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1、译林4AUnit1单元测试题Unit1 lke ogLiseing . isten nd choose the words ou hear.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。( )A. ckB. likeC. Mik( )2. do. dllC. og( )3.ikeB. lov. he( )4. theB.threC. where( )5.A. eB. she. m( )6.A. veB. finC. fat( )7.A. heeB hosChere( ).ubberB. ruerC. robot( )9.A. BobbyB. happyC. uppy( )10.A.manyB.ayC.

2、 manListe and judg wth orF.(听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符用T表示,不符用F表示,听两遍。)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ite and se h orrctanswer(根据所听问题,选择正确的答案,听两遍。)( )1.Imfie. BI fiv. C. Ys,I do( ).A.e,I like.B. Yes, pleasC. Ys, old( )3. Id lik pieB. I ik pis.CIwa pi.( )4.A.Yes, doB Yes, IlkC. Yes,itsa do.( )5.Its pada.B.It n h hairC

3、. Is cute.Listenand fil in teblas.(根据所听内容,完成下列对话,听三遍。)Hlo,Helen. _ yo _ _?_, I _._ do youlike?Ike_.ees a _ pn _yu_.rtn.Redhe wos ithunderlin letters nd fi ith banks.(根据所给单词划线部分的发音,补全单词。)1. bag l rl 2. wold e at 3. tee s t t che4. tir l k m 5 cat on y ute.Vocaulary.词汇。A.Reaand ill ithblak.(根据首字母、图片及中

4、文提示填空。)1.Ihave any oy in m beroom.2.Nanylkenimalsadths is Nancs .-Look at m_ to dog -ow ct!4 -W_ yu like thib_ (面包)? : No, t Id like this hotdo.-W sthecat? -t u he sk6. -D oulie hs ru? -No, I .7 Look, th rs ae the ree. (在树上)B.hoos the corect words o cmpete t sentees.(选词填空。)1.ook at tis I ke . (c cat

5、s)2.-Woul oulikea ?-o, h you dt ie . (lion/ lion)3. Thisis elephat. Tts tiger. (a / ). Ilik pna cu an ft. (Its Theyre)5. -s this to o? - are rigtIs o dog(ou /your/y)C.ead adill in the lanks.(按要求写单词。). hoses(单数)_2. cute(近义词)_3.I(物主代词)_ o not(缩写形式)_5. thee(对应词)_6 dg(复数)_7. hy(单数)_. Id(完整形式)_9. big(反义词

6、)_10 girl(对应词)_.hoose he corret nswers.(选择题。)( )1.-Do you ie eha? - Yes, I like.B. Ys, I d.C. Yes, lease.( )2-Which anmal s black n white? - .A. A catB. A C. A anda( )3.-_ th ney -tscue.A. ok Lo tC.Lok on( ).-oul you li a cake? -_.A. Ys, plse.B es, I like . Yes, I do.( )5. like_. thi tsB.atC cats( )

7、.-What tht? -_.is is a dg.B. heyre dogs.C. Is ag( )7Do you ike_?A.penB. hi eC.this black pn( )8.-oat thispand. -I lie _.A iB.thisC.that( )9 _ likehoses.A. oB. donC. not( )0Look, the lloo is _eree.A B. in. tCommunatin.(交际用语。).Rad ad hoos.(根据情境,选择最佳答案。)( )1. 朋友让你看她的玩具娃娃,你可以说: A. o cute! . Ye,Io.( ). 你

8、想知道对方是不是喜欢蛋糕,可以问: A. oudyou ike akes? : Do youli caks?( )3 你想让别人看你的玩具熊猫,可以说: A. Lok atm toy pn. . Do like padas?( )4 妈妈问你喜不喜欢动物,你可以说: A. Yes, Ilik. B. Yes,d.( )你想知道远处的那个是什么,可以说: . at rethos? B Whtstht?B.Math.(从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句,写在题前括号内。)( ). o lke cae? A.Itsme fr be( )2.hat loi yur cot? B. Thnk.( ).Would

9、 you lia pie? C Itsgreen.( )4.oo at y og . o, Idnt( ).Is his a mnky? E. Itsa to monkey.( ).Werer y books? F.Ys, t is.( ).Its ninecock. G.es, plese.( )8.Ho may pnci youav? H. Its cute.( ).Hr youare. I. For.( )1.Wh is tat? J. Theye onthdesk.rnslation.(根据中文提示完成句子。)1. 看这头小象,多可爱啊。Loo this litle _ _ cue!.

10、你喜欢猴子吗,杨玲?是的,我喜欢。_ ulike _ ,Yng Ling? Y, I do 3 你想要一个桔子吗?好的。 _ yu le_ _? Yes, pleae. 看这些玩具,孩子们。 ooktthse _, _ nd_. .Rewriteollwingntencsa required.(按要求改写句子。)1likmy at. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ yoike _ cats?_, I _.2. hy likhe bu dsks. (改为否定句)They _ _tesebluedess. s lion isery ute. (改为复数句子) _ lio _ ryce.4.

11、Its aftg. (改成感叹句) _a _pi!.Rein cmprehenson.(阅读理解。)A根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。her: Wake up!Its seen clok Beakfas is rad dy: Whatime i it, Mum?Moher: Isseen clock.San: Seven oclock?Mother:Yes!Hurry up! Y are latefor chool.Sny:Oh, wherem scool ba? Is it n my sk?oter:No, is on te cir Go to school, n

12、wndy: h n, Mum. Itsunday(周日)today. Idnt go to hooltay( ). Isseven cock i te even.( )2. reafasisready.( )3. Sany schoolba is onthe ek.( ). Tday is nday.( )5. Sand wil(将要)g to scho ta. The Lion DnerLion: Go ftrno,Mrsbit.tme eat ou.abi: Dont eat,Mr LionIm old.Tat muse syong(比年轻)n me.io: Ms ose,iss oue,

13、et et ou.Mse:h,n.Maybirs ar stanng ver theeLion:Bids,Iil eat youu re dinnBds: Yo r bad.We canfly,can you?Lion: o,Icn.But wer ismy dinner?根据短文选择正确答案( ).honis _.Afu B.hungy Ccae(受惊吓的)D.hapy( )Thelindesn at thabi,becusether is a _ ver the AdeeB.bird C.goat mose( )3.helo dsnt eat the ouse,ecauser ar _ o

14、erte. .is .rabbis C.goat .deers( )4.C he birds l?_.N,they an. BYes,the can. C.No,they cnt. D.Yes,they can( )5.he lion can fy. _ a last.A.a dnner Ba the bbi doesnthave dinner Det the useatecore文明施工依据业主、监理有关要求,落实施工组织文件,明确各工序管理、材料管理、机械管理、成本管理、劳动管理。 对全体职工,特别是民工,在进场前进行文明、安全施工教育,不断提高职工的文明施工意识和自身素质。建立文明施工管理制度,采用统一规范临设,围档整齐,符合要求,临设要牢固整齐,材质符合要求。运料车运料时要用帆布覆盖,以防沿路遗撒和扬尘。施工道路要保证湿润,以防车辆行驶扬尘。场地内材料与设备要保持整齐,并保证场地内的清洁。


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