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1、Unit 2 At HomeLesson 11 Toys 教材分析This class we will talk about what do you do on Saturday? We will learn some new vocabulary and word groups to express what we do on Saturday. 教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: toys, ball, kite, funKey word groups: play with friends, fly kites, play catch with a ball, read b

2、ooks, play with toys.Key sentence pattern: What do you do on Saturday?On Saturday, I play with my friends.We fly kites.We play catch with a ball.We read books. Jenny plays with her toy.Saturday is fun.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点单词,词组,会用句型:What do you do on Saturday?On Saturday, I play with my

3、 friends.We fly kites.We play catch with a ball.We read books. Jenny plays with her toy.Saturday is fun.来讲述自己周六做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己周六做的事情,培养学生热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。 教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do on Saturday? 的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点单词,词组,会用句型:What do you do on Saturday? On Satu

4、rday, I play with my friends. We fly kites. We play catchwith a ball. We read books. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun.来讲述自己周六做的事情。 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities1. Show the picture: brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair, put on my clothes.通过

5、图片巩固复习上一节课学过的短语和词组。2. 课文导入:今天我们学习与玩耍有关的英语短语及句子。Step 2. What do you do on Saturday?1. 学 新 toy, ball, kite 。利用卡片或 物 答:What sthis? It s a 板 :toy, ball, kite, 志愿者拿出 物(玩具、球、 筝)与 相匹配。2. 学 play: 用多种方法解 概念,可以用跳 、踢 子、 球等展示玩耍。Let splay with this ball. Let s play with these toys.3. 看 第一部分,播放光 ,并 生了什么。出示 :What

6、day is it?What do Li Ming, Jenny and Danny do first? What do Li Ming, Jenny and Danny do last?Practice : 4 人小 学 ,一名学生 :What do you do on Saturday?其他学生 流 做什么,并使用在本 中学到的新 和新短 。Step 3. Let s do it!Group work. Ask and answer.学生看 ,老 解 如何做活 。 一 例句,然后分小 行 答。 What do you do on Saturday? IStep 4. Letters and sounds将字母 合sh, ch ,th 及包含他 的 写在黑板上,先 学生 出 ,再 着 一 字母 合的因素, 老 及 正并 出正确 音,尽快 学生明白音速,并能 出 音素和相 的 。Step 5. Check for understanding巩固 Check for understanding:活 手册 Page 26.Step 5.Homework1. Copy the words and text of lesson11.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.Vb 教学反思略。


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