B4_Franklin and the Computer小乌龟学美语文本.doc

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1、.Franklin and the Computer富兰克林和计算机真想知道那是什么样的?I wonder what its like?我是个游戏高手。Im really good at games.我知道我在做什么。I know what Im doing.海狸,能让我玩一会儿吗?Beaver, can I have a turn?来吧,富兰克林,我们一起玩羽毛球吧。Come on Franklin, lets play badminton.嘿,富兰克林,你要去哪?Hey, Franklin, what are you going?你想等她吗?Do you want to wait for

2、her?做朋友是更重要的。Being friends is more important.Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes.富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。He know lots of games and all of their rules.他会玩很多游戏,了解每一个游戏的规则。But one day, Franklin learned that friendship is more important than winning a game.但是,有一天,富兰克林懂得了友谊很重要。比起赢得一场游戏来,重要得多。A

3、 new computer game?一个新的电脑游戏?What did you get it?什么时候得到的?Yesterday, and Im already good at it.昨天,而且现在我已经玩得很好了。Did you hear that Bear?小熊,你听到了吗?What?什么?Beaver has a new computer game.海狸有一个新的电脑游戏。Your turn.该你走了。I wonder what its like?真想知道那是个什么游戏?Your turn, Franklin.该你了,富兰克林。I wonder if its an adventure

4、game.是冒险游戏吗?Huh ?!啊?Hey ,what about our game?嘿!咱们的棋还下不下了?Take my next turn for me, will you, Bear?帮我走下一步棋,好吗,小熊?Whats your new game like, Beaver?海狸,你的新游戏什么样啊?Its about building dams, so its very educational. 是关于修水坝的,所以很有教育性噢!Shes already scored five hundred points!她已经积了五百分了。Five-hundred and forty, a

5、ctually.实际上,是五百四十分。Thats great. 太棒了。Ill have to play it sometime.我得找个时间玩玩。Im really good at games.我真的很擅长打游戏。Why are you putting away the game, Bear?你怎么把棋收起来了呢?小熊?I took your turn for you,and you won.我替你下了一步棋,你赢了。See?看见了吧?I told you. Im really good at games.我告诉过你的,我很擅长打游戏。Bye! 再见!See ya!回头见!Bye!回见!Se

6、e you tomorrow!明儿见!So what are we going to do, Franklin?现在我们做什么呢?富兰克林?Uhyou mean now?啊你说现在?Yeah.是啊。We always do things after school.放学后,我们不是都做点什么吗?Gee Bear, I have to do something else right now.哎呀,小熊,我现在必须得做一件事。Maybe after supper. Okay ?也许吃完晚饭后再和你玩儿。好吗?Yeah, okay.好吧!See you later Bear.再见小熊!Hi , Fra

7、nklin.你好,富兰克林。Wheres Bear?小熊在哪儿?Oh-he went home.噢,他回家了。Do you want to play baseball with me?你想和我玩棒球吗?Actually Im going to play on my computer.可实际上,我正打算去玩儿电脑游戏呢。What are you going to play?玩什么游戏?Dambuilders. You have to swim around all kinds of hazards and chew down tree and水坝修筑者。你必须得安全地游过各种水里的危险,把树咬断

8、,然后Aw , that sounds great!哇,听起来可真棒!Can I see?我可以看看吗?Well, I guess you could watch me嗯,我想你可以看我玩But you have to be quiet because it takes a lot of concentration.但是你必须保持安静,因为打游戏需要全神贯注。Dont worry about me Beaver, Im really good at being quiet.别担心,海狸,我最擅长保持沉默了。Trouble bubbles, Beaver!海狸,有危险的泡泡!Watch out!

