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1、.2015.06【1】Passage OneWhen the right person is holding the right job at the right moment, that persons influence is greatly expanded. That is the position in which Janet Yellen, who is expected to be confirmed as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank (FeD. in January, now finds herself. If you

2、believe, as many do, that unemployment is the major economic and social concern of our day, then it is no stretch to think Yellen is the most powerful person in the world right now.56. What do many people think is the biggest problem facing Janet Yellen?【C】A. Lack of money. B. Subprime crisis. C. Un

3、employment. D. Social instability.57. What did Yellen help the Fed do to tackle the 2008 financial crisis?【D】A. Take effective measures to curb inflation.B. Deflate the bubbles in the American economy.C. Formulate policies to help financial institutions.D. Pour money into the market through asset bu

4、ying.58. What is a greater concern of the general public?【B】A.Recession. B. Deflation. C. Inequality. D. Income.59. What is Yellen likely to do in her position as the Fed chief?【C】A. Develop a new monetary program. B. Restore public confidence. C. Tighten financial regulation. D. Reform the credit s

5、ystem.60. How does Alan Blinder portray Yellen?【A】A. She possesses strong persuasive power. B. She has confidence in what she is doing.C. She is one of the worlds greatest economists. D. She is the most powerful Fed chief in history.Passage Two Air pollution is deteriorating in many places around th

6、e world. The fact that public parks in cities become crowded as soon as the sun shines proves that people long to breathe in green, open spaces. They do not all know what they are seeking but they flock there, nevertheless. And, in these surroundings, they are generally both peaceful and peaceable.

7、It is rare to see people fighting in a garden. Perhaps struggle unfolds first, not at an economic or social level, but over the appropriation of air, essential to life itself.61. What does the author assume might be the primary reason that people would struggle with each other【A】A. To get their shar

8、e of clean air. B. To pursue a comfortable life. C. To gain a higher social status. D. To seek economic benefits.62. What does the author accuse western politicians of?【D】A. Depriving common people of the right to clean air.B. Giving priority to theory rather than practical action.C. Offering prefer

9、ential treatment to wealthy countries.D. Failing to pass laws to curb environmental pollution.63. What does the author try to draw our closest attention to?【B】A. The massive burning of fossil fuels.B. Our relationship to the plant world.C. The capacity of plants to renew polluted air.D. Large-scale

10、deforestation across the world.64. How can human beings accomplish the goal of protecting the planet according to the a?【D】A. By showing respect for plants. B. By preserving all forms of life. C. By tapping all natural resources. D. By pooling their efforts together.65. What does the author suggest

11、we do in order not just to survive?【C】A. Expand the sphere of living. B. Develop natures potentials. C. Share life with nature. D. Allocate the resources.2015.06【2】Passage OneIll admit Ive never quite understood the obsession (难以破除的成见 ) surrounding genetically modified (GM) crops. 56. How do environ

12、mentalist opponents view GM foods according to the passage?【B】A. They will eventually ruin agriculture and the environment. B. They are used by big businesses to monopolize agriculture. C. They have proved potentially harmful to consumers health. D. They pose a tremendous threat to current farming p

13、ractice.57. What does the author say is vital to solving the controversy between the two sides of the debate? 【D】A. Breaking the GM food monopoly. B. More friendly exchange of ideas. C. Regulating GM food production. D. More scientific research on GM crops.58. What is the main point of the Nature ar

14、ticles? 【A】A. Feeding the growing population makes it imperative to develop GM crops. B. Popularizing GM technology will help it to live up to its initial promises. C. Measures should be taken to ensure the safety of GM foods.D. Both supporters and opponents should make compromises.59. What is the a

15、uthors view on the solution to agricultural problems? 【D】A. It has to depend more and more on GM technology.B. It is vital to the sustainable development of human society.C. GM crops should be allowed until better alternatives are found.D. Whatever is useful to boost farming efficiency should be enc

16、ouraged.60.What does the author think of the ongoing debate around GM crops? 【C】 A. It arises out of ignorance of and prejudice against new science.B. It distracts the public attention from other key issues of the world.C. Efforts spent on it should be turned to more urgent issues of agriculture. D.

