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1、Good habits formed of youth make all the difference. Aristotle,produced by:Cheree,Unit 1 Teenage Life,What kind of teenage life do you look forward to?,What does the quote by Aristotle mean?,目,录,5,words & expressions,01,= teen(s) n.,five teenagers/ teens,1.teenage adj.,2.teenager n.,teen (十几)+ age (

2、年龄)= 十几岁的,青少年的,e.g. My uncle is managing a club for_.,teenagers,我叔叔在经营一家青少年俱乐部。,芭蕾舞者,ballet dancer water ballet,3.ballet /ble/ n.,花样游泳,做志愿者,serve/ work as a volunteer do volunteer work a volunteer to answer the question,4.volunteer n.,做志愿工作,自愿回答问题的人,/v. 自愿,v. volunteer to do sth. volunteer for sth.,

3、自愿做某事,自愿为某事效劳,Winter Olympic Games,同龄人peer,喜欢喝beer,长大想当engineer,主动当了volunteer,最终成为pioneer.,It means the direct influence on people bypeers. This can result in either a positive or negative effect, or both. Peer pressure can decrease ones confidence.,朋 辈 压 力,关于.进行辩论,debate on/over. under debate debat

4、e with. a heated/lively debate,5. debate n./v.,在争论中,和.辩论,一场激烈的/热烈的争论,Those teachers debated over what to put into the PPT.,老师们讨论应把什么素材放进课件里。,Were just debating what to do next.,我们正在讨论下一步该做什么事。,更喜欢做某事,prefer sth.,6. prefer vt.,更喜欢某物,更喜欢某人做某事,A和B相比,更喜欢A,比起做B更喜欢A,在暑假期间,我宁可呆在家里也不出去。,Jim prefer to go to

5、the park.,prefer A to B,prefer doing A to doing B,prefer to do/doing sth.,prefer sb. to do sth.,= would do A rather than do B,=prefer to do A rather than do B,I prefer to stay home rather than go out during summer vacation.,My father prefer tea to coffee.,Mary prefers playing basketball to playing t

6、ennis.,宁愿做A而不愿做B,*注意* 1.prefer不用于进行时态! 2.prefer-preferred-preferred 3.n.preference 偏爱,adj. / v /kntent/,/kntnt/,8. content n.,满足的,满意的 / 使满足,=be satisfied with,对.满意,愿意做某事,be content with be content to do,内容, pl.目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题,Ballet is beautiful,but its content is sometimes difficult to understand.

7、,=be willing to do sth.,芭蕾舞很美,但其内容有时很难理解。,傅园慧对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。,Fu Yuanhui is content with such a small success.,她似乎很愿意与宠物生活在一起。,She seems content to live with pets.,movements,My partner is a nice guy and we take part in all kinds of extra-curricular(课外的) _ together.,9. movement/muvmnt/ n.动作;运动;活动,温室;

8、暖房,10.greenhouse n.,冬季,我们买到的许多蔬菜都是在温室里栽培的。,Most vegetables we buy in winter are grown in the _.,greenhouse,greenhouse gas,导致温室效应的气体 温室效应,greenhouse effect,近义词辨析,tidy up,整理;收拾,除去,clean off,11.clean up,clear up,His mother require him to _ _ the kitchen every evening.,clean up,对适合的,be suitable for,12.

9、suitable adj.,be suitable to do sth.,适合做某事,are not suitable for,The dish is not suitable to my taste.,这菜不合我胃口。,Although you have appllied for registration, you_ _ _ _the desingning job.,尽管你已经申请了登记,但是你并不适合设计工作。,suit vt.,Growing vegetables looks easy, but _(actual) it takes a lot of learning.,actual a

10、dj.,14.actually adv.,种菜看起来很容易,其实大有学问。,actually,_(actual), I want to tell you something about what happened to me.,事实上,我想告诉你一些发生在我身上的事。,Actually,近义词: in fact/ as a matter of fact,meet/face a challenge,challenging adj.,15.challenge n. / vt.,面对/迎接挑战,challenge sb. to do sth.,有挑战性的工作/问题等,a challenging wo

11、rk/ question/problem,向某人挑战做某事, challenge to sb.,challenge sb.,ask / answer a question,solve/ settle a problem,辨析两个“问题”,我要挑战吃(ch)光所有的(all)英语(enge)书,The title of this unit is Teenage Life.,16.title n.,Do you like the title Ms. instead of Miss?,标题,名称,As we all know, Dong Mingzhus title is CEO, who will

12、 succeed to the title in the future?,职称,头衔,”抬头“看title,When you are in the skim reading part, you can find main ideas by first taking a quick the title, pictures, key words and phrases, and topic sentence.,17.topic/tpk/ n.,主题句,subject: issue: theme: topic: title:,略读,hot topic,热门话题,近义词辨析:,使用广泛。指书籍、文章、

13、演讲、讨论等中所隐含的、暗示的,需要由读者或听众推断的主题或中心话题。,指有争论、议论,急需讨论研究的热点话题。,系正式用词,多指文学、艺术作品的主题,或论文、演说的主题。,普通用词,含义广泛,但其范畴小于subject。既可指文章、讲话的题目,谈话的内容,又可指提纲中的标题甚至段落的主题或中心思想,侧重于文章的标题,18.freshman n.,Actually,Mr.Green,the awkward child, is a freshman at XX University.,事实上,那位笨拙的格林先生是大一新生。,(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生,补充知识: 大二:sophomo

