
上传人:罗晋 文档编号:8630904 上传时间:2020-12-08 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:64.87KB
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1、Healthy eating for teenagers青春期是人体发育成长的关键时期,健康的饮食对青少年的成长至关重要。Teenagers and dietTeenagersdiets should sustain (维持 ) growth and promote good health. Duringthis time, a number of physiological ( 生理学的 ) changes occur that affect nutritional(营养上的 ) needs, including rapid growth and considerable gains in

2、bone and muscle(especially in boys). This is also a time when teenagers begin to develop realindependence from their parents, including making decisions about the food they eat.Teenagers often choose food in response to other teenagerspressure or as an act to goagainst parents. Its not all bad news,

3、 as there are many opportunities to encouragehealthy eating habits in teenagers,particularly when relating good food choices tosporting or physical power. Ensure there are plenty of healthy choices available athome for healthy meals and snacks.Foods to chooseAdolescence is a time of rapid growth, an

4、d the primary diet need is for energy. Ideally, foods in the diet should be rich in energy and nutrients. So teenagers should be encouraged to choose a variety of foods from the basic food groups: Plenty of starchy carbohydrates (含淀粉的碳水化合物 ) bread, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals and potatoes. Plenty

5、 of fruit and vegetables at least five portions (份 ) every day.Two to three portions of dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese.Two servings of protein, such as meat, fish, eggs and beans. Not too many fatty foods. Limit sugar-rich food and drinks.Other important eating habits to follow du

6、ring adolescence include: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Eat regular meals, including breakfast, as it can provide necessary nutrients and improve concentration in the morning.Take regular exercise, which is important for fit-ness and cardiovascular 心(血管的 ) health, as well as bone development.


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