9、小心!Franklin, I told you, dont touch the computer screen.富兰克林,我告诉过你,别摸电脑屏幕。Oops.哎呀!Sorry.对不起。I didnt want you to get trapped.我只是不想让你陷入困境。I know what Im doing.我知道我在做什么。Im almost at level two.就快打到第二关了。Look out.小心。Dont go that way.别那样走。No problem.没问题。You should have gone that way. Its be faster.你应该走那边,会

10、更快一些的。No, it wouldnt.不会的。Id get stuck in the weeds.我会被堵在海草中的。Look out for the小心那个Oh nobarrel trap.噢,不大桶陷井?Game over.游戏结束。Oh, wellI almost got to level two.噢,这个都快打到第二关了。Yeah.是啊。Um, Beaver-can I have a turn?嗯,海狸,我可以打一局吗?Just a little one?就一小会儿?Well, it is about beavers and dam building so you might fi

11、nd it kind of difficult.嗯,是关于海狸和水坝建筑的,你也许会觉得有点儿难。I like games that are hard.我喜欢打有难度的游戏。Okay.好吧!Great!太棒了!Yes, yes, yes.打!打!打!Round the corner of Cattail Creek.绕过卡塔伊小溪的拐角。Franklin are you almostAlmost out of the bulrushes? 富兰克林,你是不是快没有芦苇了?Yes I am And the dam is wide openA little furtherA little furt

12、her.是的,没错。而且,水坝有一个大裂痕再往前走点儿Yes! 真棒!I beat level one!我闯过第一关!What do you think of that beaver?!怎么样,海狸?Great.不错。Lets see who can beat level two first.咱们看看谁能率先闯过第二关。Franklin, your mother called.富兰克林,你妈妈打电话过来了。She wants you to go home for supper.她叫你回家吃晚饭。Aww. We were having so much fun.唉我们玩得正高兴呢。You live

13、 across the pond, not across the ocean.你不是就住在池塘对面吗?又不是住在大洋对面。You can always come again after supper.有空再过来,比如吃过晚饭。Youre right!有道理!See you later, Beaver.一会儿见,海狸。Bye.再见。Ill never get to level two if I have to wait for Franklin.我永远也打不到第二关了,如果得等富兰克林的话。Uh oh, trouble bubbles in the big pond.噢,出现了危险泡泡,在大池塘

14、里。Better take a shortcut through Cattail Creek.最好抄近路穿过卡塔伊小溪。Ahhhh!啊!A fallen tree.树倒了。Ive got to get around it.我得绕过它。I think its time to eat your breakfast, instead of playing Dam Busters in it.我觉得你该吃早饭了,别玩什么筑坝小子了。Dam Builders, Mom.是水坝建筑者,妈妈!Do you know Ive almost beaten level three?知道吗?我都快闯过第三关了。Th

15、ats quite an accomplishmentI guess.这个成就可不小是吧。Oh it is!当然了。I scored more bonus points than Beaver.我的分很高,比海狸还多!And she gets more time to play than I do.可是她玩儿的时间还比我多呢。Do you think youre spending too much time playing that game?你有没有觉得你在那游戏上花的时间太多了?Youve been over there every day this week.你总是过去玩,这星期天天如此

16、。Its fun.可是很有趣啊!Yes, and so are swimming and soccer and riding your bike.是啊,游泳,踢足球,骑车也很好玩儿啊!Yeah, I should ride my bike today.是啊,我今天该骑骑我的车了。Awww唉!Yes!好!Eight hundred points!八百分喽!Well, youre up bright and early today.你今天起这么大早啊?Good morning Mrs.Beaver.早上好,海狸夫人。Here I am.我来了。Come on Franklin, lets play

17、 badminton.富兰克林,快来玩儿羽毛球。Oh, now that sounds like a nice idea.这主意听起来不错!Its such a lovely day.天气多好啊!Badminton?羽毛球?Yeah okay.好吧!I got the trees to fall right on top of a barrel trap, and at Level Four you have to get around the whirlpools and the我让一棵树正好倒在大桶机关的上面,然后在第四关里,你必须绕过那些漩涡和Franklinhit the birdie

18、!富兰克林,打羽毛球儿!Do you want to keep playing this, or do you feel like doing something else now?你是想继续玩羽毛球呢,还是玩点别的?Like what?比如玩什么?HmmmmI dont know.嗯我不知道。Maybe play Dam-Builders?比如水坝建筑者?I dont feel like it,Franklin.富兰克林,我不想玩儿。Id rather play outside.我宁愿在室外玩一会儿。Why dont we finish this game?还是先打完这局羽毛球吧!Oh I

