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1、Unit 7 Enjoy your hobbyLesson 40 What s Paul s hobby? 教材分析本课的教学内容是第七单元的第四课时, 主要涉及个人爱好的介绍。本课采用情景导入法为学生创设真实的语言环境, 激发学生使用英语进行交流的兴趣。课上通过小组合作的形式进行交流 , 展示不同的爱好, 并做简单介绍。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】记忆单词break, land 短语 be made of, the best-built rocket 等。【过程与方法目标】Reading and speaking【情感态度价值观目标】通过让学生谈论各自的爱好, 使学生培养正确的爱好, 从而进

2、一步树立心中的远大理想。 教学重难点【教学重点】继续学习询问某人爱好的句型: What s sb.s hobby?【教学难点】能够通过师生说、生生说和自主听读体验来掌握英语说听的基本方法。 课前准备图片, PPT 教学过程Step .Lead inLeading in【情景 1】The teacher brings a box with toy cars, stamps, maps, picture cards.T: I have a new toy car in the box. S1: Can I have a look?T: Sure. Open the box and see. Do

3、you like the toy car? Ss: Yes.T: Me too. I like collecting toy cars. WhatS2: My hobby is collecting stamps. s your hobby?Let the students talk about their hobbies. Discuss in groups. Then report it in front of the class. 设计意图 本单元以Enjoy Your Hobby 为话题 , 介绍了不同的爱好, 帮助学生复习前几课内容。Leading in【情景 2】T: Look a

4、t the pictures of this lesson. The boy in the first picture is Paul. He is kneeling next to a rocket. Do you know what a rocket is?Allow several students to respond.T: Have you ever built a model? What was it?Ss: Yes, I built a model car once. /I built a model airplane. /No, I have never built a mod

5、el.T: Have you ever joined a club?Ss: Yes, I have joined a dancing club. /No, I have never joined a club. 设计意图 谈论彼此的爱好增进同学之间的了解, 进而了解本课中Paul 的爱好。Step . ListeningListen to the tape and learn about the main points of the passage. At the same time, fillin theblanks with the words.(1)Paul began to launc

6、h rockets twoago.(2)Last year, Paul joined a rocketin his city.(3)Paulone of his rockets two weeks ago.【Keys 】(1)years(2)club(3)lost 意 学生的听力, 文内容初步了解, 关 。Step . Reading1. Read the lesson and answer the following questions.(1)How many rockets does Paul have?_(2)What is Paul s own rocket made of?_(3)W

7、hat can they get if they have the best-built rockets?_(4)How many times does Paul launch most of his rockets?_【Keys 】(1)He has ten.(2)Its made of wood and cardboard. (3)Prizes.(4)Seven to tentimes. 意 以小 位解决 , 可以 学生的合作探究能力。2. Read the lesson and do Exercise 1 in“ Let s Do It!” . Then check the answer

8、s. 意 捕捉信息的目的是提升学生的 理解能力, 文加深了解。3. Let the students have a further discussion about the text. Explain the following language points.教材解 1. It s made of wood and cardboard.be made of由 制成。【辨析】be made of, be made from(1)be made of 和be made from都表示 “由 制成 ” ,主 制成品。(2)be made of 表示制成成品后, 仍可看出原材料是什么, 保留原材料的

9、 , 制作 程 生物理 化。be made from 表示制成的 西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征, 或原材料在制作 程中 生了化学 化, 在成品中已无法辨 。The table is made of wood. 桌子是由木 制成的。The coat is made of silk. 件外套是 做的。Water can be made from oxygen and hydrogen. 水是由氧和 成的。2. What do I do with my rockets?do with 理 , 置 , 付 , 待 , 常与疑 what 用。What do you do with him? 你怎 待他

10、 ?What will you do with my books? 你将怎 理我的 3. Last year, I joined a rocket club in my city.?join意 “参加 ,加入(一个党 , 或 ,从而成 其中一 ) ”。Li Lei has joined the League( 团). 李雷已 入 了。【拓展】take part in 多指 “参加 (活 或体育 目) ”。What sport did you take part in? 你参加了什么体育活 ?4. We also give prizes for the best-built rockets.gi

11、ve prizes for 意 “ 而 ”;give prizes to sb. 某人 。They give prizes for the boy s model他 cars 个.男孩的汽 模型 了 品。The teacher gave prizes to Danny. 老 丹尼 了 品。Step . Practice. 根据 提示完成句子1.You can glue the two pieces of(硬 板 )together.2.The plane(降落 )safely at the airport at last.3.She s doing a project on(成年人 )educ

12、ation.4.Be careful! Or you ll(打碎 )the plate.5.Which country has( 射 )the most rockets into space?.用方框中所 的适当形式填空gluejoin find land build6.Since 2006, the workersmany new buildings in our city.7.Li Ming, why notus in the game?It s very interesting.8.The planein ten minutes. Please get ready!9.Wang Hong

13、, how can youthe two broken parts together?10. He triedhis lost bicycle, but he failed. 用适当的介词填空11.Don t playthe knife. It s dangerous.12.Are you lookinga car or a bike?13.The boys are launching their rocketsthe fields.14.Did your model plane landthe apple tree?15.Miss Wood gave prizesthe best model

14、s.【Keys 】 . 1. cardboard2. landed3. adult4. break5. launched . 6. have built 7.join8. will land9. glue10. to find. 11. with 12. for13. in 14. in 15. for 设计意图 以学评教、强化落实。精讲精练,当堂达标。Step . Come to“ Let s Do It!”Ask the students to finish Exercise 2 by themselves. 设计意图 复习、归纳 , 注重语言知识的操练与积累。Step . Homework1. Read the text after the tape and recite it.2.Do Exercise 3 in“ Let s Do It! ” .3.Preview the next lesson. 设计意图 口头、书面练习和语法综合知识练习相结合, 注重了语言知识的操练。 教学反思略。


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