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1、跨文化交际案例分析共7个跨文化交际学概论第七章 社会交往 五、宴请招待p2Case One: Stting Ruesfr GuestArcan Hoptalit案例:Wen Zhg Totreled in Ameri, he lived i tome fhismericnfiend, ill Oc afte heha rveledbak,he fou Bil as na d od Whe h askd what therolem wa, BiltoldZhagTao thaths son agotfrios abot te noiseZhng mde hen alkipstirs andals

2、oecusee was usioo muh watr ihe solar wee shoerand Adm hd to ha is showe in cld ate. BiloldZhang Tao th e soud lkmreoftly in futue, and he f shor t e waer Zhag Taofel uneay. H coul the ost e su rule forhisuest!uestio: hy i an Tao fe neasy?分析:1) n Cin, wepepl hot me, heypu the gust inth ac fhonor tosw

3、 ostality. Te ry to ake are othe guet,andtryto makethe gust fe comfortabland a eae) In America, eole tend t ie the es reat freedmandtreta gues re casuly, aturallyd truhfuly.3) Zhang ao ke hws auet,and thugt in trs of Chiese ecttons of hopitalty. HehuhtBillhould rea him cureousy inste ofstting rules

4、fr hm.4) ince hang Taolved in Amrican uroudngs, eoud ae now outhe cusoms tre sonr.Case Two: 案例:Lin reld 0 ours from BejingtoNe York Heneede a good mel. His Ameria fien, Mike, met him But Mike oly offerehima laof roastd chicn an aglas o orag ic. Li wasedo hinga mai cos, nd aske Mikei hehadanyc. Mike

5、said he nly hadrie noodes, and i h tomkeo w though Ln knew Amricans dint are verymuc about what od tae, h si ftsrised ece he ha take ike to th mot faousduck returani Bejing- Quanjde - wen he arrved in BijingQueston: Whydi Li fesrprised?ffer e advie toim aboutdjusting tos new enironmnt inArica.分析:1)

6、n the toico ospitality, he Cine stresson wmt ad demonstratingfiedsp. They kh gest famos or lxuus restar t avea vergod (expensie) melto show tr ositait. Ad tChineseresed o having a ig meal. The mordishsthey put ot,the eatrthe amthand fehip ty show.2) In wetrn countries, pole sress on feedomTheygive t

7、he gust great reedm tochoser wnfoods An westeners td to ave oly n maincorse and some juceordssrt,whichisviewe scasulin te es te Chiese.) Linlived in Aerian rounin a shoud ave ajuted imsef qicy to the ew orld (lftye).He houlhae knon te stomthr rs,d fetmret ese in Me mCae ree: qualtyrHpitality for ale

8、Mnne案例:n Hahas acompanid an Aeri dlti to visi Cna.he hv experence te hositlityo e hiese people. fter etuning toAec, Linhua oncevisied them. The wre s gld o meet again. nu fferedtohst themeal, but theyefud. Theyorered hir own sh, an Linhu oree her owWhen foting th bill, they onlypaid teiart,n no onew

9、atd to pyforin Liuaundhe o inhoptl, thuh se knew th mericas old ually py for hir on foouetin: Wydi Lihua find tem inospitabe?分析:) InChna, tohow hospiali, peoe tnd to hos he el. nd if thy can do ths, they atlest istrugge to ay for th guest.2) In Amerca,peole tnd opa f temselves to swuaty n idepenence

10、.3) Linhua knows tis ut, b from a Chinee poit fview, she stillfd tishard to acce, n elsia lit nhositable.as Four: 案例:I ave nAmeia fried av invedhim seel mes, and at longashe invte me ohs ho ne da. Hetold me to get thee t 3p m. I thught we could hatn ave mel togethr. I gav him Chnese alndar, a womans

11、sarf an atle fChiese white wne. He ony tookou i f uts, late of bed and bottle o win. e tw hours cht, oud ter wa n hin a meal ad said ood-bye to him. He ly gave me x o ccate as a present orthe Yer. ter I got hoe, I fun he box eay been opned I wa vespise,stin:Waturprised m?分析:1)In China, a viit to hme

12、ay includesa ma. Andtheuest alws brig a relativelxpensve presen tohe ot.And hepreseshoud b ell wrappeor utouhed) nthe wes,a visit o hoenly mans a metng, not eessarly inluding aeal. nd the s rated not sipontyas it is n hina.3) I actedia a that as basd oChise cstom,soI ft thAmercan way wa ery teresig

13、(sa)Cas Five:ay of Entertaning uestsi China - Drinkmore ndme案例:Tom,nmrican, wnt to a Chinsehoe f hfrs tieH asfferd sometea. Jus whe the first cup was but to ish, more teawsadded. H dkthesen cup.Tet p as lld th thrd tme Th h ak it,hn until h wa uite ful. omwa totall confuse by the way of etertini.uet

