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1、 Unit 7 At the airport 同步练习3一、连词成句。1. dog, this, is, yours(?)2. are, whose, bags, these(?)3. have, look, let, a, me.4. see, open, it, and.5. are, clothes, these, womens.二、英汉互译。1. Arrive2. Airport3. Germany4. gifts5. suitcase6. 回家三、选择题。1.What time is it now ?Itsoclock.A. nine B.ten C.eleven D.twelve2

2、.What time is it now ?Itsoclock.elevenB.twelve C.one D.two3. What time is it now ?ItsAM.A. 10:00B.10:30C.10:10D.10:30四、选出合适的句子将对话补充完整。Jack: Hi,marry,.whose watch is this? Is it yours?Marry: let me have a look.( 1)Ask Jane. I think its hers.Jack: Hi Jane,(2)Is it yours?Jane:( 3)Ask Bob. I think its h

3、is.Jack:( 4)is Bob? Do you know ?Jane: Oh.He( 5)home.参考答案一、连词成句。1. Is this yours dog?2. Whose bags are these?3. Let me have a look.4. Open it and see.5. These are women s clothes.二、英汉互译。1. 到达2. 飞机3. 德国4. 礼物5. 行李箱6. go home三、选择题。1. B2. B3. C五、选出合适的句子将对话补充完整。( 1) No.it isnt.( 2) look at this watch.( 3) No. It isnt.( 4) Where( 5) went


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