14、re 大三:junior 大四:senior 研究生:graduate/ postgraduate 博士生:PhD student,confuse/knfjuz/ vt.,confused adj.,19.confusing adj.,难以理解的,不清楚的(unclear),使糊涂;使迷惑,糊涂的;迷惑的,他发现这个世界很困惑,因此他的脸上充满了困惑的表情。,He found the world confusing,so he expresses a very confused expression.,be confusing for sb.,confuse sb.,be confused a

15、bout,get/become confused,confuse A with B.,in confusion,对某人来说很困惑,对感到困惑,变得困惑,使某人困惑,把A和B弄混,乱七八糟,fluency n.,fluently adv.,22.fluent adj.,Im looking forward to speak fluent English as soon as possible.,我期待尽快说一口流利的英语。,在展示一系列流畅的动作之后,水上芭蕾舞者夺得了两枚金牌。,be fluent in,The water ballet dancer won two golden medals

16、 after showing a series of fluent movements.,在.方面很流利,流动flow,fluent流利,with fluency,流利地,他能流利地说三种语言。,He can speak three languages fluently/ with fluency.,in,graduation n.,23.graduate vi.&vt. / n.,from,+学校,We havent got a chance to talk face to face ever since we _ _ senior high schoool. Four years late

17、r, he graduated _ physics _ Tsinghua University.,我们自从高中毕业后一直没有见面。四年后,他从清华大学物理系毕业了。,graduated from,graduate from graduate in,+专业,a graduate of Tsinghua University,a Tsinghua University graduate,清华大学毕生,物理专业毕生,a graduate in physics,a physics graduate,He has graduated from college for four years. (X),非延

18、续性动词,He has come here for four years. (X),recommendation n.,建议;推荐;介绍,24.recommend vt.,推荐,介绍信,recommend sb. sth.,= recommend sth. to sb.,向某人推荐/介绍某物,recommend+to do/ doing,建议做某事,介绍瑞(re)来(come)修理(mend)玩具wan,recommend+that.(should)do,建议做.,recommend sb. for / as,推荐某人做.(职位),1.他向我推荐了一个公司。,He recommended a

19、new company to me.,2.志愿者推荐我们买新数学书。,The volunter recommend us to buy new maths books.,3.组织者建议我们应该对世界充满好奇心。,The organizer recommend us that we should be curious about the world.,4.我推荐我的合伙人做这个工作。,I recommend my partner for the job.,5.我推荐我的合伙人做律师。,I recommend my partner as a lawyer.,Im anxious about sig

20、ning up for a computer programming course.,25.sign up(for sth.),sign ones name,我对报名计算机编程课感到很焦虑。,He sign his own name in doctors style.,他签了自己的名字,字迹颇具“医生风格”。,签名,sign in/ sign out,签到/签退,check in/ check out,登记/登出,入住/离店,高级的;高等的;先进的,26.advanced adj.,advanced technology,27.advance n./vi./vt.,advance on/ up

21、on/ towards.,先进的技术,饿得旺斯无法“前进”,advanced science,先进的科学,向.推进,in advance,提前,make advances in.,在.取得进步,他报名高级英语讲座。,He signs up for advanced mathmatics lecture.,前进,发展,提出,The title of this book is Chinese literature.,28.literature n.,文学;文学作品,这本书的名字是中国文学 。,foreign literature,He was awarded the Nobel Prize for

22、 literature.,外国文学,用字母(letter)写作品,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。,Photography Club,Badminton Club,Calligraphy Club,Literary Club,2,4,3,1,+doing,+doing,=like doing sth. better,听前:阅读问题、选项,预测将要听到的内容 听中:勾画、速记你听到的内容 听后:回顾语篇,检查答案,Listen to the first two conversations again and take some notes to help you complete Table II on

23、the worksheet. -LISTENING FOR DETAILS-,high frequency sounds,younger than 25,most people older than 25,too young:,They should think about schoolwork and spend more time studying.,It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel he or she likes somebody.,We think its possible for teenagers to d

24、ate and study at the same time.,volunteer,would like to do something outdoors,Note-taking for the following information:,1.How does Julie make her inquiry? 2.Why wont Adam join the other three clubs?,询问,Are you going to join a club?,introduce the Ballet Club,but,Besides oh,no/ wow Im not. sth. is no

25、t for sb.,key words:, oh,wow,dancing is not for meIve got two left feet! I like animals,but Im not so interested in plants. Oh,no. Im not good at drawing. Besides,Id like to do something outdoors.,Share with the whole class your choice of club and explain your reasons. create a new conversation with

26、 your partner that is similar to the example on page 13.,Report: choice+reasons Conversation: conversations+advice,/:/,/e/,/e/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/:/,/i:/,/i:/,/:/,/i:/,/:/,/,/,/,/a/,/:/,按音节记忆单词,extra- curricular activities,29.extra-curricular adj. /ekstrkrkjl/,课外活动,adj. 额外的; 附加的,adj. 课程的,The t

27、itle of this book is Chinese literature.,31.obviously/bvisli/ adv.显然;明显地,文学;文学作品,这本书的名字是中国文学 。,foreign literature,He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.,外国文学,用字母(letter)写作品,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。,Homework, try to find more quotes what will inspire you about teenage life.,write an application email to the club you would like to join, explaining your reasons,


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