17、 Neither side is likely to give in until more convincing evidence is found. Passage Two Early decision-you apply to one school, and admission is binding-seems like a great choice for nervous applicants. 61. What are students obliged to do under early decision? 【B】A. Look into a lot of schools before

18、 they apply. B. Attend the school once they are admitted.C. Think twice before they accept the offer. D. Consult the current students and alumni.62. Why do schools offer early decision? 【A】A. To make sure they get qualified students. B. To avoid competition with other colleges. C. To provide more op

19、portunities for applicants.D. To save students the agony of choosing a school.63. What is said to be the problem with early decision for students? 【C】A. It makes their application process more complicated.B. It places too high a demand on their research ability.C. It allows them little time to make

20、informed decisions. D. It exerts much more psychological pressure on them.64. Why are some people opposed to early decision? 【D】A. It interferes with students learning in high school. B. It is biased against students at ordinary high schools. C. It causes unnecessary confusion among college applican

21、ts.D. It places students from lower-income families at a disadvantage.65. What does the author advise college applicants to do? 【B】A. Refrain from competing with students from privileged families. B. Avoid choosing early decision unless they are fully prepared.C. Find sufficient information about th

22、eir favorite schools. D. Look beyond the few supposedly thrilling options.2015.06【3】Passage One The report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was just as gloomy as anticipatedUnemployment in January jumped to a l6一year high of 76 percent,as 598 000 jobs were slashed from US payrolls in the worst si

23、ngle-month decline since December,1974With l8 million iobs lost in the last three months there is urgent desire to boost the economy as quickly as possibleBut Washington would do well to take a deep breath before reacting to the grim numbers56What d0 we learn from the first paragraph?【A】A.1me US eco

24、nomic situation is going from bad to worseB.Washington is taking drastic measures to provide more jobsC.111e US government is slashing more jobs from its payrolls D.The recent economic crisis has taken the US by surprise57、hat does the author think of the unemployment figures and other statistics? 【

25、D】A.They form a solid basis for policy makin9 B.They represent the current situation C.They signal future economic trend D.They do not fully reflect the reality58One problem with the payroll survey is that_【B】A.it does not include all the businesses B.it fails to count in the selfemployed C.it magni

26、fies the number of the jobless D.it does not treat all companies equally59111e household survey can be faulty in that_【C】A)people tend to lie when talking on the phone B.not everybody is willing or ready to respond C.some people wont provide truthful information D.the definition of unemployment is t

27、oo broad60At the end of the passage,the author suggests that_【B】A.statisticians improve their data assembling methods B.decision makers view the statistics with a critical eye C.politicians listen more before making policy decisions D.Democrats and Republicans cooperate on crucial issues Passage Two

28、 At some point in 2008,someone,probably in either Asia or Africa,made the decision to move from the countryside to the cityThis nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold,for it was in that year that mankind became,for the first time in its history,a predominantly urban species6

29、1In what way is the year 2008 historic? 【A】A.For the first time in history,urban people outnumbered rural people B.An influential figure decided to move from the countryside to the city C.It is in this year that urbanisation made a start in Asia and AfricaD.The population increase in cities reached

30、a new peak in Asia and Africa62What does the author say about urbanisation? 【B】A.Its impact is not easy to predict B.Its process will not slow downC.It is a milestone in human progressD.It aggravates the squalor of cities63How does the author comment on Peter Smiths new book? 【D】A.It is but an ordin

31、ary coffeetable book B.It is flavoured with humourous stories C.It serves as a guide to arts and commerce D.It is written in a lively and interesting style64What does the author say in the chapter on skyscrapers? 【D】A.The automatic lift is indispensable in skyscrapersB.People enjoy living in skyscra

