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1、1 、如何选择职业How to Make a Career Choice中英文对照(英澜英语)There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don treally know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It nots.Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your effort will

2、be well worth it in the end. Follow these steps to making a good career choice.面临种类繁多的职业选项,但尚不清楚自已的职业定位,此时该如保做出选择呢?这是个很棘手的难题吗?不是的。虽然你确实需要花费时间和精力去做决定,但最终你的付出一定是值得的。按照以下步骤为自己做出明智的职业选择。登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课Assess yourself自我评估Before you can make a career choice you have to learn about yourself .Your values, i

3、nterests and skills ,in combination with certain personality traits, will make some careers especially suitable for you and some particularly in appropriate. You can use self assessment tools, often called career tests, to gather this information and, subsequently, to generate a list or occupations

4、that are deemed appropriate. Some people choose to have career counselors or other career development professionals administrator these tests but many opt to use free career tests that are available on the Web.在做也那时候汪选择前必须要了解自已。介值观、兴趣、技能、结合一定的性格特点,弄清楚最适合自己和最不适合自己的职业。可以用自我评估和工具,或叫职业测试来信息、归纳出适合自己的职业列表

5、。有些人会选择职业咨询师或者职业规则师来帮助自己做测试,但更多人会选择在网上进行免费的职业测试。登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课Make a list of Occupations to Explore研究职业列表Look over the list of occupations generated through your use of the self assessment tools They are probably rather lengthy. You want to come up with a much shorter list. consisting of between fi

6、ve and ten occupations. Circle occupations that appear on multiple lists. Circle occupations you may have considered previously and that you find appealing. Write these occupations down on a separate list titled Occupations to Explore1仔细查看由自我评估系统生成的职业列表。这张更表可能会很长。你需要的是一张简短的、只有 5 到 10 个职业的列表。圈出在多张表格里

7、都出现的职业,圈出你以前考虑过的职业和你感兴趣的职业。把这些职业单独写在另一张列表里,叫做“可供探究的职业” 登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课Explore the Occupations on Your List研究整理后的职业For each occupation on your list ,you will want to look at the job description, educational and other requirements, job outlook, advancement opportunities and earnings列表经过筛选整理后,你需要去了解期中每

8、个职位的工作职责、所要求的教育背景及其他的方面条件、工作前景、晋升机会、收入。Conduct Informational Interviews找人了解情况At this point you should only have a few occupations left on your list You now need to gather more indepth information. Your best source of this information are people who have firsthand knowledge of the occupations in whic

9、h you are interested Identify who they are and conduct informational interviews with them.此时你的列表 上 应该只留下为数不多的职业了,那么就需要收集更深入的信息。这些信息最好的来源就是对你所感兴趣的工作有第一手信息人。找到他们,从他们那里了解情况。 登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课Continue Narrowing Down Your List继续缩小选择范围Pare down your list of possible occupations based on what you learned fro

10、m your research. For example, you may not be willing to put the time and energy into preparing for an occupation for which an advanced degree is required, or you may consider the earnings for a particular occupation inadequate.通过调查分析,删减列表的备选职业。比如,你可能不愿意花时间和精力去准备应聘一份有更高学历要求的工作,或者你认为某个职业的收入还不够。登录英澜英语官

11、网领取免费试听课Set Your Goals定下目标By now you should have decided on one occupation you want topursue. Ittimestoput a plan into place so you can eventually find a job inn that field, but first you will need to set some goals.2现在你应该已经能决定一个想从事的职业了。是时候制定计划了,这有助于你是最终找到相关的职业,但是第一步需要定下目标。登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课Write a Car

12、eer Action Plan制定职业发展行动计划Now that you have set your goals ,you will need to decide how to reach them. A career action plan will help guide you as you pursue your long and short term goals.定下目标后。就要明确如何去实现目标。职业发展行动计划将会指引你去实现长期和短期的目标。Train for Your New Career前期准备It is likely you will have to train for your new career. That could take the form of earning a degree, doing an internship or taking courses to learn some new skills.为了能适应新的职业,你很可能需要做好前期准备工作。可以去攻读学位、实习、听课去学习新技能。 登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课3


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