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1、译林版六年级上册第一单元知识点测试译林版六年级上册第一单元知识点测试Unt 1Teings new othe1. lg og ag很久以前 ne lothe新衣服3. mae ne clthe for you为你制作新衣服 mae s forsb4. hw the king hi ewthes给皇帝展示新衣服sosb th= shsh.to b.5 try o试穿6. ag clote有魔力的衣服7.walk togh步行穿过8. in is new loths 穿着他的新衣服9. shout t sb对某人大叫1. auh.对某人大笑1.lookat 看.12. pin t指向1. fit

2、wel 非常适合14 an meriacowb 一个美国牛仔15 a Scottihma 一位苏格兰人16 tela so 讲一个故事17 saya/on enece说一句话18. on the mounain在山上19. he next seece下一句话20liveine hus住在房子里1. tell thebo a stry给这个男孩讲一个故事 tel sbsh.22. is ones tun 某人的机会2. thik hr努力思考24. heto不得不 hvet do th5. in frot of 在.前面(外部) i the front f 在 前面 (内部)6 alk b 路过

3、27. be ie to sb.对某人好8. look atr照顾29. tur to变成1.n lon ag, there ws in 很久很久以前,有一位国王。2 Th kg was hy.国王很开心。3 Heliked ew lthe.他喜欢新衣服。4.Two men viitedh k. 两个男人拜访了这位国王。译林牛津英语六上nt 1单元检测卷班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分 (共30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 (10分)( ) 1 . match B. magic C. Maths ( ) A was . were . were ( ) .A. pick B. qi

4、ck C.trck ( ) 4A. thes B those C. tis ( ) 5.A. other B. ach C.Mrc ( ) 6.A.putn B. try on Cgeo ( ) 7.A. pint a B. pointo C. souat( )8. A hk had B. workard . tuy hard( ). AThey fit well. BTheyre bautfu. C. Ty e magc.( ) 1. A.Two menvisited th i.Two mn showed he kin om new cotes. C w men anted o mae co

5、thesfr te kin二、听录音,选出正确的应答句,听两遍。 (5分)( ) A t on te1t of Spebr B. Is on the1t of Jne. . Its on hth o Mar.( ) 2. A Io. Bcn. . am.( ) 3 A. Alrgh. . Tankyou . C. No, i t.( ) 4.A. Ys,hereere. B.Yes, they wre. C. Ye, thre was.( ) . A.He ikes caks. B. He lied akes C.ewoud lke a cae.三、听录音,判断图意是否符合所听内容,相符“T”

6、,不相符“”,听两遍。(5分)四、听录音,填入所缺单词,听三遍。 (10分)1.here _ a lot of_ in hsreet yerday.2. Ityo _ no. Please_ one sete.A _poite at thein a _. an you_ a kit_ u?5. Thea _ i e pakHe is _ a sty bout aion.笔试部分 (共70分)一、找出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。(6分)( )1.vsi A. ickB.inus C.ion( )2. e . lte B afer mai( )3. hikA.brhr B.hes Cthr

7、ogh( )4. got .some. hobby C.clohes( )5. farm Aea B. quarte C. ar( )6 walke . lokedB paye C. shutdhttp:/二、词组翻译。(12分)1.一个愚蠢的国王_ 2.很久以前_3. 聪明人_ 一天_. 开始一个故事_ . 下一节课_7. lk trogh _ 8. on hounn_ an Aercn cowboy_ 1 tink ard_1. t wel_ 2.walk by the ous_三、单项选择。(12分)( ). _ TV amenag A. atchB. wae C. looked D.

8、look ( ). m_ the a _ his aiy esteday. visit, th B. visited, for . visted, an . visited, with( )3 It eenocok. Dvid has to _. A. go t schoo B. ngto shool C. went tochol D. gos to hool ( )4Ech tuden one pictre A.ra B. ra C.rawing. odrawing( )5. Sheuull _ new clhs i dol. . makeswt. akefor . maksor D. ma

9、kewit( )6. The ionaways wlk _ t reever day. A. on B ner C. trough . behnd( )7. We here _ trees in th sreet? .ome B any C muchD. a( )8.e lohsare bautif.ease _. . try it on B. tryon he C. r hemo D r on it( ) Thesho arverol,butthey me. A reitig it C. nfitD. fted( )1. k to wea a kil. .The Chis Th Scotsh

