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1、高三英语期中考试5高三英语期中考试I. 单项选择(20)1. Te bigehch _ ls yearlos relly beiflA. wa uilt B.uilt C. et up .hadben u 2. Dont getoff th bu util it _.A. stop B.illstop C topedD. ha stoe 3. _ in Guan Zhu or sx ear b ths Octob.ve ved B.as ig C. wll e living D. shall hvelived 4 After while an agreeent_.A. wa rrivd aB

2、s arrive in . as arrvedD. hasben arive 5. v you_ im give up smokng? N.I_,but heuldn listen.A paedried B. red/ersude. riedtred D. persuad/persuadd 6. y rote _ while he_ is ccle ad ut hime.A. ell/ws idingB. fell/were ridigC.had alrde. hafallen/ws ridn 7. _ixyear siceIbegan stdyigEglihA. They have been

3、 B. It s C.It D.Theear 8 An exhbon opaitings_ tthe ueumnex ek. A. re ob held B. toe eld .areholdin D wil hold Evr posibe means , bunone proe sccessu. Ahas tried B.has betre . s being ied ied 10 T lassroo _3 fee log. A. measue B. asre C. has D. halnth 11. - cn ee t blckod ery wll. - Peasou nee _ A.te

4、xain eys B.to av your eyexamine C. tohave examid yor yes D.t be eamind your y12. _ herelat iht. A Sohing trangwa hppened . Strane somhing ws apened C. Somthn strage hpend D. Srne smetig hapen1 Myhr issoong thatImust gto arers sho nd_ .have t cut it B. hve t ct C.e o eut D to cu it 1. H rceive a tele

5、ram_ othr Sick. A. writtn .aid C. reaing D. writig 1. How seet te muc_! sunds to b is ude C.i sounded to e D.ounds 16. - I havegota heach- No onder. _ in frot that omputer to on.A. k B. wored C hvebeenwrking D. arwrkig 17.hey_ two e tiket to Canad,otrwise heyd never hav ben able to fford to go.A. ot

6、 B. ge C.have got Dadgot 8. INewton lved today, ould e suprie t _n sciencand tcholgyA hs discoeed . hs beendiovere ad discovred D h beeniscovrd19. I callHanahany tmes strdy evning,bu Icld get though. Herbrote _ on he phoe al htie! A waalg B.halked . has en alkin D. taled2. hat weuse t think _ impssb

7、le no does seempossibl .s B. was C. hs e D. wl beII. 完型填空(20)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I the United Sttestherwas anunusual tletling of the daghteofa mechanc (技工). One day whil walking alongthe bak ofaake, thegil 21 osee 20 eggs lai y ilgoseAfter some tim te girl 2 he o

8、thr woudno eturn to her ggs nd he 23 to take them ome. Thee shecrflly 24 the egg i the het of lmp.Several das 25 the eggsbrokeand theay eeemeito the 26 .Gse are known to tak te firstivi thin ty seatei ther. 27 , to heeoung gee,he rl was eir mothr.Asthy 28 , th gir was ab to 2 er birs t ruaros te ass

9、,but she oud t eachthe to 30 . Thegirl becameincreasngy worriabout ths, oh when 3 an inerdremsa, sehad an 32 : She would iloa ln guethem 3 .Sheaskedher fathero apane and h asembled(组装)a smalaircraftfor er aring 34 sat, the fathr deidd to lt te plnehimslf. weve, he brds dd ot 35 o ollow hi,and 6 pt i

10、th ras. On day, te r 3 into te pane, tarted it andso le he 38 . Seng termotr take to te air, heird 39 flapped(拍打)their ngsand 40 . She flwth plne freely in th sy,er ng brd followin.21. mnage B attmted .haened Dsuppos 22A realied B epeced C. imaine D dmted23. . helpd . ecded C ffored D. mat2A plced B

11、. roteced C.treatd D eamied 25. A. go out Clater Dlon 26. A.faly B. lak C. home D. orld27. A.u . Als C. Th D. till28. Aincreasd B. mprve C. ros D. ge29. A. sk B ead C. wat lw0. A y . rae swim D. in 1.A. asleep B.away Croud D. awae3. Aidea B. opnion C exlanati D.excuse33.A. . heaven C flight D.plan34

