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1、Unit 9 CommunicationLesson 53 Work in Groups 教材分析1. Analysis of the StudentsThe students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies , expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to expresstheir opinions in English.2. An

2、alysis of Teaching ContentLesson 53 is the fifth lesson in Unit 9, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject Communication,Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 53 mainly talks about LiTian always absent from the group meeting, so that the group doesntwork. Yi Han has

3、sometroubles that to help their group work well together. 教学目标【知识目标】1. To master the words: absent, trouble, secret.2. To master the phrases: look forward to, be absent from, slowed down / up, so far, from now on.【能力目 】Improve the students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. To lear

4、n about how to help others in a group work.【情感目 】To realize the necessity of communication in a group work.【教学重点】To master the words and phrases.【教学 点】To realize the necessity of communication in a group work. 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Play a writing game: Write down the wo

5、rd that has th your groups or by yourself. Such as think, that, mouth .2. Show the words.3. Work in group is the winner, and get a saying: Two heads is better than one, many hands make light work.Step 2. Presentation1. Explain the words according to the pictures.2. Free talk: Do you like group work?

6、3. Read the lesson and tick the correct answers to the questions below.(1) The group is working slowly. Yi Han wants to solve the problem. What does she do? Tell the teacher. Talk to Li Tian.(2) Li Tian has some difficulties. What are they? He doesntwant to be in the group. He doesntunderstand the t

7、hings they re learning.(3) Knowing Yi Han decides to help him,What will Li Tian do? He will try hard to do his part. He think it s not fair to do his part.4. Check the answers.5. Explain the language points:look forward to “盼望,期待”,其中to 为介词,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。e.g. I look forward to meeting my Chinese

8、teacher again.我盼望再见到我的语文老师。be absent from“缺席;不到场”。e.g. Hell be absent from school tomorrow.他明天不上学。refuse 作动词,“拒绝,谢绝”,后面常接名词、代词或动词不定式。e.g. He refused to help me with my English.他不帮我学英语。slow down / up的意思是“(使)慢下来;(使)减速;放松;延误;(使)平静下来”。eg. Slow your car down when you reach the school gate.到学校大门时要放慢车速。The

9、 weather slowed down / up the departure of many planes.天气延误了很多飞机的起飞。I began to dance in order to slow myself down.我开始跳舞,以便使自己平静下来。so far“迄今为止,到目前为止”,常与现在完成时连用,既可放在句首、句中,也可放在句尾。e.g. He has finished five tasks so far.到现在为止,他已经完成五个任务了。The weather has been too cold so far this winter.到目前为止,今年的冬天一直很冷。It

10、s not that I don twant to be in the group.不是我不想参加这个组。(1) it 是虚义用法,表示一种情况,可理解为“这,那”;that 用来引导表语从句。e.g. It was not that I couldn tdo it.那不是我不能做那件事。(2) not that 可以和but (that) 用, 接两个表示 折的并列分句和主句,意思是“不是,而是”。e.g. It is not that I don twant to see you, but that I have no time.不是我不想 你,而是我没 。Not that I care

11、what they said, but (that) it is you I am worrying about.我不是在乎他 的 ,而 在担 的是你。from now on 意 “从 在起” ,常用于一般将来 。 有一个与此 似的短 from then on ,意 “从那 起”,常用于一般 去 。e.g. From now on, I m going to work hard.我打算今后努力工作。do / try one s best to do sth. “尽自己最大努力做某事”。e.g. They did / tried their best to pass the exam.他 尽最大

12、努力 足我。consider doing sth. 意 “考 做某事”, consider 后的 要用 名 形式,也可加 从句。eg. He considers telling his mother about these problems.他考 把 些 告 他 。只能跟 不定式不能跟 -ing 形式作 的常 有agree, aim, arrange, choose,decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, promise,resolve, seek, swe

13、ar, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer 等。Step 3. Practice1. Listen and follow to the tape.2. Read the text again and answer the questions.(1) Who is the leader of the group?(2) What are her problems?(3) Did Yi Han tell Ms. Liu about these problems?(4) What did her decide to do?(5) Who needs hel

14、p in the group?(6) Whats the result of their communication?(7) What can you learn from Yi Han?3. Check the answers.4. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box on page 139.so fartroublebe absent fromsecretlook forward to(1) Don tmiss “ Gardening with MarySaturday”o

15、n afternoons. Mary Green will share her rosegrowing _ with you.(2) Cathy _ school because she had a bad headache.(3) I wrote a letter to Rose. I m _ her reply.(4) How is your second-hand laptop?- _, so good.(5) He always gets himself into _ by doing things carelessly.3. Check the answers.4. Read the

16、 lesson in the groups.5. Free talk: What can you do to help your group work well together when you work in groups?6. Discuss:7. Give the advice.A group works well if every member works hard. To make a group work well, its best to giveeach member a role. Take a group of four as an example.In the grou

17、p, there should be an organizer, a recorder, a speaker and a rule keeper. Then eachmember can do his / her share.Step 4. Consolidation1. Show your group work to us.2. Get a moral: You are the member of your group, and you should work hard to try your part. If you have any problems, the others will be glad to help you.3. Draw your groups.Step5. Homework1. Listen and read.2. Finish exercises of this lesson.3. Write a short passage about your group. 教学反思略。


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