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1、Unit 3 ChristmasLesson 13 Christmas is Coming! 教材分析This is the first lesson in this unit. The main topic is the Christmas,so improving the studentsabilities of listening and talking about the topic of Christmas is very important. 教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: Christmas, important, holiday, December, lig

2、ht 【能力目标】1.To understand conversations involving the Christmas.2.To practice the conversation about Christmas with partners.【情感目标】Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Learn to answer your partners questions in the right way. 教学重难点【教学重点】Students can talk about the Christmas Day and Santa.

3、【教学难点】Students can talk about the Christmas Day and Santa. 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesAsk the students to answer the questions: What is Christmas?Why Christmas is special?What do we do on Christmas?When is Christmas?Step 2. Watch the cartoon and answer

4、the questionsT: I love Christmas. ( 课文导入 ) Questions: What s Christmas?What do people do on a holiday?When is Christmas?Step 3. Listening and vocabulary1. Play the recording in part 1.2. Play it again and ask the students to check the words they hear.3. Check the answers with the whole students.Step

5、 4. Let s do itAsk the students to answer the questions in PPT.Step 5. SpeakingWork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the pictures.A: What holiday do you know?B: Christmas Day.A: Christmas is special. WhatB: Christmas lights. s on the Christmas tree?Step 6. HomeworkCopy the words and text of Lesson 13.Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思时代在进步, 社会在发展, 同样英语作为人们最广泛的交际用语之一,更是随着高科技的迅猛发展而日新月异地变化着。如果我们的英语教师故步自封,不求进取, 那么不但自己的语言知识很快陈旧落伍,误人子弟,而且还会被时代所淘汰。


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