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1、福州市九年级英语质量检查2018-09学年度福州市九年级英语质量检测I.听力 第一节 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。第二节听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。听第段对话,回答第6小题。6. Hwoftendoe Pterash s c?A. Evey ay,. B. Oncea we C. Twce ant.听第2段对话,回答第7小题。7. Wat oes te wmwnt o o?. Clotedo. .tthe mn in C. pen winw.听第3段对话,回答第8小题。8. Why ddnt th oy go oJimsbtdayp

2、arty?A. ecause e a ll. B.Becuse h wast n Fuhou. Be ws ngry with Ji.听第段对话,回答第小题。9.What is Wlers Houe?. muemthacllec oldg. . A fcoy tha prodces cp thin.C. A shop tht sells secn-han goods.听第5段对话,回答第10、1小题。1. at d th oman askthe manto do?A. how he thewa. . Takero the ospital. C Book arom i he oel. Where

3、 isSmh Hotel?A.ts on stee omer. It arosfrom ht. C. Its near a bridge听第6段对话,回答第12.13小题。2. hat s usie buyingf erriend?A. A jake . A wet. C. a.13. Why doesnt Susie askhr rind direcly?. Sewansto ve im surse. Shehink it imolte to d o.C She s no haceto meet him.听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。14. Whatwilthe erbe lielae

4、r?A. iceand rigt. Cloudy nd rainy .in ndcode.5 Wendoe heoesatinmostprobably ake pace?A n sprn. B. witer. C. In atumn.第三节听短文 根据所听到的短文内容完成表格,每空一词.选择填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。21.一D you have ay_ te? 一Sure! I hvea d and two catsA.pets B.kd . brtrs2一o_behungry afer l thawaking. Hreis aigcke for

5、yo.一Than yu! Yore sosweet.A.must B.ne have to23. Do ouknthegrl_lng hai? 一Yes. She is KaeA B.wit C. bnd24. _Ididntslep elast ht, don fdt l euse ee going n a picc tody.A nlss .Ater C.Thogh25. hs speks na_way. ealwa saspleae, “hank yu ad“ ecueme to ohes.A. polte . oring C carefu2.一Wllam, Im ry t hae mi

6、ssd yourponecal I_ or.一It doesnt m.tae B. atakig Cwil take7一M. reen is givin birt to_hl x week.-Wow! Youmeanse as aleay hd four chidrn!A. fourt B. ffth C sixth28一Im to afrado bak hme.一Dont worr om wot b angry s og as ou_ hr whahppenA. wll ell B. told C tll29一ow s ary doi?一 hav o da.She livsipain nw,

7、 o I _ever se her. ecenly B. fially . hardly30.一hna Chang 4 pacraf succsfully lande onte farsd of th Mon i Jnary 201一_.A. How excitingthe news s! What an terestng story!C. Hw sucesul you are!31. W _o th rgra for two year , an I ele t wl soonbe fnished,o plas dont iveup nw.wrked B. wl ok C v wor32-_

8、Enh _Frenh s te officia lnuaen Caa.-ht tre. So ots of Canadianscn spek blaguges. Notonl; butls B. Neithe; . Either;or3Wetr w ca ge god grdesn the exam _how ard e work depns on Bturns on C. dcids n34.一Toai thi bsinesscoul mke a ltf money.一Wel, Tonysh kperson _ canetrtedAhich B.hat C. hy35. - dnt kn K

9、tes addres Cl oull me_ ?一. Sorry, I don ow, either.A. hen se moedto Fuzo . why in he ell meC. where she livsI.完形填空。选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。It in92 duing WoldWr. Sme Plishsodiersof th22h Artlry go altle bea n Ira. eberjust lo his faml _ 3 ws i poorealth. Athouh thesoldesdd notknow muh bt ears, they _ 7_ thbea

10、. Soothe bar gothishealt bckand h soldirs namedthe bearWoje. Wojte 38 odo eveythn with e sodies. Smking, dinkigand langameswithn ee_ 39 favrites. Tebean te mn ha a vrygod tie ogetherThen, i as timethe 22d Artilert go _ 40. The soldirdi nt wan tove ojte ehind,s temaehe a a _ 41 , to.In figting, Wojks

11、 jobas to _ 2 heavy oxes of shels rom trks ois sodir fiens on he front ies. Thear_ 43_ da and niht ndnever restedrdoedany shellsTe _4sod dring the war ne topphi fm oing isb.Woe_ 45 inspird(激励) may peple.The a ended in 19, ad the itue of jtek holding shelbcae heemblem ofthe 22nd Aller. A. and B.bt C.

