des n the _.A right. letC.evening.moing()7. Whn you walk acros he

16、streets, you ust ooto h _ rst.A right.let.clockD.buses()38. The ig busehave _ floors.A. B.owC. threeDfur()39 hen are teetvery buy?A in the mornig. n t ternooC.inheeveningD. otAC()0. n econd lo fhe bs, yocanse _. any pele arn the us. the bus i vrybig. the sree are ve dngrusB.eyisnteresting四、单词拼写( 1分)

17、41. How may_(图书馆) ae ther inyur ci?.Thenks _(营业)twle ours vryday. S_(享受-的乐趣) lyi on th beac i summer.4. The eephnt fAfrics pret big,but y _(友好的) pep.45 Lns rom frca ar lay nd scar, they like _(睡觉) ver uh.46. H ofen buys _(报纸) on his ayhom.4 o be a ocemn is the mt _(危险的) j.48. Th eater tday is prtty_

18、(阴天的)9. Everye _(学习) very hard in orer to improvhis Engls50. Lk! he olmans _(步行) trougepark.五、句子转换(分)51. The pst ofice is arsfo the upermrket.(就划线部分提问)_ _ he ot office?52 Whe does our penpal comefrom?_our pepl _?53. hats your sstersob?at _ our sister _?5 How i t eathe i ou city inwe?_ thwaher _ in y

19、our cityinir?55. Sh lk towokas aeporte.Se _ t _ a rerter.六、完成句子(10分)6. 她和朋友在玩。Ses _ _ hr fnds.5. 他在和谁照相?Whos h _ wih?58. 非洲虎看来最危险。Tigers froAfi _ _ _.9 这是一张中国地图。_ is _ _ _Chia.6.我们去散步吧!_!七、补全对话(分)A: Excs e. 61 _?:Yes,I do.Ihe airl penpalA: 6 _?:She s frmy.A:Where s Sydny?B: It a city n Autrali.A:3 _

20、?: . Koalsare fm ustrli.Thsleep in th d an gtupto eatleaves tntA:That ounds trstin.And 64_?:Its wan i intera cool i summe A:65_: orewelcom61._ 2 _ 63 _ 64 _ 65. _A. hyu for asweringmy quetions B Whee arkoals fC.Do you ave enpaD. htsh weter iknAustraliE. W isshefo.Dos Austria haveayfs(出名的) anials八、书面

21、表达(10分)以”M Fvoie Season”为题,描述你对一年四季(seas: sr, sumer, uumn, inter)的看法。提示:1、春季天气暖和、万物开始生长2、夏季天气闷热、经常下雨3、秋季天气凉爽、很忙碌4、冬季天气寒冷、下雪_参考答案(四)一、15ACDB 60 DCB 1115 CDAC二、1620BDAC 2125 BAAC三、260 BDC35 CC 640ABD四、4. libaies4 oen 43 enjoys 4.frendly 45. leing46. newspaprs7 dagerous48 cody . uds 50 wling五、51 here i

22、s 2. Wheres from53 doe, do54. Whats lik5 wants be六、6. plaig wih 57.taking phots58. lok he mostanerous 59. Hre / Th map o 60. Let tae a a!七、6165 CEFDA八、参考文章:y Favoi SeasonThere arefour seaons n m homown in aear. They are spring, sum,auumn nd winter. Itswrm in spin, everytingbeinto go, Grass and tre turn ren. umer i hot andhumid,nd it oen ans The weheris cool in autumn Peope ar vry busy inatumLeaestun ylw nd they lok autifu Is ften d inwinter, t sows adiswe her nd ther.I ke sring est ecause I lie geen. ike autmn, too. ButI donlike sue winter. The weathe in smmer a n is tebe


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