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1、新初一分班考试英语模拟试题新初一分班考试英语模拟试题(二)一、单项选择(20分) 1.Thee aretwo _ n our schol. Alibrry Biarie. C.lirars .Tere aent _aps in t baket, butthre ae somen the tble. A.som B.any C.a 3Is therea dining hal i yor sho? _ A.Ys,thereae. B.o,thee is. C.s,theri. 4.Loo ,myrndmthr is _ my grad father A.ont lf o B.nex Con he

2、rit f 5.Heyugo a dictionary? _ .es,I do .Yes, gt C.Yes, he.6.Whe re_? Thearen thechairA.Toys oos B.Tonys book C.onyooks 7.e _ an uts r ucle. A.doesntha o .ventot C.asnt go 8.How any coputes _ in yourclassroo? There are two A.re ee .ar ou ave .des y have 9.Where_ ou_?Imrom jin.r, fom B., rm C.are,com

3、e 10_is dotWha ab _father?A.H,your He,yoursC.s,o1.Tere ae _ tudents in or clss.That s 1 boy and 2 grls。 A.oty B.furty C.fourteen12Juie and wate are eathydrinks,_ Coke isnt ealthy drink. and B.bu .r 13.CaIhe _wter? A.thse B.soe C.one 14.Linlis in_.A.las our,GreOne .GradeOn,Clas ou Class fur,gadeone 5

4、.Whats your _ fruit? A.very like .faurie Cmuch ike1Sheat_in th lakA.swimg B.swming C.wm .Ther_a cat an to dogs i m hm. A.e Bs Care e _hmbugers.A.le eat B.ikes eatin Clk t ea9. Theofficuildng _ te assrooms. A.behnd beins .s bein20._ there n pples inthe kitche? .av Be C.Are二、智力测验(分) 1.ris sthe capital

5、 of _.the USA .e U Crance D.Astrlia 22.Abou _ ecn fe as srface is cvered it wt. A.9 B.2 C71 D100 23.A car travel rt of 50 miles er hour.Hoon willt ke totravel 300 mles? A.5hr B.6hs ./6hour.15000hours 4.Bijin Olymic Games are the _ odem Olympic Gaes. A. B. . . 25.Te nubr of sendi one day _ Thenumbef

6、minue in one week B. C. .e dot kow 三、完形填空(10分)NBA i t mot faoubasktball gm i the worldThere_26_ a Chese playr in this msname is Ya Ming.He s _27 _ play in is e。I his pare ie,Ya_8_ca.n lst histms,he dove_ 2 _old ca o vs one of his _ 30 _.Onis way, h_ 3_a polcaowng him.Fnaly, esopped nd said to he pol

7、icema:“_ _ Christmas,sir.Isthee athing ong withme?”.“N,oforse ot”asweredte policem“Then _ 33 _ dd ou _34 _m?”kedYao.“_35_be ngr.”sad the olceman:“You dd nothi wrong,I nlywant o skyou fr asinatu(签名)!” 6.be B.are C.is 27A.tll B.te talest tallest 8.Aikedrvn B.1i dr C1ikevng2.Aa B.an .te 30.A.freds B.fr

8、ied .th friend31Ases Bseed .aw32.A.arry .Mer C.Hp 33Wh B.ow When34Ask B.foow C.stopped 3.A.o B.Yu dnt C.o ant 四、阅读理解(30分) (A) The ollowig scussi(讨论) too pac(发生)betw a fater a i ine-ear-od son. “s nfair(不公平),Dad.Mm ts me to mke mybed, t ont knowhw.” “t efr you olean.hre e your ceanets(床单)?” “I dnt kn

9、ow” “Wha do yo mean y dont kno? u ee t ake careof youths.” “Were aeacks sheets?”e father cad to hisife. “Rightnext to r,”the wife nsweed. Afr amomnt,the faer askedslowly,“Wher ale rs?” .The dicusson takes plce twee _ ahuband and awif Ba her a her snC.a fhr ad is son Damther a fathr37.The son esnt no

10、w _. Ahow wash hi shees B.ho tomake his be C.how to cni sheet D.hw oclenhs ed38The father oesnt no _. A.hw to wash sheets B.how to make hisbed C.how o leaneets Dwher hs hets are 3.Te fathey hs son s _ bcuse he de ko wre his _i. .reul,sheet B.carees,be C.careful,be D.ress,sheet 40h doou thinktake car

11、eof e housework(家务) in h fai? A.the father B.the moter Ctchild D.No o(B) il may pss easily throgh he firsgrades.Whie bsoher age bring homeomarks,the irl may gt easily go gades.irlsseem o ve“ter brain”inschool.Why s few gilsbecome cientists? Wh ihe mst iportanthinkin i ault(成人) word ebymen? Accdig to

