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1、Module5 Myschool day Unit 2目标导学1.熟记单词 : have, breakfast, lunch, dinner, house, break, start, finish, park2.自学短语:my school day, get up, have breakfast/ lunch/dinner, next to,go to Park School, my favouritelesson, have break, talk to, go to the playground, school lunch, in the dining hall,go home, wat

2、chTV, do my homework, go to bed3.语法目标:一般现在时用 and 将两个句子合成一个简单句4.能力目标:学会用一般现在时描述自己的学校生活.In the morning ,I get up and have lunch at seven oWe have three lessons in the morning.We have a break and I talk to my friends. clock.导学前测根据句意和首字母完成单词1.In the e_, we watch TVand have dinner.2.I eat l_ at twelve o

3、clock.3.Allmy classes f_ at 3:00 pm.4.I g_ up at six in the morning.5.I go to school at h_ past seven.6.We are tired. Let haves a b_.7.We have lunch in the d_ hall at 12:00.8.There is a big p_ next to my house. There are many flowers.9.They often play f_ on the playground.10.On Sunday, I often help

4、my mother withthe _( 家务 ).课前复习一、整点: oclock10:00ten o clock二、含有小时和分钟:1) 时间未过 30 分 : past例如: 9:10 读成ten past nine2) 好是 30 分 : half past 例如: 9:30 成 half past nine3) 已 30 分 : to例如: 8:50ten to nine互 学 程:自学检测:从课本中找出以下短语1.我在学校的一天_2. 我最喜 的 _3.吃早 _4. 在操 上 _5.吃晚 _6. 上床睡 _7.休息 _8. 和 _9.起床 _10. 去上学 _11.回家 _12.

5、做作 _-读短文完成下列的表格 .My school dayWhenWhat to do7:30get up/have breakfastin the morningin the afternoonin the evening知识点拨1.start ,开始 作及物 , start sth.或 start doing/to do sth. 意思 “开始某事 / 做某事 ” 作不及物 .eg. Lessons start at nine o clock. 作名 .eg. a good start一个好的开端。Ex. Let s start_ , boys and girls.A. sing and

6、 dancingB. singing and dancingC. sing and dance2.have a break =have a rest. 休息一会儿 .3.and 用来连接两个并列的句子,如果要把两个句子变成一个单句,可以将两个句子中相同的成分提出来,其它不同的句子用“and”起来连 ,类似于数学公式ab+ac=a(b+c)检测巩固单项选择1._ do you get up in the morning?A.WhatB. What time C. Where D. How2.We have _ at home.A. breakfast B. a breakfast C. brea

7、kfasts D. an breakfast 3.We _ at twelve o clock.A. have a class B. go to school C. have a break D. have supper 4.He often _ at 6:30.A. get up B. gets up C. getting up D.to get up5.Lingling_ at 4:30pm on weekdays.A. goes home B. goes to school C. goes to the zoo D. go back 6.The last lesson _ at 4:00

8、pm.A finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish 7.Lingling _ Daming.A.is talking to B. talk to C. are talking about D. talk about8.He _ homework after school.A.dohis B. do he C. does his D. does hec. 用适当的介词填空1.-Whattime do you get up _ the morning?-Iget up _ six every day.2.-Do you go _bed late _

9、the evening?-Yes, I do.3.We have meat and rice, _ vegetables or bread.4.Myhome is next _ the new school.5.We have dinner _ the dining hall_ half past six.6.Lessons start _2:30 _ the afternoon.三、当堂检测:a. 句型转换1.ItWednesday today.( 划线提问)_ _ _ _ today?2.Itnines o clocknow.(划线提问 )_ _ _ _ now?3.We have lun

10、ch at half past eleven.( 划线提问 )_ _ you _ lunch?4.I go to school at half past eight.( 改否定句 )I _ _ to schoolat half past eight.5.They have a math lesson on Wednesday.( 划线提问 )_ _ they _ a math lesson?6.She gets up at half pastsix.( 改否定句 )She _ _ up athalf past six.7.We start school at nineo clock.改(一般疑问句 )_ you _ _at nine o clock?8.In the morning, we have a break. We play football.( 用 and 把两个句子连接起来 )In the morning,we have a break _ _ _.


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