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1、Unit 2 Around the World Lesson 2教学设计1教学目标通 本 的学 ,学生能 达到以下目 :1. 能 听懂、会 speak 和 French 这 2 个 ,并 借助 音 律 。2. 能 听懂、会 用来了解世界上主要英 国家名 、地理位置、 言等信息的功能句:What do you know ? It s famous for People there speak It s in the of You cathere.3. 能 初步学会在恰当的情境中运用以上功能句,并能按照要求在所提供的 境中 写几个意 的句子。教学重点能 听懂、 会 用来了解世界上主要英 国家名 、

2、地理位置、 言等信息的功能句:Whatdo you know ? It s famous forPeople there speakIt s in theofYou can教学难点能 初步学会在恰当的情境中运用以上功能句,并能按照要求在所提供的 境中 写几个意 的句子。教学过程1. 身(唱一唱)T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Fan.T: Look at the picture? What countries can you see?S: T: What s it famous for?S: T: Where is

3、 it?S: It s in the _ of _.T: What can you do there?S: T: Who can be a little teacher?S: 意 : 利用本册教材第一 元和第二 元第一 学 的内容 生 行 和答, 点有三:一是拉近 生之 距离,二是复 It s famous for Its in the _ of _. I can _.三是 本 的 利教学做下 。2. 学 (学一学, 一 )(1) A Look, listen and sayS: S: T: It s your turn to ask and answer. Who can have a tr

4、y?S: I can seeS1:S2:T: Look at the map. What country can you see?S:T: Can you see China?Ss: Yes!T: What do you know about China? ( 点 件,出示 言框架It s famous for _. Peoplethere speak _. _is a very big city. It s in the _ of _. You can_ there. )S: T: Cool! You know so much about China. What other country

5、do you know?S: T: Great! ( 点 件,出 Miss Wu, Bill and Joy) Who are they?S: T: What countries are they talking about? Let s listen and circle.学生听音,做 ,班内校正,及 价。T: You did a good job just now. Now letread quicklysand finish the chart.学生快速 文,完成表格,班内校正,及 价。T: This is your chart. Can you say something about

6、the chart? For example. Canada is famous formaple leaves. People there speak English and French. Toronto is a big city. It f s in the sout Canada. You can visit the CN Tower. Can you?S: T: Well done! Now let s listen and repeat.学生听音跟 ,班内展示,及 价。( 2) Homework1. Read P16 to your parents.2. Talk about a country you know.3. Write a short passage about a country you know.设计意图: 家庭作业以说为主,检测学生是否真正掌握本节课的内容。作业实行分层, 让孩子根据自己的学习能力选作,真正实现了以生为主。


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