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1、Unit 1 Parts of my bodyLesson 4This is the fourth lesson in this unit. The main learning is one of the bodys five official head,and the plural form of the mouth and the related action instruction sentence patterns. Better toexpress organs in English. 教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: nod, head, yes, shake,

2、noKey structures: Nod your head. Say“ yes ”Shake you head. Say“ no”【能力目标】1. Understand and meet the bodys organs: head2. Learn the imperative sentence of command.3. Learn to command and act accordingly.【情感目标】Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Take an active part in English activities i

3、n class. 教学重难点【教学重点】Understand, speak, and know the words of the body organ: head.Touch and understand four words.Learn the imperative of giving commands.【教学难点】The verb nod and shake are easily confused. 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Review to consolidateTeachers and students greet, and

4、play the songs learned.Review the vocabulary of body parts through multimedia pictures.Step 2. Listen look and say.1. Learn the word head2. The teacher took a lesson and said, touch your eye. And then suddenly, touch your head.3. According to the picture, listen to the tape and make the students lea

5、rn head while doing the action.4. Lead the students to practice pronunciation, and practice with each other in groups.5. The teacher asks the student to read a book, asks the student to guess what little girl is doing, and imitate action,6. Teach students nod and shake.7. Action and language match y

6、es noStep 3. Do itGame drills. A group of four, one said, the other three did the action.Step 4. Listen and checkRead and speak English.Instruct the students to select the correct picture according to the recording.Step 5. Let s sing1. Lead the students to read the songs and make corresponding actions.2. Listen to the songStep 6. ConclusionVocabularynod, head, yes, shake, noPhrases & SentencesNod your h ead. Say“ yes ”Shake you head. Say“ no” 教学反思略。


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