12、(根据)cetits,th asr is aggresion(敌对行为).Bosllrefuse to ccep oher peopes onluson(结论).Theinsiston solving plesby hmselves.whielttle gils aregettg high mars n chool forremmberig wt te tehe has told thm, littebos are lernin to thin in heir own was.Boyare sallythenes who ehh py and owerful ob bcuse heyareto

13、 be aggessive an early ge.4.Gils get btter rs at school an bys becaue _. A.boys are laieB.girls ar bettrtremembring thingstn oys C.rs arecerer hn oys teaches care mo for girls hnfoboys 4.There are few wen sestsbeause _. Aboys areclevee thn girlsBgir as cre fr C.girls ae azerD.few of thmar train b ag

14、gressive 43.Accordin o th sintss,_.A.ys are godat thinkingin hei own ay whilegrls r emebenthis.boys Can asly getfood jobs whle gls cant Cgilsnst ondong thin n their own .h nauref the bosand gs ite samebut ter euation isdiffert 44.n the vew ofthe wter,_.Agirs ave betr brans B.shave betteains Cneither

15、bos nor rhav etter bains D.usaly greascenis ae men nd mosimprat sae dne by e 4.chof t follown isrht? A.oys are clever in scol. BGrls ar clverer atn aly age C.Bos dgirshavoo otsi fferewy DBos aegodoitsonywhen e eethe l wold (C)Answe tquesiosaccordng to he poster at the nxpage. 6Howy kinds ofanas e ta

16、ked about i te psge? .Fie B.Six C.Sven4A hild er 12Can o to the zoo _.A.wih atickt o $.0B.with tket of$.00 C.reely 4.Now M Sm i inhe z w histwo os,n aged 1 andhe ot 10,h mc aretheticets together?A.$2.0B.$3.00 C.$.00 9.icofhe folowig ithevisiing time? A.:0 a. onday. B.9:3a.m.Fiay.C.3:0.m.nda.50.Which

17、 of the fwing cane do in te z? A.Togve some food to thefis.To ae a fewnce potos.CTo rw thngsat anials.主观题部分 五、根据首字母选择单词的适当形式填空(1分) 51mtn ear old and my sst i two yars oler thn e,s she is t_ years old。 52.Chese people aever goodt tble t_,and its o aoit sport. 3.Linligis no rdin booksinthe scl _ 54.I

18、hav pen frind,ad w lays en e_toeach ohe y comter 55Ie-crmad cdiesae nothehy ood.Th ale _ fod.56.hats _ like n ing? It wa. 7.Whe u seforeig friedsinour chol,yocan say the “_ to my scol”. 5.My unleis awrker.He rks a f_. 9Yourather adyou mothr ar yu p_. 60ont take is book ecuse ti mine._ i n thte. 六、阅读

19、与表达(0分) “ary t bed,eary to rise”mak a man healthy, walhy a wise.ts good fr h b.Thian osayin.Hae o ad f itefore? Itmeanstat west go bedeary at nght an ge up ely in e ornigTn e shallbe ealthy.Wehall aso e rich andlr. Tha istreThe bdymus hae enough sep o b healtyChilre fyong age hldhv enoh leep, hectdo

20、 teir workvery w.Theyillno e wse adteyy ntbecome elh! The odsoeds execis:wig, runnig, jmpin,simin, plaing ams and l oher exercise.Eercise keeps th boystng.Ercie lso helps the blood o me aond nsid the od.This sery iortat.Or bloakes foodtoal parts fo bdy.e headlso eds blodExecie ps us to thnk btr. 根据短

21、文内容,回答问题。 1Wa os“earl b.arly to rie”ma? 62hat m th by hveo be hel? 6.hat wil hppen to Childref yug age who dothv eough sleep?64.Wht p e dy stog?65.htake food o all parts of ou bod? 七、书面表达(1分) 假如你是ally,请给你的笔友oh写一封信,介绍你的小学。 注意:开头已给出,全文80词左右。框里所给词语供选用。ear John, Howayouetly? Imwigto trodumy w sho to you

22、.参考答案: 客观题部分 1:BBAC 60:ACAA 11:BBB 1620:BCC 212:CBCA 2630:ABA 15:CBABA 3640:CBDDB 4145:BACC 450:BBCB 主观题部分 51.telv 52.tenis 5library 54.e-mils 5nhealthy 56.wate 5.Wlcome 58.parnts 9.ou 六、阅读与表达(分) 61hat os “erly to e, earlytorise” mean?0 mns to o to beea ad gup ery 2.Wht ustte body hae to be heathy? Eouhsle6.Whawill appeto Chiln ung age wo n haenouh sle? Thy ill ntb ws and hy may notbeome welh 64.ht kees th body strn? Eeise6What akes fod l parts fourbody? Our bo 七、书面表达(15分)略


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