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1、Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood培优练习本课时编写:马鞍山二中郑蒲港分校朱惠一、语法填空。My aunt lives in the city. And she always wants my grandma1(live) in the suburbto stay several days in her family. However, my grandma doesn t think it2(attract) andusually refuses her, because she thinks my aunt s family 牢just房 lik

2、e),whereajail(she cannottalk withotherpeople in the3(neighbor)when my aunt is busy withwork outsideduring the daytime. She has been used to4(contact) others at spare time in the suburb.Accordingtothis thing Irealizedthat the neighborhoodrelationshipin the city is prettydifferent5that in the suburb o

3、r the countryside. People living in cities are busy withtheir6(employ) all day and they are ignorant of neighborhood relationship. They maynot know7their neighbor s names are and even cannot recognize their neighbors in theroad. How regretful it is! I think good relationship is very important to us.

4、Good neighborhood relationshipcan prevent our house from8(steal). Once myhouse lockswas pickedby a thief.9(fortunate), my neighborheard the sound andcalledthepolice.Thisexperienceletme knowtheimportanceofgoodneighborhoodrelationship.As the saying goes, “ Afar-off relative is not so helpful10a near n

5、eighbor. I ”sincerely hope the neighbor relationship can become better and better.二、完形填空。We may look at the world around us, but somehow, we manage not to see it until whateverwe have become used to suddenly disappears.1, for example, the neatly-dressed woman I2to see or look at on my way to work ea

6、ch morning.For three years, no matter3the weather was like, she was always waiting at the busstop around 8:00 a.m. On4days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair ofwoolen gloves.Summertime5out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.6, she was an ordinary working woman. Of c

7、ourse, I7all this only after she was seenno more. It was then that I realized how8I expected to see her each morning. You mightsay I9her.“ Did she have an accident? Something10?” I thought to myself about her11 .Nowthat she was gone, I feltI had12her. I began to realize that part of our13life probab

8、ly includes such chance meeting with familiar14: the milkman you see at dawn,the woman who15walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers yousee at the library. Such people are16markers in our lives. They add weight to our17of place and belonging.Think about it.18, while walking to

9、 work, we mark where we are by19acertain building,whyshouldwenot markwherewe are when we pass afamiliar,though20, person?1. A. MakeB. TakeC. GiveD. Have2.A.happenedB. wantedC. usedD. tried3.A.whatB. howC. whichD. when4.A.sunnyB. rainyC. cloudyD. snowy5.A.tookB. broughtC. carriedD. turned6.A.ClearlyB

10、. ParticularlyC. LuckilyD. Especially7.A.believedB. expressedC. rememberedD. wondered8.A.longB. oftenC. soonD. much9. A. respectedB. missedC. praisedD. admired10.A.betterB. worseC. moreD. less11.A.disappearanceB. appearanceC. misfortuneD. fortune12.A.forgottenB. lostC. knownD. hurt13.A.happyB. enjoy

11、ableC. frequentD. daily14.A.friendB. strangersC. touristsD. guests15.A.regularlyB. actuallyC. hardlyD. probably16.A.commonB. pleasantC. importantD. faithful17.A.choiceB. knowledgeC. decisionD. sense18.A.BecauseB. IfC. AlthoughD. However19.A.keepingB. changingC. passingD. mentioning20.A.unnamedB. unf

12、orgettableC. unbelievableD. unreal三、书面表达。假定你是李 ,你校即将 英 演 比 , 目 :My neighbourhood 。 以此 写一篇演 稿,可以从以下几个方面着手:人和 境、存在的 和建 。注意:1. 数 100左右;2.可以适当增加 ,以使行文 。答案与解析一、语法填空。1.living此 是 在分 短 作定 ,修 前面的名 grandma。2.attractive此 是形容 作 。3.neighborhoodin the neibourhood 在附“近 ”,是固定搭配。4.contactingbe used to doing “做 ”。5.f