12、 o3. A. too creof B. lookedat C. wedo38.A. faie . efuse C liked3.Aher B. his C.heir40 .war C. college1. A. lader B frend C olde42.Acarry B. ke . brea4. A. playd B.worked Clept4. A. sot . natual Cterrile5. A. dea B. od C. actionIV.阅读理解(共两节,2小题;满分4分)第一节四篇短文,(共20小题;每小题分)AA kinglie write stoies, nd heth

13、ougt they wervrygood.He showed them to ther pope, utno oe dared ritice (批评) m.e day, th kig sowe e of hstries to famouswriter calAer. Adr sa those stories werebad he kng ot veryngy andsenthi to prson. Ater a monh,he king was ot so angry and wrotea e stoy hch h thougt 1o e tter n t od one. He asked t

14、hewri to g o s pace for dier.Then h showed hisnewsor to thewier.“Wht o yo thnk myew story?the kin aed. Adler tuneto the gs wh were sning bhind hi andsaid, Take bk o prsn6. Wa oe he uderlind ord“themrefr t?A. The guards .Te wriers. C. The rads. D The stoes4. Adler wa st isnbeauseA he wa to fmous . ew

15、as nt sasfidwi tkn.e idt wrie torie . he sa hekings stores wern goo48. Ater readin, we caninfr( 推断)thahe kngA.as indto he . kept onwrtingbasoiesrepete fos ries D.gotngry hn peplelied to him4. Accoring to teterial,der wasA. lazy B activ . hes . sill50. In whichsectin of wsa can we mst probalyrea the

16、material?A.Business B. Lifestye C SholTime D. Rng B Englih, teword“pig has many iioms(习语). Now, inthe Ye of heP, why t pick uoeof them.Les eginwith o vey interstg exssions.W a kn ps sen large mo otime eatin A a resul, anypigse fat. In English, euse the idiomet lie i to descib ple wo eat atBu tcan er

17、ude o use ths iiom.Aother ineesing idmto earn is “ipstick (口红) n i. Wl youtnk thsxprsion dscribesa bauifu tin, th ppositeis true. We usthis iiom osay that atte howel we deoaten uly rduc, t i till ugyEventhems xpensie lipsticanot fixit!Psmight fl sn idiomwidey used in aly life. Is used o shthat y do

18、not eiev somethng wil ever appeo exmple, Rck has ben smokg for twey ea ncee sai he wouldgiv itup.Hsfrdsal laughe anaid, “Yes, an igs ight ly.”The last idom we regointo learns“unea pig Te ue piis atuly nt api. t s a tthat ha shot legs adno il Mny chldren keep te nimalasa pt. But if w sa soeoe i used

19、as a ginea g, it means nw eas, ehods,ormedialreaens are esed onthm.51. Wts t bestil te pssage?.Pig Idiom B.Year te Pig . Dierent ig Habt of t Pig52 Puttig a ne cover on abrokephone is ust lik. eatin lie a i . decotig fying igC.ptng lipsck ona pig D. i a guinpig.has th smila meaning o “pigs ih fly A.

20、太阳从西边出来 B竹篮打水场空 C.失败乃成功之母 D.磨刀不误砍柴工4. Cidy likescreatinghen dishe. She alws ues he hsnd asa guia ig oA. cook fo her tyhr new dishs C. do oecea D. buythe las okbok55. Whih othe floig showsthestrucure (结构) of te assage? (P=prarp)Celw s h video ha wa mad for Ptiey, Patie. ou, Dadd and Jessie are mo por

21、ta pople in my lf. Mo died whIa ittle, so I emember ewhingabouthr.Tme, youre just lie ymothe. o extdul ivnwit s.Hi,Patti.Tank yu fr vertingyove oeou Afte o die, youe the one h has ept u teth. You broght our funny,sgdad bak. You mad our hue a ovel arm home. T m,ye aready famlyHelo, ate o now I wsnt h

22、appy aout ouand Dai at frs. a moher, a m wth two kids i nver good enoug fr r aughte ut ftr seeig howyoufouret aong together, Isathkingmaybe you o ow what ouroin. ou havemy bt wishes, my deargiHi!PieIm o hap for youandavid! I stlnt beive i!bs friend ady broher! Be happy your igy ad l thedays fter!56.

