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1、Module B Unit 4 My classroom教案A. Teaching aims:1. Make the students master the following words:open, close, clean, turn on, turn off, door, classroom, desk, blackboard, window, fan, light2. Make the students master the following sentences.(1) Open the window.(2) Close the door.(3) Clean the blackboa

2、rd/desk.(4) Turn on/off the light/fan.3. Make the students learn to read and write the words and sentences.B. Teaching focus:Make the students master the following sentences:1. Open the window.2. Close the door.3. Clean the blackboard/desk.4. Turn on/off the light/fan.C. Teaching difficulties:Make t

3、he students master the following sentences:1. Open the window.2. Close the door.3. Clean the blackboard/desk.4. Turn on/off the light/fan.D. Teaching methods:Listening/ writing/ speaking/task-teaching MethodsE. Teaching aids:Blackboard, CAI, Tape recorder, Pictures of a classroom and a doorF. Teachi

4、ng procedures:Step 1 PreviewT: Welcome to the Unit, I think every one of you knows something about the classroom. Can somebody tell us what you know?S1: It s a door-O.-DO-R. Door.S2: It s aThen let the students to read the new words but heart.(door, classroom, blackboard, light, fan )Step 2 Warming-

5、upMake dialogues with the students according the following sentences:T: What s this in English?S1: It s a door.(Then ask the partner: What s this in English?)T: What s this in English?S2: It sStep 3 Presentation1. Present the title: ClassroomT: Boys and girls, attention, please! Look at the picture,

6、 please!T: , what s this?S: It s a classroom.(Writeitdown and read it. Teacher can say some dif ferences between “ class and”“ classroom ”)T: This is our classroom, right?S: Yes, it is. It s my classroom.(The teacher can ask other students to answer the same questions)2. Present the first two pictur

7、es:T: What s this?(Point to the door or the picture of the door, and help students to answer)S: Itdoorsa.(Write it down and read it.)T: Open /Close the door, please. (Show the students what to do)3. Read these sentences after the teacher.4. Practice.(Ask a student to stand n ear the teacher s desk,

8、let him/her follow what the teacher said ordid.)Close/Open the door, please.Close/Open your books, please.(Teacher can get the other students to play the game.)5. Present the last two pictures:The teacher asks one student to stand up with this sentence:stand “,up,please.”And talkwith them:What s thi

9、s in English? Then ask the student to sit down.Step 4 Practice and reading.1. Read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and tones. (Teachers must correct the studentserror on time.)2. Ask two students to stand up, then let them to the door do the following; S1: Open the window, please. Then

10、S2 do what S1 said.S3: Close the door, please. Then S4 do what S3 again.S5: Clean the blackboard, please. Then S6 do what S5 said.S7: Turn on the light, please. Then S8 do what S7 again.S9: Turn off the light, please. Then S10 do what S9 again. (Teacher can ask several groups to play the game.)3. Le

11、t the students find out what we have presented in this class and make dialogues with those words. (Write them down.)Step 5 ProductionTeacher can ask some students to stand the teacher s desk, ask them to do what the teachersaid, who can do the best, and the teacher can play the game some times.Open

12、your books, please.Close your books, please.Clean your desk, please.Clean your schoolbag, please.Turn on/off your pencil box, please.(The students do what the teacher said, and after every actionthe students who can dotcorrectly, he/she may come back to his/her desk. Then the last one is the winner,

13、 we can givehim/her some approbation)Teacher can ask some other groups to stand near the teacher s desk, ask them to do what theteacher said, who can do the best, and the teacher can do the game some times.Step 6 Homework1.Copy the text and learn it by heart.2.Finish the exercises on the paper.3.Preview“ Listening ”.


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