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1、Unit 6Enjoying a Story 同步练习Period TwoIntegratingSkills基础落实 .判断正误1 Schatzdidn allowtPapa to come into his roombecause hisfathercheatedhim.()2 The high feverpreventedSchatzfrommoving.()3 Papa didn tellSchatz about hisrealtemperatureto stop himfromworryingtoomuch.()4 Schatzwas going todiebecause of his

2、 high temperature.()5 Itwasthe explanation ofPapa that made Schatz much relaxed.() .单词检测1 v. 住 _( 使 )(鸟 )惊 ; _散开;消散 _ ;凝 _2n.温度 _解决 _研 会 _比 ; _蜜月 _家伙,伙 _ 民, 夫 _3 adj.相像的 _迷人的,有极大吸引力的_ 覆盖着冰的;冰冷的_ .短语检测1 念; 了向 表示敬意 _2在看不 的地方; 以外_3前往 _4在 底部;在 脚下 _5阻止 ;抑制 _6有益于 ; 有好 _7凝 ;注 _8哭泣 ; 哭泣 _ .选词填空out of sight,

3、 go up to, keepfrom doing , do goodto, gaze at1 I sat awayfromthem justto _getting bored.2 Eating fruitandvegetables _ our health.3 I waved goodbye until thebus was _.4 When willyou_ Beijing ?5 She _ me for a long time before she recognized me. .完成句子1小偷躲在角落里,担心被人抓住。The thief hidhimself in the corner

4、,_.2你总是犯同样的错误。You _the same mistake.3你的建议对我们中学生来说非常有用。Your advice is _to our middle school students.4你认为你什么时候能完成作业?When _youwill finishyour homework ?5不久他就学会了使用计算机。It was _he learned to use the computer. .单项填空1The villagerscollected money to set up a monument _ those who died inthe great earthquake.

5、A in charge ofB inplace ofC in need ofD inhonour of2 They use computers tokeep thetraffic_smoothly.A being runB runC to runD running3 I vejust struck on an idea whichmight be of _ to us.A usefulB useC uselessD usage4 The old ladystood bythe window , her hands _.A tremblingB trembledC trembleD totrem

6、ble5 If you are togo to Beijing , _more, the Summer Palace or the Great Wall ?A which doyou thinkyou llenjoyB do you think whichyou llenjoyC which you will enjoyD which do you thinkwill youenjoy6 That Jill was worried seemed _to everyone present at the meeting.A constantB evidentC preciousD rough7Th

7、en you usually lay there just _ the ceiling ,thinkingat could go wrong.A glancing atB watching atC glaringatD staring at8 The trouble is _ we are short of hands.A whatB thatabout everythingthC howD which9_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.A Shy and cautiousB Se

8、nsitive and thoughtfulC Honest and confidentD Lightheartedand optimistic10 As is reported, it is 100 years _ Qinghua UniversityA whenB beforeC afterD sincewas founded. .微写作写作素材1在一次研讨会上,一位医学专家介绍,如果按照说明书服用,这种胶囊可以杀死流行感冒病菌,减轻患者疼痛。2到目前为止,这是治疗流行性感冒最有效的方法。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空A

9、It s the choice that decides so much about our life.Someone said,“ Life is 10% what happensto us and 90% how we_1_to react to it. ”The attitude we choose to have is what makes the difference between our being happy andnot. Our_2_is more important than our education ,or the kind of family we_3_from,b

10、ecausewe must face many things in our life like unfair,unfortunate accidents ,problems at work ,in ourmarriage and family as well as money_4_.A fine gentleman_5_discovered he was going to die in a short time of a serious sicknessthat had no cure. At first he was so upset , _6_and angry, feeling he d

11、idn t deservtoget thisterrible disease. But then he_7_that he really had only two choices. Number 1 :He could live therest of his short life by making life miserable for himself and his family. Or Number 2: He couldchoose to enjoy and be_8_for the remaining health and strength he still had ,and make

12、 the mostof each day by loving his family. So he chose for the_9_years of his life to be happy and makehis family happy.There are some things in life we simply cannot change or control ,like certain diseases,laws,the weather, and drivers on the road. We cannot_10 _other people s attitude toward, but

13、us wecan always control our own attitude !Our attitude every day_11_all the difference in the worldto our life. So no matter how bad things get, we still can choose to either let it make us_12_,or let it make us better.1 A.cheerC choose2 A.aimC apology3 A.benefitC live4 A.projectsC problems5 A.sudde

14、nlyC eventually6 A.depressedC fascinated7 A.recommendedC realized8 A.thankfulC dissatisfiedB concludeD considerB attitudeD admirationB comeD sufferB programsD incomeB fortunatelyD quicklyB dissatisfiedD encouragedB remindedD rememberedB regretfulD disappointed9 A.previousB happiestC remainingD later

15、10 A.controlB conductC completeD combine11A.createsB makesC bringsD causes12 A.lowerB higherC greaterD bitterBWhen Laura Wood ssenior year began,she was expecting to talkto the usual handful of members in the EnvironmentalClub of Scarborough. _13_, she found herself standing in front of 60 of her pe

16、ers.The year before Wood took over as _14_ , the new club was stilltryingto establish itself.As the firstmeeting approached, she worked hard to advertise that the club stillexisted and was lookingfor new members. Her campaign worked. Sixty_15_ showed up to hear what Wood had to say about helpingto i

17、mprove the local environment.“ Itwas exciting ,” said Wood. “ Ireally wasnexpecting 60 kids. You know ,becauselast year there were only 10. We want to help purchase Scarborough High School first_16_ mini- bus. ”Under Wood sdirection , the club suddenly started to grow _17_. Later, it openedup the gr

18、een bus bank account.With the club,Wood also collected cans and paper both to raise more money and tohelp the school reduce _18_. This wasn talways the easiest job. Wood didn just pickup recycling ;she searched it out,sometimes after ithad been mistakenlythrownaway. “We dbe a littlesmelly most of th

19、e time in the afternoons,” said Wood.Bythe end of the year they were _19_ about $60 a week by saving the cans andbottles.This is how Wood usually goes about starting change: quietlybut effectively.“ She sa _20_ kid ,”PrincipalAndrawDolloffsaid. “ Shejust doesn dot flashy( 招摇的 ) thingsto get noticed.

20、 ”13 A. ThereforeB InsteadC BesidesD Anyhow14 A. presidentB teacherC workerD employer15 A. studentsB expertsC professorsD cleaners16 A. cleanB greenC safeD fast17 A. mentallyB physicallyC politicallyD financially18 A. wasteB costC pressureD expense19 A. losingB averagingC countingD paying20 A. stran

21、geB sillyC lovelyD great答案基础落实 .1.F2. F3. T4. F5. T .1.hook;flush;scattergaze2.thermometer;resolution;workshop;tournament;ho;neymoon; guy; fisherman3look- alike ; fascinating ; icy .1.inhonourof2. outofsight3. go upto4. at thefootof5.keep from doing. .6. do good (to) . .7gaze at8. cryat .1.keepfrom2

22、.does goodto3.outofsight4.go up to5.gazed at .1.afraidof beingcaught2.keeponmaking3. of great help/veryhelpful 4.doyouthink5. notlongbefore . 1. D 2 D 3 B 4A 5A 6 B 7 D 8 B 9 D 10D .Ata workshopa medicalexpertintroducedthatiftakenaccordingtotheinstructions,thecapsule couldkillthe influenza germ and relieve the patientaches.Sofar , this isthemost effectivecurefor influenza.能力提升1C2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6A 7C 8 A 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 D13 B14 A15 A16 B17 D18 A19 B20 D


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