13、rom固定短 be different from, 意思是 “不同于 ”。6.employment7.what此 是8.being stolen此 需要名 ,指城里人忙着自己的工作。what 引 从句 ,在从句中作表 。此 上是 关系,且介 from 后面跟 名 ,故此 用being stolen 。9.Fortunately此 是副 作状 。10.as此 是固定短 not as / so.as.,意思是 “不如 那 ”。二、完形填空。1 5 BCADB6 10 ACDBB1115 ACDBA16 20 CDBCA本篇作者通 个人的 , 指出 多人都犯的一个通病: 我 常 到的人或事物熟 无睹

14、,直到有一天 个人或事物突然不 了, 我 才 我 失去了什么。 从而呼吁人 多关注我 周 的人。36. B 【解析】 Take for example 意思 “以 例” 。37. C 【解析】 used to do sth.意思 “ 去常常做某事” ,言外之意是 在不做了。本句意 去常看到的一位穿着整 的女士, 在看不到了。38. A 【解析】 what 是代 ,作like 的 。我 常用“ whats the weather like?来 天”气。39. D 【解析】本句后半部分 她穿着厚重的衣服,戴着毛 手套,天气一定很冷,所以要填 snowy cold winter 才合理,晴朗、下雨及

15、多云都不必如此穿着。40. B 【解析】本句属 人用法。 位女士夏天会穿着棉布 衣裙,戴上(遮阳)帽子及太阳 ,就像夏天把 一切 到外面似的,故填brought。 bring out 意 “将 出来,使 出”。41. A 【解析】上文得知, 位女士穿着整 、守 、坐公共汽 ,她 是一个普遍的工作女性, 一点是很清楚的, 而易 的。42. C 【解析】 扣首句和下文。再也 不到 位女士了,才 起了 一切。天天 到她的 候,却不曾真的留意。43. D 【解析】 much 作状 ,表程度,是I expected very much to see her改成的感 构,作 realize 的 ,整句意思

16、是:直到那 (我再也 不到那位女士 )我才意 到我多么想每天早上都 到她。44. B 【解析】上句作者 非常盼着 到那位女士,那么也就是想念她了。45. B46. A 【解析】作者以前天天 到那位女士,却从不真正留意。 在她再也没有出 ,作者便 此(她的消失) 生猜 ,而 些猜 都 是足以 那位女士不再出 的(坏)事。故45 空填 worse, 46 空填 disappearance。47. C 【解析】 now that 表一种原因及一件事的后果。全句意为:她不见了(结果)我倒感觉着我认识她了, (天天见她时却很陌生)48. D49. B50. A 【解析】那位女士对于作者来说是一个“熟悉的

17、陌生人”,所谓熟悉是因为常见,所谓陌生, 是因为彼此不了解,从未交谈过。这样的人在生活中不少,所以由于这位女士的突然不见, 作者怅然若失,才开始意识到日常生活包括了这样一些个“熟悉的陌生人”,然后举了一些例子,这些例子都是日常生活中常见的人,所以 48 填 daily ,49 填 stranger,50 填 regularly(有规律地,经常地,因而对作者来说才是familiar 。)51. C52. D 解析:上文提到的那些 “熟悉的陌生人 “增加了我们对某些地方及环境的感觉份量(没有这样的人, 我们不会对这些地方及环境有这么深的感情和印象),故52 空填D。既然这些人起到这样的作用,那么他们也就重要了,所以51 空填important 。53. B54. C55. A 【解析】走路上班时,我们会借助建筑物来标识(判断)我们走到那里了,为什么我们不该借助那些常见的人来判断一下我们走到那里了呢(还不只是走路吧)?因此,55 空较易:一个熟悉(常见)的但又不了解(包括姓名)的人,unnamed是 “未命名或未被知道名字的 ”,54 空填passing 也合理,经过某个建筑,我们就知道走到什么地方了。53 空填if ,表条件,结合全句可知。三、书面表达。略。


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