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1、.典范英语(4a-L5)教学参考Everyone Got Wet 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事情节;能根据提示复述主要故事情节;巩固字母组合“ck”的拼读规律;能简单地改写故事结局。2. 非语言能力目标:让学生了解“集雨桶”的用途,培养学生的节水意识;感受Kipper一家人在日常生活中的小乐趣。二、课时安排要求每周不少于两课时,每周至少完成一个故事。三、教师要

2、求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。3. 全英文授课。四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)。五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):讨论故事标题,猜测故事内容通过展示图片回顾已学故事情节,引出故事主题,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。(1)教师利用PPT展示几幅已学故事图片,与学生互动:Look at this picture.(展示1a-L8最后一幅图) Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet?Look

3、 at this picture. (展示1a-L20第二幅图)Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet?(2)展示本课故事标题,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Today, we are going to learn a similar story. Everyone got wet in the story. How did they get wet? Did they fall into the river? Did they have a water fight? Lets have a l

4、ook.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣。(Picture 1)It was a sunny day. The family were in the yard. Look. What is it? (指向图中的集雨桶)It is a water butt.What was wrong with the water butt? (BQ: Was it leaking?)The water

5、butt was leaking.(指向漏水处)“Oh, I have to mend it,” thought Dad.(Picture 2)Mum looked at the hose.(指向水龙带)What was wrong with the hose?The hose was leaking too.(指向图中漏水处)“Oh bother!” said Mum.(模仿妈妈的动作)Would Mum mend the hose?(Picture 3)Dad mended the water butt.He put a patch on it.(指向集雨桶上的补丁)Was it an e

6、asy job to mend the water butt?No. “What a tricky job!” said Dad.(Picture 4)Dad finished. But the water butt burst. All the water came out.Dad got wet.(指向Dad)(Picture 5)Now lets look at Mum. What did Mum do?Mum mended the hose. Chip helped.(指向Chip)Mum put a patch on it.(指向水龙带上的补丁)“What a tricky job!

7、” said Mum.(Picture 6)Mum put the hose on the tap.She turned on the tap. But the top of the tap came off.(指向图中飞散的水龙头)Oh, no! Mum got very wet.(Picture 7)Dad got a new water butt. He put it on the bricks.Look. What did Dad do?Dad got the hose. He filled up the water butt.(指向Dad)(Picture 8)Suddenly, i

8、t fell over. The water poured out.(动作演示)Dad got wet again.Why did the water butt fall over? (引导学生观察后回答)(Picture 9)Mum wanted to water the roses. But the hose was not long enough.What did Mum do?Mum got a new hose. She joined it to the old hose.(动作演示jointo)(Picture 10)Kipper wanted to help. He turned

9、 the tap on.(教师模仿Kipper做出拧开水龙头的动作)But Mum hadnt finished yet.Mum got wet again.Poor old Mum!(Picture 11)The children wanted to play with water.They got the paddling pool and put it on the grass.(指向图中的充气水池)Dad got the new hose to fill up the paddling pool. Biff turned on the tap.(动作演示)(Picture 12)But

10、 no water came out of the hose.Dad looked down the hose.(动作演示looked down)What was the problem?Look at the patch.(指向水龙带的补丁)It got bigger and bigger.Can you guess what would happen?(Picture 13)POP! The hose burst.The children got wet.教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。3.

11、听录音模仿(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调听录音模仿时,录音是什么音什么调,就让学生模仿成什么音什么调,注意模仿Mum和Dad说话时的不同语气。 (1)放录音,让学生完整地听一遍故事,整体输入,不需停顿。(2)放录音,全班学生齐声模仿一遍。要求学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生大胆开口,读出戏剧化效果,读出感情。(3)请学生重点模仿图2、3、5、10、12,注意Mum和Dad说话时的不同语气。4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并学会绘声绘色地独立朗读故事通过多种形式的朗读,让学生能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事,培养学生有感情朗

12、读故事的习惯,练就扎实的语言基本功。(1)分组比赛朗读。将学生分成几个小组,每组读3-4幅图,比比哪组读得好。(2)朗读接龙。请几名学生接龙朗读故事,每人读一幅图。朗读过程中,教师要对朗读困难或有问题的学生给予指导和示范。5. 检查理解(Story Comprehension):梳理故事情节,回顾故事内容 通过回答问题和补全句子,引导学生回顾故事内容,梳理故事情节。(1)教师提问,请学生抢答。之后,教师用PPT展示五条故事线索(图片)。问题如下:Who got wet first? (Dad got wet.)Who got wet next? (Mum got wet.)Then, who

13、got wet? (Dad got wet again.)Then, who got wet? (Mum got wet again.)Who got wet last? (The children got wet.)(2)教师继续提问,并利用PPT展示相关图片,请学生口头补全句子。(见课件)How did Dad get wet? (展示图1、3、4)How did Mum get wet? (展示图2、5、6)How did Dad get wet again? (展示图7、8)How did Mum get wet again? (展示图9、10)How did the children

14、 get wet? (展示图11、13)6. 复述(Retelling):根据图片和关键词复述故事承接上一个环节,教师在PPT上只保留图片及相应的关键词,请学生复述故事。(1)全班一起复述故事。(2)两人一组练习复述,然后请5组接龙复述。教师根据情况给予及时的帮助和指导。7. 讨论(Discussion):了解“集雨桶”的用处,培养节水意识(可选)(1)教师提出问题让学生分组讨论。问题可参考:What can we do with the water butt? Can we save water in this way?What else can we do to save water?(2

15、)讨论结束后,请小组代表展示讨论结果。同时,鼓励更多学生大胆发表个人看法。8. 拼读练习(Practising Phonics):培养拼读意识,复习字母组合“ck”的拼读规律 (1)让学生找出故事中含有字母组合“ck”的单词:tricky/brick,并说出“ck”的发音。(2)教师朗读以下单词:got/wet/bother/back/pack/chick/join/truck/tap/neck/knock,让学生将含有“ck”的单词写在练习本上。9. 家庭作业(Homework)(1)反复模仿录音,熟读故事。(2)发挥想象力改编故事结局(不少于4句话)。六、教师自我反思1. 教学理念是否体现

16、了“以意义为核心”、“整进整出”的教学理念;是否将整体教学、启发式教学、拼读教学等方法贯穿于课堂教学之中。2. 教学目标是否实现了本课所提出的语言能力和非语言能力等目标,如:学生是否能读懂故事情节;是否能用标准的语音语调独立朗读故事;是否能复述主要故事情节;是否体会到Kipper一家人都被水弄湿后的心情。3. 课堂操作(1)提问教师设置的问题是否符合学生水平;问题是否具有引导性;讨论环节的问题能否引起学生的兴趣。(2)听学生是否真正听懂了教师的问题和指令,并做出正确的反应;教师是否认真倾听了学生的反馈;是否发现了学生在朗读与表达过程中出现的问题(如:不同的人说话时的不同语气)。(3)说教师说得多还是学生说得多;教师是否给了学生表达的机会;是否敢于在小组讨论中表达自己的观点。(4)思考课堂环节衔接是否流畅;教师语言是否易于理解;课堂活动的组织是否有序;讨论是否具有启发性;下一次课堂设计需要在哪些方面提高。精品


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