19、forgot!哦,我忘记了!I promised my Mom Id pick some berries for lunch.我答应妈妈采点儿浆果作午餐。I have to go.我得走了。See you later, Beaver.回头见,海狸。See you later, Franklin.回见,富兰克林。Hey, Franklin.嘿!富兰克林。Where are you going?你去哪儿?Im just going over to Beavers.我去海狸家。How come you dont play with me anymore?你怎么不跟我玩儿了?I do.没有啊。I pl

20、ayed with you a couple of days ago.几天前还和你玩儿呢!就在前几天。Its been longer than that.可不只是几天前了。Im sorry, Bear.对不起,小熊。I just want to beat level four in Dam-builders, then we can play.我只是想闯过第四关,然后咱们就可以一起玩儿了。Will that take a long time?需要很长时间吗?Not when youre as good as I am!如果打得和我一样好,就不需要。Maybe today?也许今天就可以?Ill

21、 try.我试试吧!See you later,Bear.那么回头儿见,小熊!I hope so.希望如此吧!Hi, Mrs.Beaver.你好,海狸夫人!Hello Franklin.你好,富兰克林!Beaver isnt here.海狸不在家。Shes running an errand for me.她去为我跑腿去了。Oh. 哦。She shouldnt be long.她很快就会回来。Do you want to wait for her?你想等等她吗?Sure. 好的。Ill wait.我等等吧!Would you like to play a game on the compute

22、r?你想玩儿游戏吗?玩个电脑游戏?Thatd be great!那太好了。You know where it is.你知道在哪儿的。Thanks, Mrs.Braver!谢谢你,海狸夫人。Huh?啊?Yeafifty points to go.耶!还有55分。Franklin!?富兰克林!?What are you doing?你在干嘛?Hey,Beaver,guess what?!嗨!海狸,你猜怎么着?Ive almost beaten level four!我快打过第四关了。Turn it off, Franklin.富兰克林,把电脑关上。What?!什么?!I said turn it

23、off.我说,把电脑关上。But Beaver, Im past the whirlpools.可是海狸,我已经过了漩涡了呀!Look.你看。What are you doing?你干什么!What am I doing ?我在干什么?What are you doing, playing on my computer when Im not even here?你在干什么,在我的电脑上玩儿游戏,在我不在的时候?Butbut your mom said I could.可是可是,你妈妈说我可以玩儿呀!Are you mad because my score is higher than you

24、rs?你生气是不是因为我的分比你的高?No. Im mad because youre not my friend anymore!不是。我生气是因为你已经不再是我的朋友了!Why?为什么?What did I do?我做了什么?You dont want to play with me, all you want to do is play with my computer.你不想和我玩儿,就想着玩儿我的电脑。Thats not being a friend.这可不是朋友做的是事儿!Gee, Im sorry, Beaver.天哪,对不起,海狸。I didnt mean to make yo

25、u feel bad.我没想伤你的心。Well, you did.可是,你就是这么做的!How would you feel if I only came to your house to ride your scooter?你想想,如果我到你家只是想骑骑你的小摩托车,你感觉如何?Not very good不怎么样And who cares about Dam-builders?谁在乎什么水坝建筑者呀!Being friends is more important.朋友才是更重要的。Yeah.是啊。Youre right Beaver.海狸,你说得没错。And keeping friend i

26、s more important too.保持友谊也一样更重要。Do you want to play something outside?你想到外面玩儿吗?Sure. Its too nice out to be in here.当然。在外面玩儿要比在这儿强多了。Yeah, come on, lets go.好吧,咱们走吧!Ive got it!我拿到了!Okay, who wants it?好,谁想要!I want it!我想!I do!我!Catch!抓住!Nice one!这球传得不错!Gee, am I ever glad it didnt take you all day to b

27、eat level four of that computer game.老天,我真高兴你没有花一天的时间来闯第四关。就是那个游戏的第四关。He didnt beat level four.他没闯过第四关。AwwwYou didnt?啊你没闯过?No.没有。I decided that there are more important things than Dam-builders.我觉得还有一些事情比水坝建筑者更重要。Like playing soccer?比如踢足球?Yeah.是啊。Like playing soccer with my best friends.比如踢足球。和最好的朋友踢足球。 精品


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