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1、Unit5Wonders of OurBody 同步练习Period OneGetting Ready &Reading ( )基础落实 .单词检测1n. 本, 品,例子_; (复数 ) 菌 _;病毒_;感染; 染; 染病 _;不平衡;不均衡_;成分 _;捐 者; 与者_;技 人 ; 技 _; 微 _;微波 (炉 )_; (血液 ) 循 ;流通, 行 _2v. 捐 ; 送 _;辨明;演算; _;刺,戳 _3adj . 瞬 的,刹那 的_;用 微 可 的,微小的_ . 短 1从事于,做 事情 be up _2 倒,打破 knock _3使 失去 rob _4既不 也不 neither. . .

2、_. . .5保 protect _ . 境填 1Mrs.Tomsonshouse was r_ of everythinglast Sunday.2We based our analysis on a random s_ of more than 200 males.3Usuallymodels have many c_ parts, each to be made separately.4They used to d_ a large sum of money to the Red Cross every year.5F_ the total and I llpay it witha ch

3、eque.6Don ts_ pins into the chair. . 填空rob of, neither.nor., protect from , be up to, knock out1Ifhe knows what you_ ,he is sureto be angry.2The plants should be _ the cold.3_ threats _promises could change hisinflexible determination.4Hewas _hisweek wages by a pickpocket .5Hehad never been _ in a p

4、rofessional fight. . 填空1Alive program on TVis calling on people throughoutthe nation to _ moneyor other things tothe peopleof theflooded area.A lendBshareC donateDput2The bank is reported in thelocalnewspaper_ inbroad daylight yesterday.A beingrobbedB having been robbedC to have been robbedD robbed3

5、The driver turnedhis car sharplyto thelefttogive theway totherunning bull , only_a tree by the road.A toknockintoB knockingdownC to knock atD knockedover4Afterdecades ofeffort , thecityisstilltryingto_ howtoban smoking in public places.A lookthroughB getthroughC figureoutD takeout5Too high house pri

6、cescan be broughtundercontrol , _theauthorities introduce a series of regulatorypolicies.A evenifB as ifC sothatD providedthat6I am_ to set out as earlyas possiblesince timeis limited.A decidedB determinedC mindedD suggested7We all know that, _, the situationwillget worse.A not ifdealt carefullywith

7、B ifnotcarefullydealtwithC ifdealt not carefullywithD not ifcarefullydealtwith8More than 200 million people in China suffer high blood pressure,and 70% of them are unaware of the fact_ they have the illness.A whatB whenC howD that9 She has been to Tokyo. _.A So have IB So do IC I do soD So I do10 Ha

8、ve you paid? What smy share of the bill ? _. It wasn veryt much. A Don tworry about itB It mys shareC None of your businessD It ups to you能力提升阅读理解We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea , or by reasoning.We ac

9、hieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning thattakes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning ,it s not surprising that we dependon it in our everyday com

10、munication with friends and co-workers.Unfortunately ,passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we aretold even when it is little more than hearsay and rumor.Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message butdoesn t show it to anyone.T

11、hen the person whispers it , word for word , to another person. Thatperson,in turn ,whispers it to still another , and so on,through all the people playing the game.The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two writtenstatements are compared. Typically, th

12、e original message has changed.That whats happens in daily life . The simple fact that people repeat a story in their ownwords changes the story. Then,too,most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding theirown creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping(打上标记 ) it with their

13、ownpersonal style. Yet those who hear it think they know.This process is also found among scholars and authors :A statement of opinion by one writermay be restated as a fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another ; and this processmay continue ,unless it occurs to someone to question t

14、he facts on which the original writer basedhis opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts.1Accordingto the passage passive learning may occur in _.,A doinga medicalexperimentB solving a mathproblemC visitingan exhibitionD doingscientificreasoning2The underlined word“ it in

15、” Paragraph 2 refers to“ _”A activelearningB knowledgeC communicationD passive learning3The author mentionsthe game Rumor to show that _.A a message maybe changed when being passed onB a message shouldbe deliveredin different waysC people may have problems withtheir sense ofhearingD people tend nott

16、obelieve inwhat they knowas rumor4What can we inferfromthe passage?A Activelearningisless important.B Passive learningmay not bereliable.C Activelearningoccursmorefrequently.D Passive learningisnotfoundamong scholars.答案基础落实 . 1. sample bacteria virus infection imbalance component donor technician microscopemicrowavecirculation2. donatefigurestick3. momentarymicroscopic .1.to 2.out3. of4. nor5. from .1.robbed2.sample3. component4. donate5.Figure 6. stick . 1. are up to 2. protected from 3. Neither nor4robbed of5. knocked out . 1. C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5D 6B 7 B 8 D 9 A 10A能力提升1C2 D3 A4 B


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