10、 C.TheAerican . The English( )1. esterd acy w sik, rmothe e carefully A. loked afer B lod at C.looke for .loked out( )2. The wich(女巫) hprinc alion. Aunedo B. alkedwith C. oldaout.tredinto四、用词的适当形式填空。(0分)1.ookt_(he) new cote.They _ (fi) hervr uc. Loo! He_(shw) odel panetohi clsmats. 3e _ (liv) i Wuxi

11、las ea But e _ (lve) i iaginnow. _(ot shout) at t baby Inot polite(礼貌)5.The old an _(wlk) b e huse, an thn piea low.6 Th childn _(be) the lagound a moment ag Bu nwtey_(be) ithe classrm. My fatr_(read)nwpapersvey veig.五、句型转换。(5分)1.Mis n estudents ae lyig age.(对划线部分提问) _ are Miss Fo and her studets_?

12、2. The to n shoed he kig hnelhes. (同义句转换)T w men his nw clt the king 3 The lion wasnie to thgil(改为一般疑问句) th ln nic to the gil?4 Therer som apesn hesteet(改为否定句) Thee _ _ pples i te stre.5. Myuncli ina g cty. (用to yers o改写) My unl _ n big cty tw years go7.rot, there,in,the,ln,wre, floes, hos, of,me(.)

13、(连词成句) _六、根据首字母填空。(5分)1. The girl w_ a e ss tod.2. I w_ tiredth rning cue dacd at heMui lesson.-Wy are you l_? Becuethestor s veryinteesting.4.helnt_ itoa prin atlast(最终). The sudesre p_a me i the lyround.七、根据汉语意思完成英文句子,每空一词。(1分)1. 上个月,我们摘下了许多桔子并且在农场散了步。 We_ lo f oangs an _on the far latonth.我能好好照顾这

14、位生病的女孩。 ca_ this sick girl ry _.3. 我们不得不重新开始上课了。 We _ ourlson aga.4. 我家前面有一条大河。 Tee is abi rvr _ _ fm ouse. 八、阅读理解。(0分)(一)、判断正(T)误(F)。(分)yg mais iti bus. An old oman gts onte busandands i ron of im. The young a ans upT old woma pushes(推)im bck into set(座位) and , “ Dont sanup. dontwant to s don.” Te

15、n ans up gain. heold womapuhs him dow an says, “Yoohve to iveyur set. I like tosnd.” he a ti t stnd for te tir tme The old ma tries topush hm dwn gain.Th an huts, “nt puhme, ese. I hve to get ff the bu!”( ) 1 he ng an ad womn ae i differentbus( )2The you mistanding i he bus( )3.Te oldwoma pushesthyo

16、ng mn back inths sat.( ) 4. e d oma es to s.( ) 5. eoug mn stands pbeause e has t off thebus. (二)、选择。(分) Afarmer w gin ie(死亡)。H is(希望)o show his sons hebestway of faming.ohecaled hi sons t him, d d t them, “Mchilrn, I am goig o die. I lesomhigfo you. They are in the yd(院子). The ons thouht pera te ws

17、oe trsure(宝藏) ine yad. So a sn ashe old an dd,they gantwokwhter spades andploughs(铁锹和耕犁). They tud uphesoil(翻土) ove n v again, u hey idt fin an reare.Howver(尽管如此), ntsway, the ic gre fae and bterthn eve b(比以前更好) Ade sns gouchm mon.( )1. nedayte fmer ald his ons togethe eaus_.A. e was oing t die.B. h

18、e ntedto give hem som treare C. e waned to as hsoe estionsD. he eeded teir help( )2 hat did thfarer leave in h ard? A.A lot o rice. B. Te spds. C. Te plughs D. Nthig( )3. Dd the sons fdanyeasure i te yard? A. Yes, y did B No, hey ddnt. . Ys, butno tmuch D.es, hy foudalot of d( )4.H ws te ricaterh onstrn up the soil? A.It grew quicky ut a. B.Itgrew lad quickly. C. It grew wll bu sowy D.Itwn to i( )5. Wt was the al(真正的) treasure?A. Th snsrd-workng B. Thesn aited eer ay d di nohinC Spaes ad ploughs D. Trice.


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