12、. Ahs B. her C. teir Dit 3.A. rspect B. rmebr . eognize D. rece 3. A. so B nsea C ardly D. to37 A. limd Blooed C.reahe D.fell8. A. hous B. lor C.wate D. ground39. A.secetly B.disappoe .piely D. egely0 . looked away B set out . wnt D urnd bckIII. 阅读理解 (40)第一节(共小题;每小题2分,共3分)AAs a son oaomn,WaleDea Mye

13、rs becms a populaator. Buhe tell is son, Christophe, tt hi faher ishe pero that he awys ws his writing toimpress.“I saed worknga 14an I vedmyon up,hin to a tewrter.After finding out abut it,my ather t ot d ouh ea reall good n,” Wlt ays“Thtwas vry importan to m.”Today, ale biliph nuesnerly 00 boks He

14、 collaborats(合作)o omo the with hristoher, workn togethr a rtrnd ilstro(插图画家). eir coneion isone that heve adith his w fater“y atheneve aid anyting god aou y wring;”ltr sas “That elly urt d bothe m ot.”Tryin t maagod impreso on hisfather, Wlertarted to se me te stories tha he had herd around e ouse i

15、n hi wriig. “I evn to hisghost storieand pubhed hm,”Wlter ay. “ndwn sowedthem , h never commentd n themSo Ithught he atd me.”“Did eve askhim bot it?” Chistpherass.“No.Wheh as dyng,I took hm a book that Id just finisd. Hepicked i p ad lookt ,d ten he jus laid i own. fter edied, I wenttois house andwe

16、nt tog ispaers.Isa Xs wherehi sinaure shoud haebee. nd te I fond myfther couldnt read. I ean, that waswh nersai anythin about mwrting. coud have d something to h.d thatwas - hat a arir between u all ylife.”41 Wa an einfer rom he econd pargrph? A. ltrs faily wa vy rih. B. ters fthr oved h very uh. C.

17、 aers fathr ke riiws imortant D. lne ha he wt to be.4. Wy d Wars fher never ay anythingood about Waltrs wrtin? A. H touht is witngwas brn. H hted hissns wting. .Hatly codn red D.He dit lkeeading a al4.hat did alter ot impresshisfater?. e bough atyewritrith h ownney. B. He wrot nearly 100 books. C. e

18、 crated bks with hisso, hristo. D. He wreand pblshed hi fater ot store.44.hete isainy but_. A. Wterwritingcaeer . ow Wler g his s typwrte. C. the bare betee Wlteadhis athe. D ow Wlt tauht hs sonto wit books.BWavinghands or twitchin(抽动)face mclesigh not bete irst tingsyou thinkabout when prepaing fr

19、jb iterw.u a dy lag counts fora lrgepart of ho people know us, actions read spak louer than rds So howan you adjusyour bod language fr scess?Befre our job ntervew, sk a id todtify anbad hait you ay have uc as plaing th orha rdrumig ou fners omay be uprised to earn abouso bad behaothayou rt aware.Nex

20、t, stagea moc(模拟的) job nteriw ith a friend ad ecd i vie “Viengyour bod laguag asothepele do iavluale xprce,” says Kelly rm elySpeech Communiaios. “Bt ifyou wt tn morecnfidece, a questinng sesion wth a riend s usul oting nynegatve boy languag hat occusuder pssr,such s foot-bncg r lip-iting Bear in mn

21、dthat sayn(摇摆) n aceocing an all treaten the scces ofa jo inrvie.”nd ith not noghto giveyou anirof cnfidence, Kll sys thtbrvin onfiden eople ad moeligteirpn, riendand acceti gesureswillso help you tnbleyoractios to be read s u ant,an dresyor risk ofsnngmied essages.When icomes the jo inrview itsf,Ke

22、ll rcommends eainginsan inmae(密切的)relationshiswih thetrvieer by being ensitive to thi body positions or poses, a daig your movements and expressios accodigly. Bu if youfind yoursel ogettng wrds, concerate moe o yorslf. Mintning gd ey ctcts wil as hep coveytrusad understaninFinlly,he prfct hndshe, li

23、ke mostbod lanuage,isall abou inding a happymeium ht ore ofrtaith.45 ich f the folowing igt be the bst itl f he te? A. ody angge is r a Joteiw . ome Bad abitsn a Job Inervew The Impotnce f Frinds D. Suggesins on Ho to Get a obocn onedevelopan inimate relaionship ith the iterviewe? A. Bydjstngoeeft t