14、in: Wy wa Tom oaly cofused?分析:1)Tdtil Chinee utom rquiesh duing the course of nerainn, thhosthas to lwy or mor inor tea the guest ss orcup, and lwaaddsmore fod to thgests pte orbow withoutaing thr tsted.2)Chinse gut ko oto respnd o his type of ospitait They simply leave the wine, tea, o fod inthtain

15、e andst havng anyme. But Tom, te Amrianguest i the case dint know ths.3) He llwed the litne rul of h cultre: s nooo annerso leaveood in ones own at at a dnertable.herefore, wihot any knowlege of the differences tween e twoculure, an Americanguest woelklyffer fromither rkg r eatn too uh insch situati

16、o.CseSixAs a foeign stdent at e niversy of iscnsin in Mdn, Keiko Ihara (Jpanese) wa on a strict bde. e had ll hr tuitionand books paid foby scholarhips and grantndutil retl was comortl hused in edro Waig to lei thecomunity ther hanin the drmtory, she fund smal apament to share with friend Her colege

17、fieds,knowin of he stutio, ffeed o round u some o the necessary iems for parmen iing. eiko poiey eclne, saing she coud manageWnng to helpothe ried ound someold u stilublhousehodapplanes auritureMary had n old desk that was i he garae. d h some cis rom his uncle, adJoe andMain d a fe etr dishe. Ty ch

18、efull brought them vr oe d Keiko semed erybarrassed, utgrcefully accepte the, sicerlyand profuey tnked theTh fllowing we hey were each pesed with aift romko. Marot an natwery bo, Eda voleofoodcts by famusJapanes arts, ad oe a Marin a beutifuJapse ase,allof wch were onseable ort an valu, choe thnthe

19、lthngs hy had donaed to he.heyll pteted that shcouldnot affordto ive such eaborat gfts; tyrealy expcted nthigas the oehold iems wereno really engused and he oldraher hveher us th. Keiko, hoevr, isite that they tke t git. n the ed,theyacepted te ifs, althoug they all fltuncomrtable as they ne he as r

20、allyscriicing o ive them.Qeston:. Whatdooink f Keik insitn on iving vaubegift t her llege frends?2 Whydid ks rieds feel vey ucmfotabe hen e ecived aluable gis eturn?分析:Keiko ists on gvng aule ifts to he college fiends, becaueincuntries lieJan,ehangin gifs is trogly rote scial radtio. u yurecee a gif

21、t, an dt have oe o ffer rturn,ou l oay reate a cisis If n as eous asa criis, o wo oesntoffer gf retrnmy be oidere rudormpolite. Therfre, n aa, gfs are a symbic wy to shoapeciaton, espect, gratitude and frther relatnship Kiko bvouly hs tn oeuse ems fMary, d ad rio a gfts, r se roblydoest knw thatAmer

22、icans frequentyote their ueouseho iems o chuchor to thecommuniy Mary, Ed anaiowould eer cnside tose usd houseoditm given o Keiko agifts.owonder they flt vey unomfortab wn they reeive valuabl ifts in retun.Case even Selma, wo is frm th ,is iastdent ehgroa in Idonesa n day, she a asked to atted a brth

23、dy pat and sh ws lighted, orhe was curiou tokno hat annonianbrthy party w ik ohr srprise, hewas te only othat dresse n typill Wten clohes. Althogh she h no srong reson to eoeuneay, her ues elng pevailed as the par wasgoing . Tomaeheselfeel tr, she went to te foodtbl anen the hersef Bu, upon laigthe

24、tble, hetripedn he egof hairand pillhe dikon the floorOnef te g stopwnto mopupthil an evryone e ghed utlou. Selma, unrtain wha todo next, quietly moved outoe wywth herh lwrdnha.Quesions: Wht funciosoeslaghg sere in similrsaions hin?4.htshuwedo to hep ouselves or ther peopleuof embrrasmt causeby cult

25、ural differee inlaughg?分析:Justlie smile, lauhing oes not awsrve the se ution in diferentculture. ntresingy, o s Chines,laughingofte hs aspecia fution o smetensescil occsion Pema lgh o releae the tensin or ebrassmn, exrs her oncern about yo,heir itetion toput you at eae rto hlp yocome ou of te embarr

26、asmnt. n ths ce, the eople there wr ctualywisin t laugh ith the Amian rather thanug at heTir laughngsemed to coeya numbr ofmees: dont tke it so erosly; augh it ff, t nothng; suchtns can ppnto anof u, c.Unorntel th American wasuaae of is. he thuhtteyee laghingat h,whihmade her feel mor adl and nry, fo nher cutrlugi osh anoccasion wld beinteretedsa isulg respose, umaig a egive.


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