23、 Afriend Pattes tok picr on hr bigday. Whih ismo ikl the pictur?57. Wat dyokw abou thefourpeople n th ideo?A. ne fthmi Pties sister. B. Oe o em is Davidsbes fren.C.On thmis th aut of to te ohr One of emisth mthr of to of he others.58. essi par o thevideo at_.11:42:36 12:05:3 .15:0:8 D7:3:159. Paisot

24、er_.A. edwhen se waittle lived ithattiedugersC.didn cceptDvid at fst . wan good ough fr he dahter0 Wecan lean frmte video hat_A.Pttieremmers litle but hermotr.Patie oe a tn win thkids has. Dviis a srs n whosedo mlesD.David isi a bd modecause hi wi has diedD younow how ebses ak mn? er is a baic ron.W

25、bitepoduce cntntand getope to click (点击)oni. The maemone fromthcompnie that put ads arondthat contnt Themoe ik theonten ts, te more mone thewsit makes In ti wa, bsie can urvie(幸存)wihou chargig rusersHoweve, ths wa of mking moneyi now under threat. It cear tha peopldont lke ein ad.Morea more Intere u

26、ser r instalng ad-blockrs n heircomptrn10, onl 1millin peoplusead-cker. ow, the numer as rwn to mre than 20 millon. eseeces o ofwae “ block”dsfromapparin onwebpage. The elp peple focus on(关注)wat te wan to red. Wbites use to py litle attion to the ris of ad-bong. After all, most people use t Intnet t

27、heirsmt pes.I wmpsible to nstl ad-blocrs onsmart hones.No,tings hve caged. dy, d-blockr are among the best-slngsotwaiAppl Ap Store.Its ot hrd tounerstand wy heyareso pulr th ad-blkers, Internet users anhave “caneIernet.Thfwre a ao ave hemmoney. d uually tke los fdata (流量) toloadWestsarealetalkigto t

28、herreaes about h ad-blockgtd. Osme webite ,sers are ng gretd wt the messag:“Peasetrn off yor ad-bcke!Theyaretod that itisthe ads h hep thewbsit v Suc a message y lp ol undrtand how websits aoneyHower, ad-blokerse till poular. t sem tht epe just ont ntt look atds noterwhether th kow te importance of

29、as towbsites or ot!61. Tosrvivewouthargi thr user, websits need oA. lead thei usersto lckon d . attrat her usrs o e onet w dsC.l peoplefocus onwhattheywan to rad D. ncourageth users to use theIeet n smt hone6. Sice 201, tenmber of eplewho use -blckes asgrown bynely.20 rent B.200 pect C0 perent D00 p

30、ercet63The uderlid wor “blockmensin Prrh .A阻止 B阻塞 .街区 D.大厦64Why do a-lers becomepopuar?caue peopeanuse ad-bockers for free.Becase ts possble or peopl o install a lockrson smartpesBase with ad -blocker, people cav “cleane Iternet.easea-lockrs canhelppeople sve moneyBecase -blockers anhelp peop make o

31、r ony. B . D.65.W ankow fro the last aragrah thtAwebsitswl put or ads arou te cntentey prouceB.websies will statargin thir usesC. eopl will turn off teir adblokero hep bsites suvieD. eope wil coninue usin ad blkers第二节阅读下面短文,选出能填人短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共5小题;每小题1分)hn he was ne years old, Aeica boyM

32、iress had a questin: 6 Tglotsof eseh, Cres calculedthatAmericans usao 500 mlio sraw(吸管)evry da, Ihe of rduing plastc waste, he oued heBe rw Fre poct in 201. 67 Heasked aloa esturat to stooffrig stras with eery drink orer.It wsa simplhange. Hwve,itwou ae oney. And b doig that,teretauoul ct on on ts s

33、taw us y 0 percent.or the year that llow, Crsstredt spradhis rojet across the UiedStaes. 6 Thy o poviding the cusomer wt a taw uns he or se ak for e. Last Ar, Sattle e am he first Amian itto completelyban(禁止) plticstras. 69 H s snce spoken ttns ofhound f stuents arou the wrd. antsto nurage more poletoay noto the pltic sraw.“ 0 Ad i make mefeel thatI,asa id,ould aa ierce, o.”Css sasA. Moe nd moe restauran agredto join Hwy asti straws deican us every day?Fcsing n staws s onesimpe stepw all could tke.D Css srtedprojet n hi homeon- urlinton,Vermont,E tr i pr


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