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1、Unit 2 I mgoing to do the high jump教学设计一、教学目标:1.能听懂,会用日常交 用 “I mgoing to do . ” “ What are you going to do? ”作出相 的回答。2.能理解听懂、会 run the 200 metres, run the 400 metres, long jump , high jump 等 。二、教学重点难点:重点: 理解掌握 run the 200 metres 、long jump 、 high jump 等 的意 并懂得在 境中运用。 点:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用what are you go

2、ing to do ? I am going to.等句型 行交 。三、教学准备:PPT, 音机, 卡。四、教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (准 活 )1.Greeting.2.游 : Guess. Guess. You Guess. 老 表演一些关于运 的 作,学生根据表演猜 。然后老 出示卡片, 学生 ,高低声音 、 声降 ,男生女生 ,指名 。(play football, play basketball, swim, run,the 100 metres, the 200 metres)Step 2: Presentation (呈 活 )出示运 会 景 ,指名提 学生:Wh

3、at are you going to do for sports day? 学生根据 才出示的卡片回答。几个之后,教 出示“the long jump ”、“ the high jump ”两 卡片,示范 “ I mgoing to do the high jump ”、“ I mgoing to do the long jump ”( 做 作重复几遍) 。Step 3: Imitation Practice( 模仿性操 )1.老 学生 几次句子。2.老 拿出运 目卡片,提 学生“ what are you going to do for sports day? ”,引 学生回答“ I mg

4、oing to do the high jump ”、 “ I mgoing to do the long jump ” ( 多提 几个, 答得好的 予 励 ) 。3 学生在同桌 互相 ,接着 他 开火 比 。最后再 小老 上台提 几位。Step 4: Consolidation Practice (巩固性操 )1.Play a game :找一个同学上台看老 的提示作 作,另一人提 “What are you going to do? ”并猜 答案,三次猜 机会,全班同学当裁判,最后表演者 出正确答案(“ Yes, I mgoing to do . ”),如不 就 提 者上台表演。2. Pl

5、ay a chant: 放音 , 教学生 :I mainingtr for sports day. I m training every dayI. m going to run and I m goingItomwin.training every day. Come on ,come on! Good luck, good luck! Good luck on sports day!Step 5: Development (拓展性活 )1.Play a game: 学生 分成5 人一 , 每人 流当小 者,去采 : 打算参加什么运 目。然后完成下面表格:NameShe/ he is goi

6、ng to do12342. DialogueA: What can you do?B: I can run fast/jump high/jump long.A: You are going to run the 200 metres/ the 400 metres / do the high jump/ do the long jump.B: OK!Step 6 : 复 歌曲“ What are you going to do? ”Step 7: Homework学生回去列出有关运 的 ,并用“What are you going to do for sports day? I am goingto . ?”造一 。


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