32、pers with a viewC.Skyscrapers are a sure sign of a citys prosperity D.Recession closely follows a skyscraper boom65What may be one criticism of MrSmiths book?【C】 A)It does not really touch on anything serious B.It is too long for people to read from cover to coverC.It does not deal with any aspect o

33、f city life in depth D.It fails to provide sound advice to city dwellers2014.12【1】Passage OneInternational governments inaction concerning sustainable development is clearly worrying but the proactive (主动出击的) approaches of some leading-edge companies are encouraging. Toyota, Wal-Mart, DuPont, M&S an

34、d General Electric have made tackling environmental wastes a key economic driver. 56.What does the author say about some leading-edge companies? 【B】A. They operate in accordance with government policies.B. They take initiatives in handling environmental wastes.C. They are key drivers in their nation

35、s economic growth.D. They are major contributors to environmental problems.57.What motivates Toyota and Wal-Mart to make commitments to environmental protection? 【C】A. The goodness of their hearts. B. A strong sense of responsibility.C. The desire to generate profits. D. Pressure from environmentali

36、sts.58.Why are so many companies reluctant to create an environment-friendly business system? 【C】A. They are bent on making quick money.B. They do not have the capital for the investment.C. They believe building such a system is too costly.D. They lack the incentive to change business practices.59.W

37、hat is said about the lean and green model of business? 【A】A. It helps businesses to save and gain at the same time.B. It is affordable only for a few leading-edge companies.C. It is likely to start a new round of intense competition.D. It will take a long time for all companies to embrace it.60.Wha

38、t is the finding of the studies about companies committed to environmental goals? 【B】A. They have greatly enhanced their sense of social responsibility.B. They do much better than their counterparts in terms of revenues.C. They have abandoned all the outdated equipment and technology.D. They make gr

39、eater contributions to human progress than their rivals.Passage TwoIf you asked me to describe the rising philosophy of the day, Id say it is data-ism. We now have the ability to gather huge amounts of data. This ability seems to carry with it certain cultural assumptions that everything that can be

40、 measured should be measured; that data is a transparent and reliable lens that allows us to filter out emotionalism and ideology; that data will help us do remarkable things like foretell the future. 61.What do data-ists assume they can do? 【D】A. Transform peoples cultural identity. B. Change the w

41、ay future events unfold.C. Get a firm grip on the most important issues.D. Eliminate emotional and ideological bias.62.What do people running for political office think they can do? 【B】A. Use data analysis to predict the election result.B. Win the election if they can raise enough funds.C. Manipulat

42、e public opinion with favorable data.D. Increase the chances of winning by foul means.63.Why do many teachers favor the idea of tailoring their presentations to different students? 【C】A. They think students prefer flexible teaching methods.B. They will be able to try different approaches.C. They bel

43、ieve students learning styles vary.D. They can accommodate students with special needs.64.What does James Pennebaker reveal in The Secret Life of Pronouns? 【D】A. The importance of using pronouns properly.B. Repeated use of first-person pronouns by self-centered people.C. Frequent use of pronouns and

44、 future tense by young people.D. A pattern in confident peoples use of pronouns.65.Why is the author skeptical of the data revolution? 【C】A. Data may not be easily accessible.B. Errors may occur with large data samples.C. Data cannot always do what we imagine it can.D. Some data may turn out to be o

45、utdated.2014.12【2】Passage OneNothing succeeds in business books like the study of success. The current business-book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with In Search of Excellence. The trend has continued with a succession of experts and would-be experts who promise to dist

46、il the essenceof excellence into three (or five or seven) simple rules.56.What kind of business books are most likely to sell well?【A】A. Books on excellence. B. Guides to management.C. Books on business rules. D. Analyses of market trends.57.What does the author imply about books on success so far?【C】A. They help businessmen one way or another.B. They are written by well-recognised experts.C. They more or less fall into the same stereotype.D. They are based on analyses of corporate leaders.58.How does The Three Rules differ from other success books according to the passage? 【B】A. It fo


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