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1、Success的演讲稿 演讲稿 Success的演讲稿篇一Success演讲稿 On the way to success Good morning, teachers and my dear students,Today I am very glad to be here to share my ideas of success with you. My topic is on the way to success. Nowadays,when talking about success, mostly the first image comes into our mind is a bus

2、iness man with high social status, apartment, and quite a lot of property. So most people believe that is success and all that they do is for this purpose. Yes,its right for us to pursue this .But as far as us ,is it the real success I promised myself that before I came back to Africa, I would find

3、out more about what keeps people poor. 在我去索韦托之前,我认为自己很理解这个世界存在的问题,可那时我才明白我忽视了最重要的问题,我不停问自己你还认为创新能解决世界上最棘手的问题吗?我向自己保证,在重回非洲之前,会找到更多让人们贫穷的原因。 Over the years, Melinda and I did learn more about the pressing needs of the poor. 数年来,我和梅琳达确实发现了穷人们的当务之需。 On a later trip to South Africa, I paid a visit to a

4、hospital for patients with MDR-TB, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, a disease with a cure rate of under 50%. I remember that hospital as a place of despair. 在后来一次到南非的时候,我去了一家住有很多抗药性肺结核患者和耐多药结核病患者的医院,这是一种治愈率不到50%的顽疾。我还记得那个充满绝望的地方。Success的演讲稿. It was a giant open ward, with a sea of patients shuffli

5、ng around in pajamas, wearing masks. There was one floor just for children, including some babies lying in bed. They had a little school for kids who were well enough to learn, but many of the children couldnt make it, and the hospital didnt seem to know whether it was worth it to keep the school op

6、en. 在一个巨大的开放性病房里,住着很多很多病人,他们穿着睡衣,带着口罩,慢慢挪动着。有一层楼是专为孩童开设的,其中包括还在卧床的婴儿们。医院中也为适龄儿童设有小学校,但是大多数孩子都无法战胜病魔踏入学堂,因此医院似乎并不确信是否有必要开设这所学校。 I talked to a patient there in her early 30s. She had been a worker at a TB hospital when she came down with a cough. She went to a doctor and he told her said she had drug-

7、resistant TB. She was later diagnosed with AIDS. She wasnt going to live much longer, but there were plenty of MDR patients waiting to take her bed when she vacated it. This was hell with a waiting list. 我同一位30多岁的病人做了交谈,并了解到她曾肺结核医院的一名职工,因为咳嗽而病倒。她看了医生,医生告诉她患上了耐药性结核病,在后来也被诊断患有艾滋。她活不了过久了,但有很多耐多药结核病患者却“

8、觊觎”着她即将空出的床位。这是一个有很多候场病人的地狱。 But seeing this hell didnt reduce my optimism. It channeled it. I got into the car as I left and I told the doctor we were working with I know MDR-TB is hard to cure, but we must do something for these people. And, in fact, this year, we are entering phase three with the

9、 new TB drug regime for patients who respond, tead of a 50% cure rate after 18 months for $2,000, we get an 80% cure rate after six months for under $100. (Applause). 但是目睹了这个地域并不能减少我的乐观心态,相反,它指导着乐观的前行。在我们离开时,我在车里跟与我们同行的医生说,我虽然知道耐多药结核病是一种顽疾,但我们必须为这些人做一些实事。实际上,在今年,我们进入了新结核药物研发的第三阶段,对于那些病人而 Success的演讲稿

10、篇三The way to success 演讲稿Success的演讲稿. The Speech of the Way to Success Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad to stand here and give you a speech. Im going to be speaking about the way to success. That is vitally important to all of us. We all know that everybody wants to be a successful

11、man. So do I. But we know that different people have different opinions about how to become a successful person. In my opinion, everyone makes different definitions to success. In order to accomplish goal, the most important things are having strong will, hardworking and the right method. Although i

12、ts not easy to succeed, but the strong will, hardworking and right method towards the right direction to development, youll be on the way to success. We know that every famous person has a hard period. However, they overcome the problem and undergo kinds of experience. A man of strong will and perse

13、verance always has an inflexible spirit. They sticks to them cause no matter how tough it might be. Just like an old saying, where there is a will there is a way. Eventually they must become successful person. Life is short and we have much things to do. Without hardworking no one can achieve anythi

14、ng. When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success. It is necessary for us. Hardworking, which is means we will try our best to do the things. Besides, the right method is also important for us. Because right method lead

15、us to a right direction. Believe it or not, the way to success has a life-long influence for us. We all want to triumph, because we have been setting the standard and determining the destinations or goals that weve been persisting in for a long time. I believe that sentence ,where there is a will th

16、ere is a way. As long as tries ones best, success will belong to those who can make constant efforts. Thats all .Thanks for your listening. Success的演讲稿篇四success演讲稿 Many people say that they owe much of their success to the cultivation of certain good habits in their early life. In forming good habit

17、s and achieving success we should focus on four points, that is, honesty, industry, enthusiasm and thrift. “Honesty is the best policy.” This is a proverb to which we must pay attention. There are so many temptations in the society that with a little carelessness we may go astray. But as long as we

18、are honest to others they will be honest to as in return. Industry gives everyone, no matter youre a man or woman, a boy or a girl, proper work to do. Wasting time doing nothing is to ruin oneself. Enthusiasm is a great force. Ones soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. We met alt

19、hough there are tremendous difficulties before head, we can leave nothing unaccomplished with enthusiasm. There are many proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. Since we live in the world where “money is a very powerful thing”, we should always try to save a portion of our earnings for fu

20、ture. These are the four keys to which we must pay attention. It is only through this way that we can achieve success. 译文:许多人都说他们的成功归因于在早年就养成了良好的_惯。依我看,要养成良好的_惯,我们必须注意四点,那就是诚实、勤勉、热心和节俭。 “诚实为最上策”。这是一句我们必须专心记住的谚语。人在社会中会面临种种诱惑,如果我们稍有不慎,就会走上歧途。但是,只要我们诚实,别人就不会对我们不诚实。 勤勉能使每个男人和女人,每个男孩和女孩都得到适当的工作做。什么事也不做会使

21、自己毁灭。 热心是一个很大的动力。假使一个人专心从事一件高尚的事业,他的心胸就会开阔。我们前进的道路上困难重重,但是如果我们有热心,有什么事不能完成呢? 有许多格言都是陈述节俭的好处的。我们既然生在这“金钱万能”的世界,我们必须经常积攒下一部分钱作为将来的用途。 这是我们必须注意到的四要点。只有照着这种方法去做,我们才能找到成功之路。 Success的演讲稿篇五Success_in_my_eyes 演讲稿 Success in my eyesSuccess的演讲稿. Good afternoon,ladies and gentleman. Today I am very glad to be

22、here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success”(采访一个评委和老师) “A thinks success isb holds that success is”No matter what is success in your eyes, but I know success must be what everyone is longing for. Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high gra

23、de in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. However, as a persons whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. So Id like to share one story to explain what success is in my eyes. Few weeks ago, I made

24、 a call with one of my students parents and asked something about his son. At first, I told her that her son were often absent-minded in the class and even didnt do any homework for many weeks. Can you imagine what this boys father said to me: teacher, I am a successful people I have no time to care

25、 about my son. And even more I dont care my sons achievement is good or not What will satisfy us at last It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am

26、standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. However, as a persons whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success Is high social status success What will satisfy us at last Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life! Wish you all good success!


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