24、h interviewe. . By retng woruring the intvie. C. Bymmoizing manyfacts boe the nterview. . B minding ones words in he oe interviw.7.Whih othfollwig gestues isgood r job tervew? A. Plyinith hair. B. Asteadygaze. C. Fot-ouncng D. Tuchng our ae48. Thetxtis maily delopd y _. A. analyincuses B.kng prepara

25、tions C. exanig diferences D. folowing ime squeceCA resech study ws coed atheUieity oesyva to drine to wt exte apersn body laguag an fect the impression people form ofhi. Teollwingreesearchresults:55ent of th impso pelefor o yois base on or body estues.38 ecnt s basd on theone o you voiOly 7 eent is

26、 bse onw you sa.e sockn resultso tat angage (includin h ody gtures d voie ton) is mr posible for impessin pele frm ofyu thyor ordMny peole find it wr(不可思议的)thateading body nguage an ell us al intntonsof thepeople e are deaig th, butwhen o eepinmnhat there arlias, dioestpeoplan peole ho dontknow howo

27、epress their emotons, h rsltmake lot of sense.e egve ou anoter example to sw yu that depending n body anguae can bmuchacra n pending n whatpeopesay. Lets upe hat you me a strangerwho wars a horrile loin shirt. Will yo tll him yur opinins? O coursenot. Ms eple supprestheir emions ad opinonsbcase of t

28、herues that their sociey fosupn them, nd tas whyhi rl opinions are efecte in the bodylanguae.Boy languae s n wel uedn politics, sls,neotitin ndany oher situinwerecomunicatinetween peopleis iove. Bod lnguag can als elp ou eaveheimrsion you want. Forexample using proper bod languge yucn appear confden

29、t ven if oare anxious r frad. King that body ane s so ueful, you ig ant to kno mre bo . ease find iti my newl pbisd book- nterting Body Language.4. Whhof he follon is OTte advantage of readingbodylangage?A. It help peple distiuishonesteolfro theishonet ones.B. t enbes pe to expess tei otin proprly.C

30、. t akethe rles of society prges gradllyD. I letspeop have a deprunerstding of others50Whatdoe th nderlnd word “supprss” man i th scond to lstaragrap? . Control. . Enlage. C. Reve. D.Infom.5. he pupose the lat paragph is _. A. prmot th athors nw o te opehw o read body lnguae C. analyzetheimporanceo

31、knwin body anguage D. shw tesge of body lanueDThoea d oth nturalits hae prised th beneitsof nturetoyour ate of m,b thereare som reserches showin how ature makes yu marer.Wheyo eercise,o ou go to the g or round yunehborhod or in locl rk? Researh h found thteposure to teratutoors improvs cnitie(认知的)uc

32、to.xrtshave caled this atention restrationherp(注意力修复治疗).Innesud, resarcher fom the Universty fMciganaked volneersto cmple a sk designed o chalenge meo and ttentin. The olunerte took a walk in eiher a prk o in downown. After th walk, luntees retunedto tea and were askedto rets o e tak. The prformance

33、onthe memoryandattni tsk realy imrove ipeole loing hwain thark, but did notimrove inose wwlke dwtown.Wh does atue make yousmarter? ording te xrts, onresn ha to do wth ow nature affects uratention.One is involuntry(无意识的),where yur attentin s atrc bsoestmuli(刺激物) Andthe oter one idirected attetin, whe

34、re yor cnrl your attntio. Direcedttentins imorat frmemoy, rsving cnflit a reucingbsen mnd. Bengn nare xpse ou o stimli at invove our involuntary aeionItgives ourdecttentionarest chanc to become rnwed. hyou are a in y, yu reactuall vigilant(警觉的), yur directed antoturned on ad ao et rest.Richrd Losboo

35、k, LasChildin he Woods, wa abouth negativeeffetsof a naue defit n children, bt hinew book, TheNture incile, escribes hw alts are quallyat riskif they seldom sed tmewt natre.If youcat be n naueday,et a cree saver of nare Bt think it will be better fo you goot and expence he eal higs52. Which of theollowi probably els o he attentio restor


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