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1、Unit 7 Summer holiday plans同步练习一、英汉互译。1.回到伦敦 _2.坐火车去那 _3.和我去的家人一起去_4.想要呆在那里 _5.住在台北 _6.小男孩 _7. full of joy _8.Sounds great! _9.different plans _10.谈论 _二、单项选择。()1.Did you _ your summer holiday plans?A. makingB. makeC. made()2._ you go to Nanjing next summer holiday?A. WillB. DidC. Are()3.Sam will_ hi

2、s grandparents with his family.A. visitsB. is going to visitC. visit()4.We _ go to the cinema this evening, but my father_.A. will, willB. are, isn tC. will, wont()5.Your plan _ great.A. areB. soundC. sounds()6.They will go to the park _ bike.But I ll go _foot.A. by, onB. by, byC. with, on()7. She l

3、l work_ Australia_two years.A. in, forB. in, ofC. for, in() 8.Tina will have a party _June.A. onB. atC. in()9.My teacher _my parents this weekend.A. is callingB. will callC. calls()10._he go to Hong Kong last summer holiday?A. WillB. DidC. Does三、口语与交际运用。AB() 1. Where will you go this afternoon?A. I

4、will give her a gift.() 2.When will they meet?B. My parents.() 3.Will Yang Ling go to Jinshan Park?C. The shopping center.() 4.Who will give me a gift?D. Certainly.() 5.What will you do for your teacher?E. At a quarter to nine.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I d like _ (buy) some presents.2. I want to be a _ (trav

5、el).3. Listen, the birds _ (sing) in the tree.4. This road is not _ now. We must cross the road _. (safe)5. It s too late. Wang Bing can t.(watch) TV6. I m glad _ (see) you again.7. Miss Li (teach) _ (we) English this term.8. The pair of shoes _ (be) under the bed just now.9. How about_ (go) _ (jog)

6、?10. Bobby is watching a cartoon. He s very_ (excite).五、按要求完成句子。1. My cousin will show me his stamps. ( 改为同义句 ) My cousin will show _stamps_ me.2. He will go to Taipei tomorrow. ( 改为否定句 )He_ go to Taipei tomorrow.3. I ll og to the park this Sunday. ( 改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 ) -_ _ go to the park this Sunday?

7、 -_, I _.4. She will visit her grandpa tomorrow. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ she do tomorrow?5. They ll go tothe UK for the holiday. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ they go for the holiday?答案:一、 1. go back to London2. go there by train3. go with my family4.want to stay there5. live in Taipei6. little boy7.充满欢乐8.听上去很不错!9.不同的计划10. talk about二、 1-5 BACCC6-10 AACBB三、 1-5 CEDBA四、 1. to buy2. traveller3. are singing4. safe, safely5. watch6. to see7. teaches8. were9. going jogging10.excited五、 1. his, to2. won t3. Will, you, Yes, will4. What, will5. Where, will


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